Hemispheric Information Exchange Network for Mutual Assistance in Criminal
Matters and Extradition (the “Network”) has been in development since the year 2000,
when the Third Meeting of the Ministers of Justice or of Ministers or Attorney
Generals of the Americas (REMJA-III) decided to increase and improve the
exchange of information among OAS Member States in the area of mutual assistance
in criminal matters. To read about the origins of the network, click
The Network is composed of three components: a public website, a private website
and a secure electronic communication system.
Public Component
The public component of the Network (the site you are currently on)
is a virtual library which provides legal information related to mutual assistance and
extradition for the 34 OAS member states. By clicking on a country in the left-hand
column, you can view a description of the country’s legal system, link to its basic
legal documents (Constitution, criminal code, etc), and read the text of bilateral and
multilateral treaties related to mutual assistance in criminal matters and extradition.
Private Component
private component of the Network
contains information for individuals who are directly involved in legal
cooperation in criminal matters. The private site includes information on meetings, points of contact in
other countries, a glossary of terms and training information on the secure electronic communication system.
Secure Electronic Communication System
The purpose of the secure electronic communication system is
to facilitate the exchange of information between central authorities who deal with issues of mutual
assistance in criminal matters and extradition. This system not only provides secure instant email
service to central authorities, it also provides a space for virtual meetings and the exchange of
pertinent documents.