
Prof. Ziad Hamzah Abu-Ghararah

Prof. Ziad

Place of Birth

Medina Munawarah




Secretary General, Regional Organization for the Conservation of the Environment of the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden.

Permanent Address


PO Box 53662, Jeddah 21583
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia



Office: +966 (02) 6573224

Fax: +966 (02) 6521901

College Education



Virginia Polytechnic & State University


Blacksburg VA, USA



Scientific Conferred

Civil Engineering (Environmental)



King Abdulaziz Univ


Jeddah, Saudi Arabia



Scientific Conferred

Civil Engineering (Environmental)



King Abdulaziz Univ


Jeddah, Saudi Arabia



Scientific Conferred

Civil Engineering

Title of Thesis /Dissertation

Ph.D. Effect of Influent Organic Compounds on Biological Nutrient Removal

M.S. Polymer Application Methods in Direct Filtration.

Teaching and Professional Positions


Lecturer, Civil Engineering Department, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah


Assistant Professor, Civil Engineering Department, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah.


Associate Professor, Civil Engineering Department, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah .


Professor, Civil Engineering Department, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah .


Vice President, Meteorology and Environmental Protection Administration.


Deputy Assistant to the President for Environmental Affair.


Secretary General, the Regional Organization for the Conservation of the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden .

Major Assignments at the Regional and International levels

Member, the Supreme Committee for the Assessment and Development of ROPMActivities.

Member, the Supreme Committee for the Assessment and Development of theGCC Environmental Action Programme.

Member, the Join Committee for Environment and Development in the Arab Region .

General Coordinator and Speaker for the Arab Group in the World Summit on Sustainable Development – Johanspurg .

Chairman of the Board of Referee for the Arab Environment Ministers Council Award .

General Supervisor of Activities of the “First Islamic Conference of Environment Ministers " .

Secretary General, the Regional Organization for the Conservation of the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden .

Member, International Committee for Establishing the structure of the Fourth Assessment Report on Climate Change .

Vise Chairman of the Third Working Group for the preparation of the Fourth Assessment Report on Climate Change .

Elected Member, for Asia Region, The Executive Council of (IPCC) .

Major Assignments at the National Level

Member, the Institutional Committee for “the Saudi Arabian Environmental Sciences Society ”.

Member, the Institutional Committee for “Saudi Arabian Marine Sciences Society”.

Head, the National Preparatory Committee for the world Summit Conference on Sustainable Development.

Member and Rapporteur, the Supreme Board of the Saudi Arabian Prize in Environmental Management.

Head, the Executive Committee of “The First Islamic Forum on the Environment From Islamic Prospectus “.

National Focal Point with (PERSGA).

Member, the Executive Committee in the Second Annual Meeting of the Saudi Civil Engineering Society .


“Sea to Sea Conference” Regional conference on sustainable use of the marine environment of the PERSGA region and the ROPME sea area organized by Program of the Environment of the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden (PERSGA) and the Regional Organization for the Protection of Marine Environment (ROPME), Jeddah, 9-12 October 1995 (Member of the Organizing Committee).

“Fourth Saudi Engineering Conference” Organized by King Abdulaziz University under the theme of “Development of Technical and Industrial Base in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia”, Jeddah 5-8 November 1995 (Co-Chairman of the Environmental Engineering Session and the Co-Author of two papers presented in the conference).

“The First National Conference on Environmental Pollution & Health” Organized by King Fahad Hospital-Ministry of Health, Jeddah 9-11 January 1996 (Presented two research papers).

A national Conference on Environmental Administration – The experience of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia” organized by the Public Administration Institute, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 18-19 May 1997 (attendance).

An international conference on “Development and Environmental Impact” organized by the Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 21-23, September, 1997 (Presented a research paper).

Workshops & Short Courses

Application of Personal Computer in Civil Engineering, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, June 1984 (Organizing Committee).

Teaching Evaluation, Organized by King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia Sept. 1989 (Attendance).

Environment in Action, a Workshop conducted by UNESCO experts to facilitate the presentation of posters on Environmental Awareness Program, Organized by MEPA, Jeddah Saudi Arabia, November 1994 (Attendance).

The Saudi Environmental Awareness program - Posters on Man and Biosphere (MAB), Riyadh, Saudi Arabia February 1995 (Speaker).

Environmental Impact Assessment, a regional training workshop, organized by PERSGA (Program of the Environment of the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden) Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, January 1996 (Speaker).

International Workshop on Sustainable use of ranglands and desertification control, Organized by IFAD (International Fund For Agricultural Development), MEPA (Meteorology and Environmental Protection Administration) and MAW (Ministry of Agriculture and Water) Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, 3-6 November 1996, (Member of the Organizing Committee and Member of the Scientific Committee).

Regional Workshop on Implementation of the Global Programme of Action for the protection of the marine environment from Land-Based Activities in the ROPME and PERSGA Regions. Bahrain, 2-5 December 1996 (Speaker).

Regional Workshop the protection of the marine environment against pollution from Land-Based Activities in the ROPME sea area. Kuwit, 8-9 June 1997 (A delegate for Saudi Arabia and a Rapporteur of the meeting).

Workshop on “Global Environmental Issue” Organized by the general Directorate of Education in Medina Region, Medina, 27-29 September, 1997 (Speaker).

Professional Affiliation

Member of the Environment Association (Saudi Arabia).

Member of the Science & Technology Association (Saudi Arabia)

Member of the Water Environment Federation (USA).

Member of the American Water Work Association (AWWA).


Nominated by King Abdul Aziz University for the Prize of “Arab Youth Scientists for the year 1992.

Nominated by King Abdul Aziz University for the Prize of “Council of Arab Ministers for Environmental Affairs: for the year 1993.

Certificate of appreciation awarded by the publication award committee, Ministry of Interior for contribution in the seminar presented on Toxic and Hazardous waste Disposal, 1990.

Certificate of appreciation awarded by the director of King Fahad Hospital, for the presentation of two papers in “The First National Conference on Environmental Pollution & Health” Organized by King Fahad Hospital-Ministry of Health, Jeddah 9-11 January 1996.

Scientific Research, Consultancies and Applied Projects

Consultancies for Regional and International Organizations

Assigned by UNEP to Prepare a comprehensive overview on land-Based sources of pollution affecting PERSGA region, 1997.

Report on Human activities and Land-Based sources of pollution affecting ROPME area, 1999.

Certificate of appreciation awarded by the director of King Fahad Hospital, for the presentation of two papers in “The First National Conference on Environmental Pollution & Health” Organized by King Fahad Hospital-Ministry of Health, Jeddah 9-11 January 1996.

Assigned by the Environmental Board of the United Arab Emirates and ROPME to assess and report on the severity of effluent of the major sources of pollution in UAE. , 1998.

Lucturer in the training workshop for the Environmental Awareness for public education, held jointly by UNDP and MEPA, 1997.

Prepared the special GPA report for PERSGA region, 2000.

Referee for many research projects and scientific specialized papers in the domain of environment and protection of natural resources that are published in international periodicals and Magazines.

Major local Consultancies in the Field of Environmental Protection

Study of the problem of ground water rising level in Jeddah city, 1985.

Study of possible use of domestic wastes in fertilizers production. A technical study assigned by the chamber of Commerce and Industry, Jeddah, 1991.

Improving and updating the Environmental protection standards from hasardus wastes, MEPA 1992.

Preparation of Environmental Qualification Procedures for the companies and public institutions to offer their Environmental Protection Services within the Kingdom, MEPA 1993.

Improving and Updating Environmental Assessment Procedures for Projects. MEPA 1992.

Report on Al-Arbaeen lake (of Jeddah) pollution: the problem and various possible remedial solutions. MEPA, 1994.

Preparation of the final draft of "National Environmental Law and Regulation document of the Kingdom" .MEPA Preparation of the final draft of the project “National Coastal Zone Management plan” document. MEPA.

Preparation of the overall national plan for the environmental science and technology in the Kingdom, KACST, 1999.

Preparation of the current status report on the Environment of Saudi Arabia–MEPA,2000.

Formulation of the final draft of “Pre-Qualification Procedures and Guide-Line For Environmental Activities” in private sectors

Preparation of the final draft of “Environmental Impact Assessment Procedure” (Document No. 01-1411, MEPA, Saudi Arabia.

Preparation of the final draft of “Hazardous Waste Management Regulation” (Document 03-1413 MEPA. Saudi Arabia).

A report on “The need for a Solid Waste composting Plant in the City of Jeddah: Feasibility Study” submitted to the Chamber of Commerce.

Review and refereeing many final or periodical specialized reports of projects supported by KACST or universities of the Kingdom.

Supervision of M.S. thesis and B.Sc. Graduation projects

UV Disinfection of Secondary Treated Waste Water Effluent (M.S.)

State of the Environmental pollution in Najran Area (M.S.)

Drinking Water Quality in the City of Jeddah (B.Sc.)

Biological Denitrification of water (B.Sc.)

Effect of Alkalinity on the Kinetics of UV Disinfection process (B.Sc.)

Use of Biological oxidizing bond in Wastewater Treatment (B.Sc.)

Participation in Conferences and Specialized Seminar

In the “Fourth Saudi Engineering conference “, Jeddah, 1995 (chairman of the Environmental Engineering session, and co-investigator two research papers presented at the conference).

In the "First National conference on Environmental pollution and Health", Jeddah, 1996 (Presented two research papers).

In the "Development and its Impacts on Environment conference", Riyadh, 1997 (Presented a research paper).

In the Seminar on "Environmental Awareness : Man and the Biosphere ", Jeddah , 1995 (Lecture).

In the Seminar on "Environmental Awareness : Man and the Biosphere ", Jeddah , 1996 (Lecture).

In the workshop on "Assessment of Environmental Impacts, PERSCA Region ",Jeddah, 1996 ( Lecture ).

In the UNEP regional Workshop on "Implementation of GPA for the protection of the Marine Environment from Land-Based Activities" Bahrain,1996 ( Lecture) .

In the regional workshop on "Protection of Marine Environment against pollution from Land-Based Activities in the ROPME Sea Area", Kuwait, 1997 (Rapporteur of the meeting).

In the seminar on "Global Environmental Issue", Organized by the General Directorate of Education in Medina Region, Medina, 1997 ( Lecture ) .

In the "Arab Workshop on the progress of the Environmental Management in the Arab Region".

Sponsored Research projects

Biological Denitrification of Drinking water Using Anoxic Packed Column, project sponsored by Directorate of Post-Graduate Studies and Scientific Research, King Abdul Aziz University, Grant No. 141/412 (as the Principle Investigator).

The Evaluation and Comparison between the Pressure and Reservoir System in the Drinking water networks in Saudi Arabia, progress Report, project sponsored by Directorate of Post-Graduate Studies and Scientific Research, King Abdul Aziz University, Grant No. 039/413 (as a co-investigator).

Bio-kinetics and Treatment of Benzene Containing Wastewater using Activated Sludge System, research project sponsored by the Directorate of Post-Graduate Studies and Scientific Research, King Abdul Aziz University Grant No. 027/414 (as the Principle Investigator).

Solute Movement Through Unsaturated Soil Under Arid Condition, research project sponsored by King Abdul Aziz City for Science and Technology Grant No. AT-14-27 (as a Co-investigator).

Pollution of Al-Arabaeen Lake: Case Study, Applied research project sponsored partially by Meteorology and Environmental Protection Administration, Saudi Arabia, 1995 (as the Principal Investigator).

Development of a Pollution Index for Jeddah Coast, On going Project, sponsored partially by Meteorology and Environmental Protection Administration, Saudi Arabia, 1995 (as the Principal Investigator).

Refereed publications

Abu-Ghararah, Z.H. and Randall, C.W. “A Proposed Model for the Anaerobic Metabolism of Short Chain Fatty Acids in Enhances Biological Phosphorus Removal Systems” Journal of Water Pollution Control Federation, Vol. 61, No. 11/12, 1989.

Abu-Ghararah, Z.H. and Randall, C.W. “Effect of Influent Organic Compounds on Biological Phosphorus Removal” Journal of Water Science & Technology, Vol. 23, No. 4/6, pp.585-594, 1990.

Abu-Ghararah, Z.H. “Treatment Disposal of Toxic and Hazardous Industrial Wastes” The Ninth Conference of Industrial Safety, Jeddah, March 1990.

Khan, M.Z. and Abu-Ghararah, Z.H. “Economical Potential of Recycling and Reuse of Municipal Solid Waste Components in Saudi Arabia” Joint Seminar by Islamic Development Bank and Chamber of Commerce, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, Oct. 1989.

Khan, M.Z. and Abu-Ghararah, Z.H. “A New Approach for Estimating Energy Content of Municipal Solid Wastes: Journal of Env. Div., ASCE, vol. 117, no. 3, May/June, 1991.

Abu-Ghararah, Z.H. “Solid Waste Composting: Technology Assessment, Journal of Industry and Engineering, Chamber of Commerce, vol. 4, N o. 3, 1992.

Abu-Ghararah, Z.H. “Nitrate Removal from Drinking Water Using Anoxic Packed Reactor” Journal of King Abdul Aziz University, Engineering Sciences,vol.6,pp.137-151,1994.

Abu-Ghararah, Z.H., Al-Riyadh, H.A., and Saikaya, H.Z., “Disinfection of Secondary Treated Domestic Wastewater by Ultraviolet Radiation” Water Treatment, Journal of Desalination and Water Reuse Society China, Vol.7, No. 3, pp.307-324, 1992.

Abu-Ghararah, Z.H. and Sherrard, J.H. “Biological Nutrient Removal in High Salinity Wastewater” Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Vol A28(3), pp. 599-613, 1993.

Abu-Ghararah, Z.H. “Education and Training Programs in Environmental Health in Saudi Arabia” a paper presented in the Consultation meeting on Regional Network for Education and Training, WHO, Almman, 7-11 Feb., 1993.

Abu-Ghararah, Z.H. and Saikaya, H.Z. “Stoichiometry and Kinetics of Water Denitrification Using Anoxic Filter” the Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, vol. 19, no. 1, pp. 3-16, 1994.

Abu-Ghararah, “Effect of Temperature on the Kinetics of Wastewater Disinfection using Ultraviolet Radiation” Journal of Environmental Science and Health, vol. A29, No.3pp.585-603, 1994.

Abu-Ghararah, Z.H. “Oxygen Uptake Rate as an Extended Aeration Process Control Parameter” Journal of Environmental Science and Health, vol. A30, No. 5, pp. 951-969, 1995.

Khan, M.Z, Abu-Ghararah, Z.H. and Magram, S.F. “Influence of Temperature on Water Softening” Proceedings of the Fourth Saudi Engineering Conference, Vol. 2, p. 569, 1995.

Gutub, S.A. and Abu-Ghararah, Z.H. “Locally Practiced Network Operational Methods and Water Quality in the Distribution System” Proceedings of the Fourth Saudi Engineering Conference, Vol. 2, p. 583, 1995.

Awadalah, S.E. Abu-Ghararah, Z.H. “A Modified Analytical Modeling of Horizontal Solute Transport through Unsaturated Soil” accepted for publication in the Journal of King Abdul Aziz University, Environmental and Meteorological Sciences (1996).

Abu-Ghararah, Z.H. and Awadallah, S.E. “Contaminants Transport through Initially Dry Soil” Journal of Water, Air and Soil Pollution Vol. 100, pp. 107-118 (1997).

Abu-Ghararah, Z.H. “Biological Treatment of Nitrate Contaminated Groundwater Resources” Proceedings of the First National Conference on Environmental Pollution & Health, Jeddah, January 1996.

Abu-Ghararah, Z.H. “Ultraviolet Disinfection of Treated Wastewater: An Alternative to Locally Practiced Chlorination Process” Proceedings of the First National Conference on Environmental Pollution & Health, Jeddah, January 1996.

Abu-Ghararah, Z.H. “Biological Denitrification of High Nitrate Water: Influence of Type of Carbon Source and System Loading” Journal of Environmental Science and Health vol. 31/7 No. 9 pp 1651-1668.

Abu-Ghararah, Z.H. “Assessment of Land-Based Sources and Activities In the United Arab Emirates”, ROPME, 1998.

Abu-Ghararah, Z.H.” State of the Environment in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia., 2000

Abu-Ghararah, Z.H. and Others “National – Long-term plan for Science and Tech., Environment Section, Kacst, Saudi Arabia, 1999.

Abu-Ghararah, Z.H. and Khamis, M. “ GPA Land-Based Sources and Activities Affecting the Marine Environment in the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden Region: a report prepared for PERSGA, 2000.

Abu-Ghararah, Z.H. “A Numerical Estimate of Average UV Intensity in Annular UV Disinfection Reactors” Journal of Environmental Technology, Vol. 18, pp. 929-936, 1997.

Abu-Ghararah, Z.H. “Land-Based Sources and Activities Affecting the Marine Environment in the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden Region: an Overview” a report prepared for the United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP) – United Nations 1996.

Abu-Ghararah, Z.H. and Abdul Raheem, M.Y. “Human Activities and Land based sources of pollution in the ROPME sea area, 1999.

Abu-Ghararah, Z.H. “Development of a water Pollution Index for Jeddah Coast “The Science of the Total Environment, in process, 1998.

Abu-Ghararah, Z.H. “Fate and Treatability of Benzene in Biological Wastewater Treatment Process” Journal of Ecological Engineering, in Process, 1998.

Abu-Ghararah, Z.H. "progress in Environmental Managements in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia", Proceedings of the "Civil Engineering and its role in the Conservation and Protection of the Environment " Seminar. KAU, Jeddah 2003.

Abu-Gararah , Z.H. “ Major Achievements in the Field of Environmental protection and conservation of natural Resources in the Kingdom “ King Abdulaziz University Magazine- special Issue , PP 55-77.2002 .

Abu-Ghararah , Z.H. " Progress in Environmental Management in the Arab Region", Proceeding of the second Environmental Management conference , Sharjah , 2001.

Abu-Ghararah, Z.H. Sustainable Developments in the Islamic countries: Limitations and Challenges proceedings of the First Islamic conference of the Environment Ministers,Jeddah 2001.