Identification of Sites for Inclusion in an Initial System of Fisheries Refugia
The Eighth Meeting of the Regional Working Group on Fisheries was convened from 1st-4th November 2006  on Belitung Island, Indonesia. Representatives of all participating countries, the two regional fisheries experts, Mr. Somsak Chullasorn and Professor Nygiel Armada, and 5 representatives from SEAFDEC, including Dr. Yasuhisa Kato and Dr. Somboon Siriraksophon, participated in the meeting. Ms. Chee Phaik Ean, Head of the Aquatic Ecosystem Section of the Malaysian Fisheries Research Institute, attended the meeting on behalf of the Malaysian Department of Fisheries. Click here to access the report of the meeting.
The key outputs and outcomes of the meeting include: - The characterisation of 46 sites known to be critical spawning and nursery areas for important fish species in the Gulf of Thailand and South China Sea,
- A compilation of information regarding the distribution and abundance of the larvae of 28 important species in the Gulf of Thailand and the South China Sea,
- The selection of 18 sites for inclusion in an initial system of fisheries refugia,
- A work plan and agreement to develop one pilot fisheries refugia site in each participating country by June 2007, and
- A preliminary syllabus for the proposed training course on larval fish identification and early life history science.
An information portal in support of the group’s activity to develop a regional system of fisheries refugia is being developed by the working group at The Regional Working Group’s Guidelines on the Use of Fisheries Refugia for Sustainable Capture Fisheries Management were published as part of the ASEAN-SEAFDEC Regional Guidelines for Responsible Fisheries in Southeast Asia during 2006. These guidelines can be access by clicking here. An article on the fisheries refugia activity recently published in the SEAFDEC Journal “ Fish for the People” can be downloaded by clicking here. The Ninth Meeting of the Regional Working Group on Fisheries will be convened on Phu Quoc Island in Vietnam from 10th-13th July 2007. Contact the PCU’s Fisheries Expert, Christopher Paterson for further information regarding the work of the Regional Working Group on Fisheries. The UNEP/GEF Regional Working Group on Fisheries on Belitung Island, Indonesia (1st November 2006)
The UNEP/GEF Regional Working Group on Fisheries during a visit to the Belitung Coral Reef Demonstration Site Participants in the Eighth Meeting of the Regional Working Group on Fisheries in Beltung, Indonesia The distribution and abundance of all larval fish in the South China Sea and Gulf of Thailand during the post-northeast monsoon (1996-1999). Information provided by Dr. Somboon Siriraksophon of SEAFDEC. The distribution and abundance of Rastrelliger spp. larvae in the South China Sea and Gulf of Thailand during the post-northeast monsoon (1996-1999). Information provided by Dr. Somboon Siriraksophon of SEAFDEC. The distribution and abundance of Sardinella spp. larvae in the South China Sea and Gulf of Thailand during the post-northeast monsoon (1996-1999). Information provided by Dr. Somboon Siriraksophon of SEAFDEC. The distribution of Scomberomorous spp. larvae in the South China Sea and Gulf of Thailand during the post-northeast monsoon (1996-1999). Information provided by Dr. Somboon Siriraksophon of SEAFDEC. Fishing vessels and traps on Belitung Island, Indonesia Fishing Vessel at Belitung Island, Indonesia Small fishing vessels at Belitung Island, Indonesia Coral reef fishes caught adjacent to the Belitung Coral Reef Demonstration Site Members of the Regional Working Group on Fisheries sailing to the Belitung Coral Reef Demonstration Site Members of the Regional Working Group on Fisheries with the Mayor of Belitung |