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  3. CPC shareholders approved a new staff of consortium leadership



Declining catches of sturgeons and other commercial fish stocks together with a high death toll of seals have raised regional and worldwide concerns about the Caspian ecosystem and human health.

Deaths of thousands of seals along Caspian Sea shores in past two years have been associated with high concentrations of DDT. Similar high levels of this agricultural pesticide have been found in fish and sediments. This was a key finding of regional and international scientists of the Ecotoxicology Project, working under the umbrella of the Caspian Environment Programme.

The unusually high death toll of seals in 2000 and 2001 raised public awareness to the problem and initiated detailed investigations. Scientists found the primary cause of death in 2000 to be an infection with canine distemper virus, known to have caused mass mortality in other marine mammal populations in recent years. In addition, high levels of pollutants, such as PCBs, DDT, and heavy metals were found in seal tissues. In particular, DDT levels in some animals were the highest ever found worldwide. Chemical pollutants at this level are known to reduce immunity to disease and may have implications for human health in the region. A third major contributor to seal mortality, specifically recorded in Iranian waters, was associated with commercial fishing. Seals were either caught and drowned in nets or killed by fishermen.

Leader of the Seal Team, Dr Sue Wilson said: "We are worried about what is happening to the Caspian seal, which is listed by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature as vulnerable. This is a species unique to the region but because we have no reliable estimate of the population size it is impossible to judge the impact of these threats."

The Ecotox Workshop in Baku, Azerbaijan, also addressed the dramatic fall in sturgeon populations. A major cause of decline is thought to be poaching, but pollution also may be a factor and if this proves to be the case there are again concerns for human health. However, this will not be clarified until ongoing toxicological studies on sturgeon tissues are finalized in the next few months.

A third element of the Ecotoxicology Study examined disease and pollution in bony fish consisting of roach, sprat and gobies. Over 500 fishes were sampled and analyzed for external and internal abnormalities. Three hot spots were found: the first one, south of the Absheron Peninsula in Azerbaijan, is noted for high oil pollution; the second one, in the central part of the south coast in Iran, has high organochlorine concentrations; while in the third instance, north of the Ural Delta in Kazakhstan, requires further investigation.

These findings emerged at the end of a three-year intensive collaboration among scientists from the five countries bordering the Caspian Sea along with international colleagues. The study was funded by the Japanese Large Scale Studies Trust Fund through the World Bank. The two-day workshop involved over 40 scientists and was attended by representatives of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources in Azerbaijan, the World Bank, the Japanese Embassy, the oil industry, and nature conservation groups.

For further information contact:
Dr. David Aubrey, Caspian Environment Programme
Email: daubrey@caspian.in-baku.com
Tel.: 971785, room 108, 40, Government Building, Baku, Azerbaijan

Only political changes in Azerbaijan or Russia could prevent the bilateral Caspian seabed division agreement between the two countries from being signed at the beginning of June 2002, said a source in the Government of Azerbaijan. According to that person, the parties have made impressing progress in composing the agreement, which is based on the statements of the presidents Heydar Aliyev and Vladimir Putin about the principles of co-operation in the Caspian Sea. The principles paper was signed following the top-level conversation in Baku on 9 January. The progress had been confirmed indirectly by Deputy Foreign Minister Khalaf Khalafov of Azerbaijan, who said that the agreement could be accommodated before June 2002.

The joint principles statement of the two countries stipulates that Russia and Azerbaijan offered to divide the Caspian sea-bed between the opposite and neighboring countries at the initial stage, going by the meridian, which is drawn by the equidistant points on the two shores of the sea, modified in accordance with the arrangements between the countries, and complies with the practices established in the Caspian. The two sides also acknowledged each other's exceptional rights over the mineral resources and other lawful economic operations on the seabed.

'The agreement that is based on such principles is exceedingly beneficial to Azerbaijan, because it fully fits its position regarding division of the Caspian Sea, and makes it possible for the country to develop independently the mineral resources within its own sector of the Caspian Sea. In fact, the three littoral countries are agreed on the subject, which are Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan and Russia', said an Azeri Government official.

Russia and Kazakhstan signed back in 1998 the agreement about division of the seabed in the northern part of the Caspian Sea.

'Turkmenistan advocates the same principles, whilst our disagreement with them are purely methodological and arise from the argument about a method of determining the middle line. Practically full agreement between three or four countries about division of the Caspian Sea will bear great influence on the April summit on dividing the sea', we are told.

3. CPC shareholders approved a new staff of consortium leadership
Two meetings of Caspian Pipeline Consortium shareholders - regular and special - were held in Maskat city of Oman Sultanate. At the general annual meeting a financial report on CPC work in 2001 was adopted. Special shareholders' meeting was devoted to approval of candidatures of the new higher officials of the consortium. In accordance with the Treaty of CPC shareholders general director post is a rotary. Rotation period is 4 years. By ChevronTexaco presentation Ien MacDonad took the office of new CPC general director. At present time he presides over Shevron Neftegas Inc. and leads the activity of ChevronTexaco in Russia. For over 20 years work in Chevron and later in ChevronTexaco Mr. MacDonald had different posts in subdivisions of the company in Great Britain, USA, Nigeria, Kazakhstan and Russia. >From 1996 to 1999 he was responsible for issues related to transportation, logistics and service in Tengizchevroil in Kazakhstan. The acting CPC general director Sergey Gnatchenko is approved as the first deputy CPC general director for issues of exploitation. Mr. Gnatchenko was the head of CPC from December 2000. Before he has been president of Lukarco Services B.V. - joint enterprise established by LUKOIL and ARCO. Gary Bubel became deputy CPC general director for project and designing, and Anatoliy Guskov - for general issues.
Source: "Khabar" Agency



Hydrocarbon waste pollution of the Caspian Sea is a grossly exaggerated issue, according to Minister of Environment and Natural Resources Hussein Baghirov. In his opinion, oil waste only account for 2 per cent of the total quantity of environmental problems that hamper the Caspian Sea. 'There are many more problems, and the oil-related problem is inflated, as it were, by those who are against Azerbaijan producing mineral oil in the Caspian Sea', said Hussein Baghirov. Speaking of the many other problems, he mentioned as one of the most acute and pressing, the marine pollution by household and industrial waste brought by the rivers Volga and Kura. According to Hussein Baghirov, the problem must be solved, after all, and experts of the UN Caspian Environmental Programme are working on that one actively. The findings will make it possible to elaborate a long-term environmental rehabilitation programme for the Caspian Sea.

'On the whole, I would not say that the environmental condition of the Caspian Sea is "dramatic", as some seem to be inclined to describe it. For example, specialists say everything was much worse ten or twelve years ago. This, however, is not to say that we can adopt a laid-back attitude and underrate the pollution problems', Hussein Baghirov remarked.

The Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources is planning to organize a special scientific research expedition this summer to achieve a deeper insight into the Caspian Sea's ecology and present condition.

This was stated by Vice Premier of Azerbaijan Yagub Eyubov at a meeting with representatives of foreign companies in Almaty, within the frameworks of the Eurasian Economic Summit.

According to him, Baku was always guided by international law requirements in the field of delimiting the Caspian. Now Azerbaijan's position is close to those of Kazakhstan and Russia. The Vice Premier believes that the issue will be resolved with Turkmenistan and Iran also in conformity with international law. Eyubov says the problem may be resolved both by signing bilateral agreements and agreements between all the five littoral states.

On 1st-2nd May, the Development of National Parks in Azerbaijan international conference will be held in Baku. Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources Guseyn Bagirov told journalists that representatives from the parliaments and environmental protection agencies of Germany, Austria and Great Britain will attend the event.

Speaking of the development of national parks, the minister noted that currently the Shahdag national park is being created. The ecology Ministry has already prepared a map of the area to be occupied by the park. An agreement was reached with the ministries of finance and economic development on appealing to the World Bank for receiving a grant for the project.

Bagirov also said that on 7th-8th May. A seminar of NATO and Caspian countries will be held in Baku to discuss environmental problems of the Caspian.

The Ministry of ecology and Natural Resources is working on creating the Agency for managing Hazardous Wastes, said Minister Bagirov. According to the official, this body will supervise hazardous wastes and organize a market of managing these wastes.
According to Bagirov, foreign companies are already bidding for construction of testing grounds and management of hazardous wastes. However the main condition for sanctioning such projects is availability of domestic companies as full partners. It is planned that the state will own the testing grounds to be managed by foreign companies.
Bagirov also said that tenders will be invited for constructing a testing ground for burial of mercury wastes, constructing roads to the testing ground and cleaning the Sumgayit-based plant of surfactants from mercury wastes.
Let us note that the project for cleaning the plant from mercury wastes is financed from a $20m loan by the WB rendered for implementing four components of the Project for Urgent Environmental Investments. $8.1m were rendered for cleaning the plant's territory.

Today evening a Russian delegation of 47 persons led by Vice Premier Viktor Khristenko arrives in Baku to take part in a session of the Azeri-Russian intergovernmental commission for economic co-operation.
Co-operation in the energy field, transport and supplies of oil and gas, reconstruction of energy facilities and co-operation in developing the metallurgical industry of Azerbaijan will be considered during the session which will begin on 10th April at the Hyatt Park hotel. Two documents are to be signed after the meeting: on introducing new methods and technologies in customs bodies and on improving the fight against trafficking of tangible valuables from the countries. On behalf of the Azeri side, the documents will be signed by Chairman of the State Customs Committee Kemaleddin Heydarov.
First Vice Premier Abbas Abbasov is the cochairman of the commission from the Azeri side.


On February 20th of year 2002, one of those wonderful sunny winter days special to the southern Caspian coast, the First Meeting of the Coastal Municipalities of Mazandaran Province took place.

The meeting was held in the Agricultural Bank Educational-Recreational complex in the beautiful coastal city of Babolsar (see www.babolsar.com ). The 150 participants included mayors and chairmen of the Islamic City Councils of the Mazandaran coastal cities, governors of the coastal districts, general director and managers of Department of Environment of the province, directors of Health Centers, university professors and environmental experts, representatives of the provincial government, Mazandaran environmental NGOs, representatives of local and national media, CEP-NFP and CEP-ITCAMP director and NGO representatives from Golestan province.

Solid waste, sewage, tourism and public participation were the 4 major topics that were discussed during this one-day event.

At the end of the day, a resolution consisting 9 articles was prepared and agreed upon.

The titles of the 9 articles were:

  1. Emphasis on preparation of a comprehensive coastal management plan for the sake of environmental protection.
  2. Suggestion on membership of Mazandaran Green Network in HC&SS (Health, Treatment and Social Security) work group of the province.
  3. Establishment of the Coastal Green Network (NGO network), consisting of the present 3 provincial networks.
  4. Suggestion on establishment of the Health and Environment Monitoring Committee at district level.
  5. Increase in the level of cooperation of local authorities with environmental NGOs.
  6. Establishment of Health and Environment Committee within the body of every Islamic City Council of the coastal cities with mandatory monthly meeting for discussing local environmental problems and issues and chronic reporting procedure.
  7. Cooperation of coastal municipalities with local environmental NGOs to increase public knowledge about integration of solid waste at source and recycling facts.
  8. Cooperation of Mazandaran Green Network and DOE in following up the implementation of the articles of this resolution.
  9. The date and agenda of the next meeting in September of 2002

The meeting was a part of the work plan of the Public Participation Advisor of the Caspian Environment Programme, and was financed by CEP and implemented with the help of Government of Mazandaran province, Department of Environment and the District Office and Municipality of Babolsar.
Source: PPA I.R.I


  1. The Caspian caviar export
  2. Both the United States and Kazakhstan intend to continue cooperation in the development of the -Caspian shelf and completion of the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan pipeline project
  3. The Ministry of Energy has announced its conception for the development of the republic's gas industry for the period up to 2015.
  4. Training on Biodiversity for Young Scientists
  5. Russian oil company LUKOil intends to participate in the development of the Kurmangazy field situated in the region of the modified middle line in the Caspian shelf, falling under the jurisdiction of Kazakhstan.
  6. The construction of the first artificial island on the Caspian shelf has been completed.
  7. The second Eurasian Economic Forum under the aegis of the Davos Forum opened in Almaty, Kaz, on Monday.
  8. The Ministry of Nature Resources and Environment Protection joining with the Ministry of the Inside Affairs and the Ministry of the State Revenues

1. The Caspian caviar export
It was revealed on Thursday that the United Nations has lifted the ban on exporting Caspian caviar, which was introduced last June. This decision was made after the five Caspian states stipulated to domestic limitations on caviar exports. Russia, Kazakhstan, Iran, Azerbaijan, and Turkmenistan agreed to decrease volumes of caviar exports by 10%. This year the Caspian states will be able to supply 142 tons of caviar to their markets. According to the quotas introduced, Kazakhstan will be able to export 23.5 tons of this delicacy, which enjoys a high demand in the United States and the European Union. The largest quota - 75 tons - was given to Iran.
As you may recall, the ban on Caspian caviar trade was introduced last June. At that time, Caspian states were asked to develop a special program to save and increase the natural population of sturgeon in the sea. UN representatives note that illegal caviar trade still is one of the main problems of the Caspian region. According to international experts, illegal sturgeon fishing in the Caspian exceeds the legal volumes by 10-15 times. According to the UN, black caviar trade turnover is estimated at 100 million dollars a year, while revenues of illegal traders total 200-300 million. The United Nations insists that the Caspian states take tougher measures to regulate their domestic markets, where the share of illegal caviar trade exceeds 70%.
Source: "Khabar" Agency, KZ, 10/03/2002

2. Both the United States and Kazakhstan intend to continue cooperation in the development of the -Caspian shelf and completion of the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan pipeline project
On Tuesday, Kazakhstani President Nursultan Nazarbayev met with Chief Advisor to the U.S. Secretary of State Steven Mann. The two discussed issues related to energy partnerships.
President Nazarbayev confirmed that Kazakhstan will take part in the project to transport Caspian oil via the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan pipeline. This was announced to journalists in Astana on Tuesday by Steven Mann, Chief Advisor to the U.S. Secretary of State on Caspian Energy Policy, a briefing after his meeting with the Kazakhstani president. According to Mann, the sides discussed a wide range of energy issues. Kazakhstani participation in the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan pipeline project was the main theme discussed at several official meetings in Astana that day. Discussions were held to help put into effect the declaration on energy partnership between the two countries, which was signed during President Nazarbayev's visit to the United States this past January. The American interest in Kazakhstan's involvement in the pipeline project is easily explained. As you may recall, the hopes of foreign investors for the oil reserves in Azerbaijan's sector of the Caspian sea did not pan out. For this reason, construction of the pipeline is only reasonable if Kazakhstan participates. However, Kazakhstani ecologists spoke against laying the pipeline on the Caspian sea bottom between Aktau and Baku, stating seismic instability in the area as their main reason. At present, oil is delivered to Baku from Aktau by tanker. According to Steven Mann, the United States is not interested in constructing a pipeline via Iran for political reasons. Responding to the questions of Kazakhstani journalists at the Kazakhstani Press Club, the U.S. advisor noted that during his meeting with the President, they also discussed issues related to Kazakhstani gas production and the search for new alternate routes for the republic's exports. Moreover, Mann noted that the U.S. is interested in further investment in the Kazakhstani economy, security for which is the stability of policies maintained by the republic. During the meeting, President Nazarbayev confirmed his support of the stability of contracts for American investors in Kazakhstan and welcomed the growth of U.S. investments in the republic's economy.
Source: "Khabar" Agency, KZ

3. The Ministry of Energy has announced its conception for the development of the republic's gas industry for the period up to 2015.
The program envisages active development of new gas fields. The ministry plans meet deadlines to complete projects on the Karachaganak and Tengiz oil and gas fields, as well as the construction of a gas processing plant at the Zhanazhol field in western Kazakhstan.
The annual volume of natural gas extraction in Kazakhstan by the year 2015 is estimated to reach 45-50 billion cubic meters. Taking these predictions into consideration, the export potential of the republic by the year 2015 could total 34 billion cubic meters of gas, with the main recipients of Kazakhstani natural gas exports expected to be Russia and Western Europe. At present Kazakhstan holds 15th place in the world for explored reserves of natural gas, and 4th place in the CIS.
Source: "Khabar" Agency

4. Training on Biodiversity for Young Scientists
The Caspian Environment Programme's experts are preparing the 3d last phase of the training on biodiversity for young scientists, which is planning to held in Low-Volga Center of Ecological Education in Astrakhan, Russia on May 14-19th. The first phase of training took place in Atyrau, Kazakhstan on 21-25 January with participation professors from Russian Federation: Prof. N. Aladin (Institute of Zoology, St. Petersburg), Prof. Yu.Dgebuadze (Institute of Ecology and Evolution Problems, Moscow) and from Kazakhstan Prof. N.Ogar (Institute of Botany, Almaty), where 17 Kazakhstani experts from research institutions, universities and monitoring services of Atyray gathered a broad material encompassing both theoretical bases of biodiversity and specific issues of the Caspian biodiversity. In the course of the training, participants pointed out the need of drafting and publishing a pocket description of species by groups of organisms. The suggestion was made to focus on taxonomic peculiarities of organisms during the third stage of training.

Three best trainees of the first one were selected to participate in the second stage in Institute of Zoology, St. Petersburg on February 4-8 under the leading of Prof. N Aladin, Prof. O.Pugachev, Prof. S.Golubkov from ZIN RAS, Dr. H.Segers (Belgium) and Prof. L.Perestenko (Institute of Botany, RAS). The programme included the excursion in zoological museum in the Institute, it's science library, introducing with taxonomy collection, also visit to botany taxonomy collection and botany garden, lectures on critical salty conception, zoological data bases, and other biodiversity themes, consultations with professors - specialists on zooplankton and zoo benthos. Kazakhstani young scientists were thankful for the interesting, useful training and effective knowledge. Especial thanks to Prof. N.Aladin, who made the invaluable contribution in this training stage organization and it's successful implementation.

The last stage of the training will be deeply focused on the taxonomy and ecology of some species in the Caspian Sea and it's practical identifications. There are 15 Russian professors from the Institute of Zoology, Institute of Inland Waters Biology, Institute of Marine Biology, Institute of Ecology and Evolution Problems and KaspNIRH, who are planning to lead this seminar.
Source: PPA KZ

5. Russian oil company LUKOil intends to participate in the development of the Kurmangazy field situated in the region of the modified middle line in the Caspian shelf, falling under the jurisdiction of Kazakhstan.
The President of LUKOil, Vagit Alekperov, told journalists that the Russian Company showed its interest in this project long ago.

The LUKOil President also informed that the company is considering a number of sea oil blocks on perspective in the Caspian siding with the Kazakhstani shores. Alekperov in particular named the Zhanbas block and a number of oil-bearing structures siding with this block.

Responding to journalists' questions, Alekperov informed that within the last 6 years LUKOil's investments in the Kazakhstani economy amounted to approximately 500 million dollars.
Source: "Khabar" agency

6. The construction of the first artificial island on the Caspian shelf has been completed. Agip KKO Company will soon start the drilling of an estimation well from this island. This is the first of three artificial islands to be built on the sea. The company specialists assure that these islands cause no harm to nature.

There are hundreds of islands in the Caspian Sea. Nature spent hundreds of years creating them; yet the Agip Company needed only a few months to make a new island in the Caspian Sea. This island is not marked on the map.

At times the decision to construct islands in the sea, a route for migration of Caspian sturgeons where the depth does not exceed four meters, aroused criticism from the public. However, Agip specialists are making all efforts to persuade the citizens of Atyrau, that alien construction of islands in the sea will cause no harm to nature.

Agip KKO regional director, Andrea Kiura, says that the new island is 80 to 120 meters in size and was made of 350 thousand tons of stones brought from Bautino. From an ecological point of view it is absolutely safe as it was constructed with natural, environmentally clean material, which causes no reaction to contact with water. According to the Agip representative, all the works will be carried out with observation of the strictest norms and rules of environmental protection.

The island on East Kashagan structure is the first of three artificial islands from which Agip plans to hold field exploration. The drilling plant has already been assembled and at the end of April or beginning of May drilling of the estimation well will begin. Upon its completion at the end of the year, the company promises to announce official figures on commercial reserves of oil in East Kashagan and begin exploration of neighboring Aktoty and Kairan structures, which also demand construction of islands. Then the extraction of oil will start. To speed up this process, the estimation wells would be re-profiled to producing ones, and by the end of 2005, according to Agip officials, they will produce the first oil of the Kazakhstani shelf of the Caspian Sea. Based on their experience, specialists forecast reserves of about 5-7 billion tons of oil in this shelf.
Source: "Khabar", 2002-04-08

7. The second Eurasian Economic Forum under the aegis of the Davos Forum opened in Almaty, Kaz, on Monday. Two days summit attracted around 500 VIP, 250 journalists from over the world. Among the main discussed issues was an actual today Caspian issue, in particular the integration in its development.

The Kaz President, opening European summit, marked that the development of the Caspian region needs to append the maximum of efforts of all interested parts, for the conducting of one agreed programme to avoid a transformation of the region into the node of a withstanding, that could not have any winners. On the contrary, it has to be the region of friendship and collaboration.

The Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of IRR Mohamed Hussein Adeli came with the offer: to provide the access to the Persian gulf, port Neka for 1 bln dollars, that could essentially correct the project Baku-Jeihan, which estimates in 2,2 bln doll (min).

The Russian Vice-Premier Victor Hristenko announced on the forum that Moscow is ready to increase the quota on the Kazakhstan oil skip through the Russia's territory till 15 mln tones per year...

8. The Ministry of Nature Resources and Environment Protection joining with the Ministry of the Inside Affairs and the Ministry of the State Revenues started the implementation of fish protection action in the Ural-Caspian basin "Bekire - 2002 since 25th of March.
Source: The Ministry Press secretary.


  2. Plantation of Turkmen trees is highly underway by the peasants of the nation along with the plantation of other seeds

A summit of Caspian states scheduled for 23-24 April will bring serious progress to specifying the Caspian's status, the Turkmen President stated at a regional meeting in Mary.
The Ashgabad Summit will allow changing opinions on defining the status of the Caspian and try to find a solution that would suit each of the Five. Turkmenistan is willing to consider every variant of dividing the sea acceptable for all the states. Above all, the solution should be found by "joint efforts" and result in establishing "peace zone and mutually beneficial co-operation that will allow to develop vast sea resources."
Azerbaijan Deputy Foreign Minister Khalaf Khalafov at the yesterday's press-conference in Baku characterized the coming meeting of the heads of the Caspian states as "a unique event" in the Caspian history and stated that Azerbaijan "pins great hopes" on this meeting.
Source: Great Silk Road World

2. Plantation of Turkmen trees is highly underway by the peasants of the nation along with the plantation of other seeds.
Opening up new fields and developing them is also highly underway. Developing the banks of Garagum River and planting trees there are highly underway. This in turn is a proof of accomplishment of the tasks of the leader of the nation on the development of fields along the banks of Garagum River. Thanks to the joint efforts of enterprises and organizations of Akhal welayat, works on the plantation of trees is highly underway. Great works are underway on the development of new fields along the highway that stretches along the Garagum River. Massive utilization of all kinds of powerful machinery on making salty fields useful proves the prosperity of these lands.
Source: Watan News Turkmen TV


  1. March 14, 2002
  2. Caspian Sea Regional Policy Symposium
  3. 19-21 March
  4. Achievements in five-year cooperation between the Astrakhan oblast and Lukoil Company
  5. Enhance efficient interactions of executive power bodies

1. March 14, 2002, President of Russian Federation Vladimir Putin signed the document ratifying International Agreement on the Transport Corridor "North - South", which was adopted by the State Duma (13 February, 2002) and approved by the Council of Federation (27 February, 2002).

2. Caspian Sea Regional Policy Symposium (14-17 March, 2002, Washington, DC) was organized by IREX, in collaboration with the Kennan Institute of the Woodrow Wilson Center (WWC), supported by the United States Department of State. Symposium was intended to bring together senior and junior scholars, as well as members from the policy community, to study and discuss timely topics related to the Caspian Sea region, i.e., security and military cooperation; economic and trade development; environment and safety issues; human rights; cross-border ethnic issues; legal reform; and relations with the West.
Source: www.irex.org

3. 19-21 March, delegation of Russian Federation Council of Federation visited the Republic of Kazakhstan. Negotiations with President of the Senate, deputies of Parliament and other officials were concerned with economic cooperation (current status and prospects) between the countries, boundary collaboration, and the Caspian issues. The Kazakhstan side supported the initiative suggested by the Council of Federation on establishment of Inter-Parliamentary Assembly of the Caspian states supported previously by the Parliament of Azerbaijan.
Source: K. Markelov Press-service

4. Achievements in five-year cooperation between the Astrakhan oblast and Lukoil Company were summarized in the course of the meeting between Anatoly Guzhvin, the Governor of the region, and the Head of the Company, Vagit Alekperov. During this period, a new Russian oil province was opened in the region, stated V. Alekperov. Today, the North Caspian became one of three strategic regions, where the Company intends to concentrate its potential for development of the Caspian hydrocarbon resources. By the year 2005, oil extraction will be initiated at Khvalynskoye oilfield in the North Caspian, said V. Alekperov. Both leaders signed a framework agreement, which defines main principles of interrelation for the next 5 years.

5. Enhance efficient interactions of executive power bodies in the Southern Federal Okrug (region) for better protection of marine bioresources in the Azov, Caspian, and Black Seas, was the primary issue discussed at the Meeting held on 19th March, Stavropol, RF. The Meeting stressed that the main barriers in organizing protection to fish resources are flaws in legal and regulatory bases. Existing practice reveals insufficient coordination between federal and territorial/ local bodies. The participants mentioned activities of Federal Border Service in safeguarding bioresources of three seas; they decided to develop a proposal to the Government RF, envisage targeted financing within the framework "State Border" program.


  1. Training for Trainers course at the European Youth Center Budapest
  2. Aarhus Convention Logo Contest

1. Training for Trainers course at the European Youth Center Budapest, 15-27 September 2002
Languages English and Russian are foreseen as the working languages of the course. However, in order to better adapt the course to the actual language needs of participants, all candidates are requested to state in their application forms all the languages in which they are able to work. Candidates must have sufficient understanding of either of the working languages in order to comprehend and complete this application form without assistance from another person.

Participants' Profile Trainers, youth leaders, youth workers (members of INGYOs, NYCs or other youth organizations, governmental youth institutions, youth projects and NGOs working for youth) and other occasional youth trainers who are, or will be, responsible for one or several training activities with a European and/or international dimension during the years 2002 or 2003. Participants and/or team members of European youth projects, such as those involved in running study sessions with the European Youth Centers, who wish to gain training skills for international or intercultural programmes

Foreseen for the years 2002 and/or 2003.

In general candidates should:

  • Be aged between 18 and 30 (exceptions may by made on the basis of justification);
  • be actively involved in youth work, while preparing to take on responsibilities in the field of training with an international dimension;
  • have some initial experience in the field of training with an international dimension;
  • be well informed about their organization, institution or service and be prepared to explain to the other participants about the training activities in which they have been involved;
  • be able to work in one of the two working languages of the course - English and Russian;
  • be in the position to act as a trainer after the course;
  • be committed to attend for the full duration of the course and be supported by a sending organization, institution or service.

Further information about these courses can be obtained from the
Directorate of Youth and Sport Secretariat (www.eycb.coe.int).
Council of Europe Directorate of Youth and Sport
European Youth Center Strasbourg
30, rue Pierre de Coubertin
F - 67000 Strasbourg, France
Tel: +/33/ 3 88 41 23 00 Fax: +/33/ 3 88 41 27 77/78

European Youth Center Budapest
Zivatar utca 1 - 3
1024 Budapest, Hungary
Tel: +36 1 212 40 78 Fax: +36 1 212 40 76
eycb.secretariat@coe.int, http://www.eycb.coe.int

2. Aarhus Convention Logo Contest
The UNECE Convention on Access to Information, Public Participation in Decision-making and Access to Justice in Environmental Matters (better known as the Aarhus Convention) was adopted on 25th June 1998 in the Danish city of Aarhus at the Fourth Ministerial Conference in the 'Environment for Europe' process. The UNECE/Aarhus Convention Secretariat is pleased to announce a competition on the development of the Aarhus Convention Logo.

Competition Rules:

  • The competition is open to any interested member of the public;
  • The logo must possess technical and dynamic qualities and be easy to use and exploit (notably by adaptation to electronic media, to reproduction on small surfaces and to use in color, both in positive and in negative form);

The logo has to be relevant for the Aarhus Convention and to be developed following the UN general criteria:

  1. The design of the emblem should be suggestive of the topic and of the United Nations character of the Convention. It should not, however, be a modification of the United Nations emblem. It might, for example, show a motive symbolic of the topic of the Convention enclosed in a globe flanked by the traditional olive branches.
  2. The design should be of universal significance and should be readily understandable to the general public.
  3. The design should be simple, dignified and distinctive.
  4. The design should not include a motto that would have to be translated into various languages.
  5. Care should be taken not to use a symbol that has different meanings in different cultures.
  6. The design should be reproducible in black and white.
  7. The design should be compatible with the United Nations emblem so that, when used together, the Convention design and the emblem would present a harmonious ensemble.

Designs should be submitted to:
Aarhus Convention Secretariat
Environment and Human Settlements Division
United Nations Economic Commission for Europe
Palais des Nations, room 315
CH-1211 Geneva 10
Phone: + 41 22 917 2650
Fax : + 41 22 907 0107/70634
E-mail: sofie.flensborg@unece.org