ACIA Overview Report - ACIA Science Report - ACIA Policy Document -
ACIA Symposium - Graphics - Press

Impacts of a Warming Arctic: Arctic Climate Impact Assessment

(The available PDF files are intended for individual viewing and personal use and should not be posted on other websites or otherwise distributed in electronic or print form)

ACIA Overview report

Cambridge University Press, 2004

(c) Arctic Climate Impact Assessment

The ACIA overview report is also available in other languages - Saami, Norwegian, Russian ...)

Arctic Climate Impact Assessment

(The available PDF files are intended for individual viewing and personal use and should not be posted on other websites or otherwise distributed in electronic or print form)

ACIA Scientific report

Cambridge University Press, 2005

(c) Arctic Climate Impact Assessment

Arctic Council Policy Response to ACIA

The ACIA Policy Document prepared by the Arctic Council and presented at the Fourth Arctic Council Ministerial Meeting, Reykjavik, 24 November 2004.

ACIA Symposium Website (information, registration, etc.)

Symposium Programme

Symposium Abstracts

Symposium Participants

ACIA Graphics

Graphics Usage Policy:
The ACIA graphics are being made available for non-commercial uses, including production of educational and outreach materials by scientists and policy units, etc. Files (jpeg) may be downloaded from the ACIA website or requested by e-mail (see below).
Under these arrangements it is generally expected that use will be limited to up to 10 of the available graphics.
The ACIA graphics may not be further distributed. Users are requested to acknowledge the Arctic Climate Impact Assessment (ACIA) as the source of the graphics and include a full citation to the ACIA report from which they are taken (as included in the Graphics Catalog PDF file). Anyone wishing to use ACIA graphics for commercial purposes should contact

Press Information

ACIA Highlights

Important note: This document presents selected results from the ACIA only - for a full overview of the ACIA results and conclusions consult the ACIA Overview report (see above). Do not confuse the ACIA Overview and Highlights documents - the ACIA Highlights document is NOT an Executive Summary.

(The available PDF files are intended for individual viewing and personal use and should not be posted on other websites or otherwise distributed in electronic or print form)

ACIA Highlights document

(c) Arctic Climate Impact Assessment