Minutes from the CEP

Workshop on Application of Biomarker

Technique in Environmental Monitoring and Management

Baku 22-24 February 2005





CPU: Hamid Ghaffarzadeh, Volodomyr Myroshnychenko*, Reza Sheikholeslami:


Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources: Rasim Sattarzade,

Laboratory of the Ministry of Environment: Latifa Huseynova, Sadiga Novruzova

Academy of Science, Baku: Rafik Kasimov, Arif Mehktiev, Gregory Palatnikov, Elchan Rustamov

Socar Laboratory: Shahabiddin B. Albushov (Environment and Rational Utilisation of Nature Reserves Manager)*

BP: Faig Askerov, Ayaz Hasanov

AmC-Caspian Environmental Laboratory: Endre Aas*, Afag Abbasova*, Nargis Garajayeva*


Sohrab Rezvani Gilkolaei, Ali Maschinchian*


Yevgeniya Monogarova*, Nurken Bultekov*, Panarkan Shingissova


Ludmila Kiseleva*


Jahan Annachariyeva*, Akbike Garayeva*

International Consultsultants:

Odd Ketil Andersen*, RF-Akvamiljo

David Lowe*, Plymouth Marine Laboratory (PML)

Brian Roddie*, Independent consultant


* Participant of the demonstration of biomarkers at AmC-CEL Thursday 24 February




22 February 2005




23 February 2005



24 February 2005


Summary of the discussions

Generally there was interest among the participant countries of taking part in biomarker studies in the Caspian Sea. It was agreed to design a simple mussel-watch programme after the model used in the Black Sea, starting off with a limited number of biomarkers and study sites in each country. Suitable biomarkers for mussels include filtration rate and the Lysosomal Membrane Stability Test (NRRT method). Required equipment for these mussel biomarkers includes a standard microscope and a few chemicals.


If doable, simple biomarker on fish might also be implemented to the programme. Examples of relevant parameters are detection of PAH metabolites in bile with fluorescence, gill EROD activity (detoxification enzyme assay), micronuclei assay. Required equipment for fluorescence analyses of PAH metabolites is a Spectrofluorometer and a spectrophotometer and for micronuclei assay a microscope.


Without any commitments politically or otherwise, all the CEP country representatives confirmed that they have the capacity and ability to participate and perform in such this environmental effect monitoring with mussels. It was agreed that RF-Akvamiljo prepared a document with a few pages background including an outline of a proposed programme. This can be used in application for funding and as substantiation for the participation of the countries around the Caspian Sea. Caspian Environmental Programme will be a central driving force and coordinator in this work.


Click this link to download workshop documents and photos.