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Groundwater Management Institute of Southern Africa


Date: 05-06-2009
Groundwater scientists urged to inform policy makers on the economic value of groundwater

Groundwater scientists in the southern African region have a major role to play to ensure that policy and decision makers especially in non-water sectors understand and appreciate the economic value of using, developing and managing the groundwater resource.

This was one of

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Date: 02-03-2009
A Regional Groundwater Management Institute for Southern Africa on the Way

The Southern African Development Community (SADC) is establishing a new regional Groundwater Management Institute to be located in South Africa and be operational by the end of 2009. 


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Date: 10-12-2008
Groundwater key to managing southern Africa’s water resources

Groundwater must be included in all management initiatives for regional water resources, and should be managed through a multi-stakeholder framework.

This was the conclusion of national water experts, who met in Botswana for a two-day conference on groundwater management.
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