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Meeting Report Attachment 1 Attachment 2 Attachment 3 Attachment 4 Attachment 5 Attachment 6 Attachment 7 Attachment 8 Attachment 9 Attachment 10 Attachment 11 Attachment 12 Attachment 13 Attachment 14 Attachment 15 Attachment 16 Attachment 17 |
N.P.Ogar Structure of the Regional Action Plan on Habitat Protection in the Caspian Sea The objective is to develop the strategy of habitat protection of the Caspian region to take political decisions and management actions at national and regional levels. 1. Introduction Aims and objectives of CEP, brief summary of implemented stages, strategy plans. 2. Review and Role of the Habitats in the Caspian Sea 2.1. General pattern of spatial distribution (habitat structure). General information is provided on geography of the area (climate, orography, hydrology etc.) of habitat distribution. 2.2.1 Structure of Habitats of the Caspian Sea North, Middle and South Caspian. Main types of habitats, their similarities and differences in different sectors of the sea. Unique types of habitats in each sector of the sea and in the entire region, their peculiarities. 2.2.2 Structure of Coastal Habitats Zonal division of the territory (a map with legend is attached). The main types of habitats, their similarities and differences in different geographic zones. Unique types of habitats at national and regional level. 2.2.3 Inventory of Habitats of the Caspian Region Basis of necessity of development of such an inventory. Conceptual approaches to regional classification of the habitats are discussed. Inadequate use of terms and concepts was identified at national level. A glossary of terms is discussed. 2.2 Role of Habitats to Support Biodiversity of the Caspian. 2.2.7 Marine Habitats 2.2.2 Coastal Habitats Role of habitats in support and protection of biodiversity and individual components of biota (ichthyofauna, ornithofauna etc.) in particular. Transit and fixed (animal habitats) habitats and their role for migrating species. 2.2.3 Priorities of Habitat Support. Main principles and criteria of priorities selection for support (protection) of habitats at regional level. The following issues are discussed:
2.3 Threats to Habitats Natural and anthropogenic factors of habitat dynamics and the biodiversity. Man-stimulated processes that threaten habitats. 2.3.1 Development of Criteria of Assessment of Degradation of Habitats (principles and approaches) 2.3.2 Development of a Regional Inventory of Threats to Habitats (principles and approaches) 2.4 Consequences of losses and degradation of habitats Loss and transformation of habitats as a result of present sea transgression. Loss and transformation of habitats under the influence of anthropogenic factors and cumulative effect. Characteristics of habitats that are under the threat are given for all five Caspian states. 3. Consequences of loss and degradation of habitats 3.1 Methods and Approaches to Inventory Ecosystem approach. Conformity of national and international classification of habitats. Parameters of inventory. GIS sorting of information and database on common methodical basis. 3.2 Monitoring of Habitats Development of regional monitoring program. Interaction with the monitoring programs of industrial (oil and other) companies. Establishment of a database of regional monitoring and a special web site. Monitoring of processes threatening the biodiversity (sea transgression, desertification, pollution etc). Monitoring of classified JUCN species. 4. Protected Habitats of the Caspian Region 4.1 Red listing and identification of status of the species according to JUCN criteria. Inventory of habitats with description of protected species. Prioritisation of habitats for protection by the status of protected species of flora and fauna. 4.2 Compilation of a list of commercial species of flora and fauna. Inventory of commercially valuable species. Planning of activities on protection and support of habitats to ensure sustainability of species. 4.3 List of introduced and exotic species. Inventory of habitats of introduced and exotic species. Actions to control habitats and their abundance. 5. Protection of Existing Habitats 5.1 Identification of regional priority list of habitats that require protection. Criteria of priorities selection. 5.2 Regional protection planning. Analysis of national capabilities (protected areas, management, legislation etc.). Necessity to improve national and international legislation. National and regional policies. 5.3 International Conventions related to habitat protection. National implementation. Synergysm of Conventions. Regional (interstate) cooperation on problem solution.
6. Rehabilitation of Degraded Habitats 6.1 Inventory of degraded habitats by countries. 6.2 Program of habitat rehabilitation. Demo projects. Analysis of world experience. Experience exchange between countries. Provision of necessary training with participation of experts.
7. Scientific Studies on Habitat and Biodiversity Protection Foundation of regional Scientific Coordination Council on problem of biodiversity protection of the Caspian region. Creation of a database on scientific organisations of the region, including the list of existing and planned scientific work related to habitat and biodiversity protection, and the list of publications. Preparation of scientific reference publications.
8. Education and Public Awareness 8.1 Regional strategy on education and public awareness. Increase of awareness and education level. Support of public initiative to increase knowledge and improve skills in the field of environment protection. Assistance to environmental education and public awareness. 8.2 Information provision. Improvement of information exchange. Regional mechanisms of information provision for environmental education and public awareness.
9. Creation of a Regional Network of Protected Areas Analysis of existing and planned protected areas and their status in the Caspian states. Creation of a regional network of protected areas. Improvement of legislation on protected areas.
10. Regional Management 10.1 Regional pilot projects
Land Cover Classification 5. Wetlands (internal) 5.1 Permanent rivers/ streams/ smaller rivers (including
waterfalls) 9. Sea 9.1 Open sea 10. Coast 10.1 Rock outcrops (including rocky islands and sea
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© 2005 Caspian Sea Environment | #63, Golestan Alley, Valiasr Avenue, 1966733413, Tehran, I.R. Iran Tel. No.: (+ 9821) 2059574; 2042285; 2042935 | Fax No.: (+ 9821) 2051850 E-Mail: CEP.PCU@UNDP.ORG |
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