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Database Template - Metadatabase
Written by Christopher John Paterson   
Monday, 16 January 2006

Template for the South China Sea Project Meta-Database

The South China Sea Meta-Database is a central online location for the collation and searching of metadata regarding coastal habitats and fisheries in Southeast Asia.  It is also a “living” database that is being continously revised and updated online. Development of the SCS Metadatabase is a collaborative effort of the UNEP/GEF South China Sea project, Southeast Asia Regional Learning Centre (SEA-RLC) and the Southeast Asia START Regional Centre (SEA START RC).
The South China Sea Meta-Database has now been packaged as a template for other projects and organisations that seek to develop a similar web-based meta-database tool. Download the following files to install and customise the UNEP/GEF South China Sea Meta-Database.


1. Metadatabase_archive_final.tar.gz
This contains the 'metadata' directory, 'metadata.sql', guidelines for installing and customising, and copyright/licensing details of files. The guidlines provide instructions for installing and customising the SCS Meta-Database on Windows (Section 1) and Linux (Section 2) operating systems:

2. phpMyAdmin-2.8.0.tar.gz (for Linux installation)
(More recent versions can be downloaded from: http://www.phpmyadmin.net/home_page/index.php Licence: GNU General Public License).

3. appserv-win32-2.4.5.exe - download a recent version from http://www.appservnetwork.com.

4. You also need to copy a file called 'coolRedirect.js' into the 'metadata' directory - download and unzip 'cool-redirect.zip' from http://www.codehouse.com/javascript/scripts/cool_redirect/.

While considerable effort has gone toward making the guidelines as useful and accurate as possible, we welcome constructive feedback on how they might be improved. Users are encouraged to contact us in the case of any error, or to suggest additional information that might be useful. Please forward your comments to SEA-RLC’s Environmental Information Manager, Dr. Richard Cooper, or the South China Sea Project's Fisheries Expert, Mr. Christopher Paterson.


Last Updated ( Sunday, 10 September 2006 )
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