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The Governments of Montenegro and Albania have received a grant from the Global Environment Facility, totaling approximately US$ 4, 55 million, to finance the Lake Skadar/Shkodra Integrated Ecosystem Management Project. The Montenegrin Ministry of Tourism and Sustainable Development  and the Albanian Ministry of Environment, Forests and Water Administration, in coordination with partners in sectoral Ministries, local governments, and universities etc, have the overall responsibility for the project implementation.

Project Objectives are: to maintain and enhance the long-term value and environmental services of Lake Skadar-Shkoder and its natural resources, to help establish and strengthen institutional mechanisms for transboundary cooperation, to improve sustainable management of Lake Skadar-Shkoder


Pictures and Video from signing of the 4 technical Agreements (20.12.2012) on the final Workshop

final workshopfinal workshop 2Potpisivanje pravo

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