Upon its start, the CEP created and/or strengthened a total of eleven Caspian Regional Thematic Centers (CRTCs) in order to address multiple environmental and natural resource issues. CRTCs assessed the key issues and determined the priority action plans for each thematic region. Each CRTC was active in its thematic field and contributed to the overall programme:
- Planning and implementing activities in their respective thematic area;
- Assistance in the development of Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis (TDA)
- Assistance in the identifying of priority investment needs for the Priority Investment
Portfolio Project (PIPP), and
- Assistance in the development of the National Caspian Action Plans and the Strategic
Action (NCAP) Programme (SAP).

These Thematic Centers were:
Theme for Data and Inforamtion Management
CRTC for Pollution Control
CRTC for Legal, Regulatory, and Economic Instruments
CRTC for Fisheries and Commercially Exploited Bioresources
CRTC for Water Level Fluctuations
CRTC for the Protection of Biodiversity
CRTC for Combating Desertification
CRTC for Human Sustainable Development and Health
CRTC for Integrated Transboundary Coastal Area Management and Planning
Theme for Effective Regioanl Assessment of Contaminent Levels
CRTC for Emergency Response
In 2004, five Regional Advisory Groups (RAGs), have been established. These Regional Advisory Groups inlcude:
- Advisory Group on Biodiversity and Invasive Species
- Advisory Group on Fisheries
- Advisory Group on Emergency Response
- Advisory Group on Pollution
- Advisory Group on Sustainable Coastal Development
The Regional Advisory Groups purpose is to assist CEP PCU in concert with the PCU to coordinate its activities in the priority regional environmental concern areas. The Regional Advisory Groups will oversee implementation of the SAP in their specific concern area and, where required, develop specific implementation plans. Through the Regional Advisory Groups the littoral states will contribute to the overall regional coordination of the CEP.
The Regional Advisory Groups will operate on the basis of working parties, involving the participation of all littoral states, PCU representation, and, when necessary, outside experts. Each littoral state, through the NFP, will appoint a technical expert from the appropriate authority to sit on each Regional Advisory Group and act as the country focal point, reporting to the NCS and NFP.
The Regional Advisory Groups will meet at least twice a year. The host littoral state will bear the costs of convening the Advisory Groups meetings. The other littoral states and PCU shall pay the costs of their representatives' attendance at the meeting.
The National Coordinating Structure of the host country shall act as the Secretariat to the Regional Advisory Group and shall prepare meeting minutes and an annual report on the activities of the Group to be submitted to the host country's National Focal Point and the PCU. The Steering Committee will be informed regarding the activities of the Regional Advisory Groups through the PCU. The PCU will assist in assuring relevant communication and data exchanges across the Regional Advisory Groups.
Currently, the PCU is acting as the Interim Secretariat for the RAGs until a regional agreement is reached for a more permanent hosting arrangement.
Biodiversity and Invasive Species RAG:
Azerbaijan :
Sadagat Mammadova, Head of Division, Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources
Zulfugar Guliyev, Director, Azerbaijan Scientific- Research Fisheries Institute
I.R.Iran :
Seyed Mohammad Reza Fatemi
Kazakhstan :
To be nominated
Russia :
N. Litvinova, Astarakhan state biosphere reserve
V. Panov, Institute of Zoology of RAS
Turkmenistan :
Jumamurad Saparmuradov, Head of vertebrate laboratory, Institute of Deserts , Flora & Fauna
Vladimir Salnikov, Senior scientific collaborator, Institute of Deserts , Flora & Fauna
Fisheries RAG:
Azerbaijan :
Tariel Mammadli, Senior Advisor, Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources
Rafig Gasimov, Institute of Physiology , National Academy of Science
Dr. Mohammad Pourkazemi
Alireza Neekouyan
Kazakhstan :
To be nominated
Russia :
A. Mazhnik, Caspian research institute on fisheries – CaspNIRKH
Damir Katunin, CaspNIRKH
Turkmenistan :
Irina Sychugova, the head of social & economic development of State committee of
Fisheries of Turkmenistan
Viktor Anisimov, the head of fishery protection of State fishery protection department
of Turkmenistan
Emergency Response RAG :
Azerbaijan :
Ali-Heydar Shahmarov, Director, Emergency Response Center of Ministry of Ecology and Natural resources
Murvan Piriyev, Senior Inspector of State Inspectorate of Ministry of Ecology and Natural resources
I.R.Iran :
Ahmed Parhizi, Ports and Shipping Organization
Kazakhstan :
To be nominated
Russia :
N. Kutayeva, Gosmorspassluzhba of Ministry of Transport
S. Savelov, Ministry on Emergencies
Turkmenistan :
Gulyalek Hajiyeva, Head of Environment Department. The State Enterprise
The representative of Turkmen Maritimes and Riverlines
Pollution RAG:
Azerbaijan :
Latifa Huseynova, Head of Caspian Complex Environmental Monitoring Department
Mutallim Abdulhasanov, Head of Sector, Ministry of Ecology and Natural resources
Mohammad Reza Sheikholeslami
Kazakhstan :
To be nominated
Russia :
Yu. Treger, Research Institute "Sintez and CB"
A. Munghiev, Center of the state environmental monitoring of the Republic of Dagestan
Turkmenistan :
Vladimir Glazovski, Nature Protection Department Head, Ministry of Nature Protection
Tatyana Tzura, Chief engineer of Caspoecocontrol
Sustainable Coastal Development RAG:
Azerbaijan :
Ogtay Jafarov, Chief Advisor, State EIA Department of Ministry of Ecology and Natural resources
Chingiz Ismailov, Head of Caspian Scientific Center of Baku State University
Parvin Farshchi
Kazakhstan :
To be nominated
Russia :
N. Vandysheva, Federal Cadastral Center "Zemlya"
Yu. Mikhailichenko, Ministry of Education and Science
Turkmenistan :
Aman Babayev, Senior Scientific collaborator of the Institute of Deserts , Flora & Fauna
Timur Berkeliyev, Coordinator of the EC Tacis project “Sustainable Development of Coastal Communities”