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SAP Meetings -- Zambia
Date:Event | Location:Accomplishments:
18-19.12.97National Coordinators Mtg.
Lusaka, Zambia
Introduction; proposed timetable and consultation process agreed.
EnObjectives of the First National Working Group Planning Mtg.
27-28.04.98Zambia National Working Group Planning Mtg.
Lusaka, Zambia
Agreed membership for the National Working Group SAP Consultation Process, agreed on subjects and authors for background materials, agreed on dates and venues.
EnObjectives of the National Working Group Planning Mtg - [16K]
EnMinutes of the National Working Group Planning Mtg. - [24K]
EnConclusions of the National Working Group Planning Mtg; Preparation for the National Sectoral Problem Review and the National Environmental Priorities and Strategies Review - [32K]
29.06 - 03.07.98Zambia National Sectoral Problem Review
Lusaka, Zambia
Defined main problem areas, identified specific problems and proposed sets of specific actions. Agreed authors and subjects for second national meeting.
EnNational Sectoral Problem Review: Objectives, Background, and Guidelines - [36K]
EnConclusions of the National Sectoral Problem Review - Guidelines for the National Environmental Strategies and Priorities Review - [64K]
31.08 - 04.09.98Zambia National Environmental Priorities and Strategies Review
Lusaka, Zambia
To be announced.
EnConclusions of the National Consultation Process - [108K]
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