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Reference materials listed here contain sectoral guidelines for shipping, fishing and tourism, general information on marine litter including legal aspects, public education, marine litter monitoring and port reception facilities.



Title of the reference


Sectoral guidelines
































Shipping operators, marinas (and also related to fishing activities)

Ohio Clean Marinas Programme: Best Management Practice Guidebook, 2006, Ohio State University

2.67 MB

Ohio Clean Marinas Programme (Leaflet), Ohio State University

341 KB

Ohio Clean Marinas Checklist, Ohio State University

130 KB

Connecticut Clean Marina Guidebook, 2002, Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection

1.56 MB

California Clean Marina Toolkit: A Resources for Environmentally Sound Marina Management and Operation, 2004, California Coastal Commission

1.12 MB

Clean Texas Marina Checklist, Texas Commission on Environmental Quality

53 KB

Shipshape Shores and Waters: A Handbook for Marina Operators and Recreational Boaters, 2003, US Environmental Protection Agency (also visit for more general information)


US National Marine Debris Monitoring Programme webpage

Progress Made to Reduce Marine Pollution by Cruise  Ships, but Important Issues Remain, 2000, US General Accounting Office


National Management Measures Guidance to Control Nonpoint Source Pollution from Marinas and Recreational  Boating, 2001, US Environmental Protection Agency


Fishing Gear

Protecting Your Fishing Waters (Leaflet), Sea Grant

416 Kb

Finding Solutions: Derelict Fishing Gear and Other Marine Debris in Northern Australia, 2003, Australia National Ocean Office and Department of the Environment and Heritage

7.99 Mb

Derelict Fishing Gear Removal Project, Puget Sound Action Team

51 KB

Derelict Fishing Gear Removal Project (Leaflet), Puget Sound Action Team

3.2 MB

Derelict Fishing Gear Removal Project (Poster), Puget Sound Action Team

580 KB

Recycling and solid waste management

Plastic Pellets in the Aquatic Environment: Sources and Recommendations, 1992, US Environmental Protection Agency (also visit for more general information)

1 MB

Recycling Guide For Native American Nations, 1995, US Environmental Protection Agency

217 KB

Please refer to the folowing website: and

Trash and Climate Change: Planet Protections Discover the Hidden Reasons to Reduce, Reuse and Recycle, EPA

385 KB

Plastic Debris in the World’s Oceans, 2006, Greenpeace

0.99 MB

Strategic Elements in Implementing the 3R Platform 2006, UNEP

78.8 KB

New York City Waste Less Please refer to the website for more information

Decision-Maker’s Guide to Solid Waste Management, Vol. II,, 1995, EPA Please visit the website for download

EPA resources about wastes and Ways to reduce wastes


A Manual for Water and Waste Management: What the Tourism Industry Can Do to improve Its Performance, 2003, UNEP

2.11 MB

Caribbean Regional Training Manual: Solid Waste and Wastewater Management for the Tourism Industry, 1999, UNEP

12.5 MB

Improving Training and Public Awareness on Caribbean Coastal Tourism, Caribbean Environmental Network

128 KB

Making Tourism More Sustainable, 2005 Part 1.

Making Tourism More Sustainable, 2005 Part 2.



Other marine litter-related conferences and workshops


IOC Regional Workshop on Marine Debris and Waste Management in the Gulf of Guinea, 1994, UNESCO Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission


IOC-UNEP-IMO-NOAA-SEA Grant: Fourth Caribbean Marine Debris Workshop, 1995, UNESCO Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission


Joint IOC/UNIDO Workshop on Marine Debris/Waste Management for the Gulf of Guinea, 1999, UNESCO Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission


Proceedings of the International Marine Debris Conference on Derelict Gear and the Ocean Environment, 2000, Hawaii (NOAA Hawaiian Islands Humpback Whale National Marine Sanctuary)


on marine litter
(including legal issues)


Guidelines on Management of Coastal Litter for the Mediterranean region, 2004, UNEP Mediterranean Action Plan (MAP)


Guidelines on Ensuring Successful Convictions of  Offenders of Anti-Pollution Regulations at Sea, 2000, Baltic Marine  Environment Protection Commission


Kids against marine litter, GPA Please refer to the website for more information

Marine Litter in the Wider Caribbean: A Regional Overview, 2006, UNEP CAR/RCU

84.7 KB

Public education

Cookbook of Innovations in Coastal Protection,  1994, US Environmental Protection Agency


A Guide to Waste Reduction at Shopping Centres, 2004, US Environmental Protection Agency

3.96 MB

Keep the Sea Plastic Free (Leaflet), Australia Natural Heritage Trust (Please also visit

158 KB

Keep the Sea Plastic Free, Bin it (for kids), by Sustain Ability International Pty Ltd., Australia Please refer to the website for more information

Environmental Kids Club: Garbage and recycling (for kids), EPA Please refer to the website for more information

With your help, its all falling into place (Flyer), New York City

385 KB

Marine litter monitoring

Assessment of the State of Pollution of the  Mediterranean Sea by Persistent Synthetic Materials which may Float, Sink or  Remain in Suspension, 1991, UNEP Mediterranean Action Plan


Pilot Project to Establish Methodologies and Guidelines  to Identify Marine Litter from Shipping, 2000, Coastal Management for  Sustainability (Maritime and Coastguard Agency)


Assessing and Monitoring Floatable Debris, 2002, US  Environmental  Protection Agency


Port reception facilities

Best Practice Guidelines for Waste Reception  Facilities at Ports, Marinas and Boat Harbours in Australia and New Zealand, 1997, Australian and New Zealand Environment and Conservation Council and Australian Transport Council


The Baltic Strategy: A Report on the Progress of  the Baltic Strategy for Port Reception Facilities for Ship-generated Wastes  and Associated Issues, 1999, Swedish Maritime Administration


Survey of Waste Reception Facilities in UK Ports, 2000,UK Maritime and Coastguard Agency


Clean Sea Guide 2004: The Baltic  Sea Area: MARPOL 73/78 Special Area, 2004, Baltic Marine  Environment Protection Commission



For more information, refere to: (UNEP GPA Marine Litter Information Gateway) (International Coastal Clean Up) (United Kingdom Marine Conservation Society) (Australia Marine Conservation Society) (Helsinki Commission or Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission)
 (Mediterranean Action Plan of UNEP)
 (Commission for the Protection of the Marine Environment of the North-East Atlantic) (Hellenic Marine Environment Protection Association)