Batu Ampar Mangrove Demo Site |
Written by Christopher John Paterson
Thursday, 14 September 2006 |
Memorandum of Understanding Addendum Signed for the Batu Ampar Mangrove Habitat Demonstration Site  The South China Sea Project Director, Dr. John C. Pernetta, and Mr. Nyoto Santoso, Indonesian Focal Point for Mangroves and Director of the Indonesian Institute of Mangrove Research and Development, co-signed the addendum to the Memorandum of Understanding covering the operational plan for activities at the Batu Ampar Mangrove Demonstration Site in Indonesia on 4th September 2006. The signatures were witnessed by, the Vice-Governor of West Kalimantan Province, Indonesia, Drs. H. L. Kadir.
This addendum details the tasks and responsibilities of the Institute of Mangrove Research and Development as the South China Sea Project Specialised Executing Agency responsible for the execution of the activities at the Batu Ampur Mangrove Habitat Demonstration Site. The Operational Plan for the conduct of demonstration activities at this site forms part of this addendum and can be accessed by clicking here. In signing the addendum, Dr. Pernetta noted that an important feature of the South China Sea Project was the exchange and sharing of experiences between the various demonstration sites and the importance given to sustainable use of the mangrove resources for the benefit of all stakeholders, rather than simply environmental protection. He noted in this regard that the planned activities included the development of alternative livelihoods for local people and the development of sources of revenue to ensure longer-term sustainable management of the mangrove ecosystem. The Vice-Governor of West Kalimantan Province, Drs. H. L. Kadir expressed appreciation on behalf of the Provincial Government for the fact that the mangrove area of Batu Ampar in Pontianak Regency, West Kalimantan had been selected as one of the demonstration sites within the framework of the South China Sea Project. He noted that the area of mangrove was more than 150,000 hectares of which some 65 thousand hectares represented the demonstration site within the Batu Ampar district. The Vice-Governor noted that the growth of the coastal population in the area was resulting in an increase in stress on the mangrove habitat and that the project was therefore timely in providing an opportunity to develop more sustainable ways of utilising the mangrove resources for the benefit of the local people. The event received significant coverage in the Indonesian media, examples of which are provided below. Further information regarding the Batu Ampar Mangrove Habitat Demonstration Site can be accessed by clicking here, or by contacting Mr. Nyoto Santoso (Mangrove Focal Point for Indonesia) or Mr. Ahmad Faisal Siregar (Batu Ampar Demonstration Site Manager). The signing took place during the Seventh Meeting of the Regional Working Group on Mangroves – please click here for further regarding this meeting. 
Last Updated ( Friday, 15 September 2006 )