Mission on Decision Support Tools (DST)
for Manure Management Technologies Selection and Policy Development,
18-27 June 2008
FAO mission team included of Mr. Henning
Steinfeld, Mr. Colin Burton, Mr. Harald Menzi, Mr. Peter Thorne, Mr. Ge
Backus and Ms Nawarat Chalermpao visited Bangkok, Guangzhou and Hanoi
during 18-27 June 2008 to undertake in-country manure management DST
meeting, and de-briefing session to Project Management Office (PMO) on
manure management and policy DST. The mission aims to present the
progress and receive feedback on computer based software package for
manure management DST from PMO and related officers, to debrief local
PMO on the policy development workshop held in Bangkok on 17-19 June
2008, to meet with manure management DST national counterparts; and to
coordinate with the PMO on the preparation of policy development
The mission team received feedback from local PMO and experts, which
will be used for develop the user-friendly and practical DST for the
here for presentations and more information on the mission,
Policy Development Workshop - Support
to Environmental Policy DST, 17-19 June 2008
The RFO organized the regional workshop
on policy development in Bangkok, Thailand, between 17 and 19 June
2008. The primary objective of the workshop was to support LWMEA
country teams by providing an ad-hoc support to the country teams by
jointly analyzing the issues and options they face in implementing the
policy development component. The workshop allowed cross-country
exchanges and progress monitoring. It also aimed at moving towards the
preparation of a consolidated Decision Support Tool for environmental
policy development.

The workshop comes up with 3 main
activities for the policy development DST: compendium of policy
development and implementation, cost of compliance simulation model
(CoSiMo), and spatial planning plan and zoning for licensing of new
operation unit in the location that is potential to absorb waste.
here for presentations and more information on the workshop,
Thailand - Replication Strategy
Development Workshops and Meetings, 8, 13, and 15 May 2008
Thai PMO arranged the series of
workshops on replication strategy in 3 provinces: Rachaburi, Cholburi,
and Nakorn Rachasrima on 8, 13, and 15 May 2008 to receive comments
from stakeholders on the drafted replication strategy. The draft
strategy will be amended and presented at the final workshop in
Most farmers admitted that the most
influential incentive is potential income generation from the treatment
facilities, i.e., biogas, fertilizer, CDM and etc. They complained on
the lack of capital and insufficient information on environmental
friendly practices. They requested contributions and subsidies from the
government or from the privet sector for constructing waste treatment
facilities. They need assistance in technologies for pig manure
application on agricultural lands and nutrient management. Tambon
Administrative Office (TAO) has no capacity in environmental
assessment. The new farm setting is approved without environmental
assessment. Municipality office and Pollution Control Department (PCD)
offered assistance. However, due to the limited human resources, they
cannot fully meet the requirements.

DLD also has discussed with the college
and the university in the provinces to develop training partners
networking and knowledge management center which is very useful
Series of Code of Practice (COP)
workshops and stakeholders meetings will be further arranged by
IUCN-GEF IW-Learn workshop on Designing
Payment Schemes for Ecosystem Services, 3-5 April 2008
Payment for Environmental Services or
Ecosystem Services (PES) is an economic tool used for promoting the
delivery of environmental services in agriculture, such as managing and
restoring river basins or preserving coastal and marine environments.
It is a mechanism for sustainable financing of natural resource and
environmental management.
The World Conservation Union (IUCN) in
collaboration with Global Environmental Facility (GEF) - International
Water Learning Exchange and Resource Network. (IW LEARN) and the World
Bank arranged the 3-day regional workshop on designing payment schemes
for ecosystem service in Hanoi, Vietnam from 3-5 April 2008. The
objectives of the workshop are to build the capacities in designing PES
scheme and to provide knowledge on background and concept of PES,
environmental service valuation, PES project management and financial
here for more information on PES workshop,