Written by Christopher John Paterson
Monday, 16 January 2006 |
South China Sea Projects Database During the preparatory phase of the South China Sea Project, project component focal points compiled information on past and on-going coral reef, seagrass, mangrove, wetland, fisheries, and land-based pollution projects implemented in areas of the South China Sea and Gulf of Thailand. This Projects Database has been developed to provide a facility for the efficient online storage and searching of this information online. The Projects Database is a “living” database. Project Partners can revise and add information to the database via a secure online login. Partners can also easily add information about new projects as it becomes available. Other organisations can also contribute information by registering for a user account. This tool is still under development, requiring the addition of project information and further development of several key functions. This interface has been made publicly available online for the collective review by the South China Sea Project Network. Please direct any comments to the PCU Fisheries Expert, Christopher Paterson. It is anticipated that the completed version of this tool will be reviewed in detail by the Eighth Meeting of the Regional Scientific and Technical Committee in December 2007. The comments of this committee will be used to produce a final version of the Projects Database by the end of this year. The Prototype Projects Database for the South China Sea - http://projects.unepscs.org
Last Updated ( Tuesday, 17 July 2007 )