undertaken during the reporting period:
Captain Norouz Tavana has been appointed as the Director
of the ER CRTC, which is now established in the Ports and Shipping Organization of the IR
of Iran.
The initial data collection stage is complete and work
on summarizing the country reports has begun.
Commitments have been received from the private industry
to assist with the development of National Oil Spill Contingency plans in Azerbaijan and
The International Maritime Organization (IMO) has been
engaged to provide technical assistance to the countries in development of National and
the Regional Oil Spill Contingency Plans. John Ostergarrd has replaced Jim Hildrew as
CEP’s lead consultant.
A draft Framework document for a Regional Oil Spill
Contingency plan has be produced.
Activities to be undertaken in the next three months:
There will be a major CEP/IMO workshop in Tehran on 29th
and 30th May at which the status of Oil Spill Contingency Planning in the
region will be discussed (including Industry, National and Regional Plans) and action
lists will be drawn up.
Consultants for the World Conservation Monitoring Centre
will visit the region to undertake a scooping exercise for a joint International Petroleum
Industry Environmental Conservation Association (IPIECA) and CEP project to develop a GIS
based Sensitive Areas Map of the Caspian.
Meeting Reports
Technical Publications
Up-coming Activities