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March 2010

Event date Title Contact person City Status
01.03.2010 - 14:00 Meeting on Further Development of WebPortal and Info on Managing River Commissions Philip_Weller Bratislava, Slovakia Confirmed
08.03.2010 - 09:00 - 09.03.2010 - 14:00 5th Econ TG Mtg Mihaela_Popovici Bratislava, Slovakia Confirmed
09.03.2010 (All day) - 10.03.2010 (All day) Joint Statement Meeting Philip_Weller Zagreb, Croatia Confirmed
11.03.2010 - 09:00 - 12.03.2010 - 15:00 10th GW TG meeting Igor_Liska Regensburg, Germany Confirmed
15.03.2010 (All day) Preparatory Meeting - Future Development of the ICPDR Philip_Weller Confirmed
18.03.2010 (All day) - 19.03.2010 (All day) 11th MA EG meeting Igor_Liska Prague, Czech Republic Confirmed
18.03.2010 (All day) EBU Annual Seminar "The Future of Transport - The Role of Inland Navigation within the New White Paper" Brussels, Belgium Confirmed
25.03.2010 (All day) - 26.03.2010 (All day) Fourth Consultation for Points of Contact for the Purpose of Accident Notification and Mutual Assistance designed with the UNECE Industrial Accident Notification System Zagreb, Croatia Confirmed
25.03.2010 - 09:00 - 26.03.2010 - 14:00 12th P&M EG Mtg Mihaela_Popovici Landshut, Germany Confirmed