Use of Beroe Ovata to control
Mnemiopsis populations in the Caspian Sea
S. P. Volovik
As far back as the 1990s the scientists
put forward actions on biological control of Mnemiopsis in the Azov Sea and the Black Sea
basin (Harbison, Volovic, 1993). A number of actions recommended as well were on
preservation of some native species capable of feeding on Mnemiopsis as well as on
implementation of adequate studies and acclimatization of obligate predators of Mnemiopsis
– another comb-jelly (Beroe Ovata) and a number of fish species, including Pampans (?),
Beroe Ovata, Peprilus triacanthus and P. Paru. Beroe and Pampans, inhabiting the natural
habitat of Mnemiopsis are highly effective in suppressing the outbursts of the latter.
The cost of works on biological control
over distribution of Mnemiopsis in the Azov Sea and the Black Sea basin was evaluated at
some millions of dollars or at 1-1.5% of the annual damage sustained merely as a result of
the loss of catch. Ideas expressed and a strategy program in general were supported by the
experts of countries – participants of the II technical consultation held in the
framework of General Fisheries Council for the Mediterranean (Ankara, February 1993),
joint group of experts of FAO, UNESCO, UNEP and other UN Organizations on scientific
problems of marine environment (GESAMP Reports and Studies, No. 58, 1997), VIII session of
Russian-Ukrainian Committee on fishery in the Azov Sea (Kerch, 1998). However, up to now
none of the actions (apart from monitoring of ecosystems, Mnemiopsis populations
distribution included) were implemented by the littoral countries of the Black Sea.
In 1997 a new invasive specie –
comb-jelly Beroe ovata – was discovered in the Black Sea (Zaytsev, 1998). The specie was
one of the organisms recommended earlier for introduction in the Azov Sea and the Black
Sea to suppress distribution of Mnemiopsis. Studies on a number of adaptations of Beroe as
well as observations of distribution and dynamics of Mnemiopsis and Beroe population in
the north-eastern part of the Black Sea gave way to a number of important conclusions
(Shiganova et al, 200, Volovik, 2000) including as follows:
Beroe Ovata is capable of tolerating
low salinity of water and could acclimatize water area with salinity over 7.5%, i.e.
practically the entire area of the Azov Sea and the Black Sea; a lower limit of salinity
tolerance by Beroe is between 7% and 4%
Under experimental conditions Beroe
ovata ate only comb-jellies Mnemiopsis and Pleurobrachia;
Beroe ovata is really capable of
suppressing distribution of Mnemiopsis in the Azov Sea and the Black sea basin in an
effective way;
Populations of Mnemiopsis in the joint
habitats with Beroe have reduced by ten times as compared to the year with favorable
conditions of environment but no Beroe present.
By 2000 observations of the Azerbaijan
Scientific-Research Institute on Fishery of the ecosystems of the Azov Sea and the Russian
part of the Black Sea with distribution of the populations of comb-jellies and
fish-planktoprotobes made it possible to state as follows:
populations of Mnemiopsis in Kerchian
strait during spring period were at extremely low level with this causing its late
outbursts in the Azov Sea and biomass being relatively low: 1999-36 mln t, 2000 – 15 mln
up to middle/late July favorable
feeding conditions for planktoprotobes were observed in a greater water area of the Azov
Sea (biomass of zooplankton varied from 1524 mg/m3 in May, 287 mg/m3
in July to 50 mg/ m3 in August, i.e. it was twice more stable as compared to
the relevant months of the years precedent);
populations of the Azov khamsa and
sardelle by the autumn 2000 had the best figures of physiological state as compared to the
years precedent, in particular oil quantity at the end of fattening period amounted to
17-19% of khamsa, 21-24.5% - of sardelle as compared to 12-15% and 15-17% relatively of
the years precedent.
during fishing season in 2000/2001
total admissible catch of khamsa and sardelle has been determined at 10000 and 40000
correspondingly, i.e. by 2-3 times higher than in the years precedent.
Thus, appearance of Beroe Ovata in the
Azov Sea and the Black Sea basin (the natural habitat of this invasive specie has not been
yet precisely determined) has contributed to the development of the situation in the Azov
Sea in compliance with the scenario of late entering of Mnemiopsis. (Volovik et al, 1991,
Comb-jelly…, 2000) which allows to partly restore the possibilities of maintaining
fishery on the Azov Sea and the Black Sea mass planktoprotobes, however, not liquidating
fully the problems of biological control over development of Mnemiopsis population in the
Azov and the Black Sea zone as well as those of re-establishment of catch volumes for
khamsa, sardelle, scad and other fish.
In the meantime, there is still a hope to
succeed in solving the problem of destruction of pelagenic part of the ecosystem by the
comb-jelly Mnemiopsis as applied to the Caspian Sea, the Azov Sea, Black Sea, Marble Sea
as well as other seas of the Mediterranean basin based on strategic actions published
earlier (Harbison, Volovik, 1993). Information available enables to state that the most
effective counteraction for Mnemiopsis is introduction of obligate predator(s) with
compatible potencies of reproduction and tolerance towards environment which characterize
The following properties make Beroe ovata
the most preferential predator:
low salinity tolerance (the lower
tolerance threshold of Beroe is between 7.2-4.5%, and that of Mnemiopsis – approx. 3%).
Since Mnemiopsis penetrates into the Azov Sea every year, causing outburst and dying
during autumn-winter period, the major area of fighting it is water area of the Black Sea,
which, if judged by salinity tolerance, could be totally acclimatized both by Mnemiopsis
and Beroe.
Reproduction of Beroe begins when its
body is 2.5-3.0 sm at the age of one month, fertility of puberal individuals makes up
several thousands of ovum daily (like Mnemiopsis)
Beroe is an obligate eater of
comb-jellies (Mnemiopsis and Pleurobrachia);
The events of 1997-2000 proved that
Beroe succeeds in surviving in conditions of the Black Sea round the year just like
Mnemiopsis, i.e. there always exists a possibility of preservation of the population
(female culture).
Information on development cycles of
Beroe and Mnemiopsis in a natural habitat as well as observations on biology of invasive
species in the Azov and the Black Sea basin enable to formulate the following statements
predetermining effective use of Beroe as a regulator of Mnemiopsis populations in water
prompt and positive effect – sharp
reduction of the populations of Mnemiopsis takes place when Beroe is numerous
(irrespective of the fact whether the majority is presented by large specimens or
similar dynamics of the populations of
comb-jellies under studies is preserved in natural habitats and water basins of
introduction: first Mnemiopsis sharply increases its populations, reaching maximum
figures, then close to that maximum level there appear outbursts of Beroe which eats away
Mnemiopsis within 3-4 weeks.
During the period of March 1999-September
2000 the following observations were made in the north-eastern part of the Black Sea:
1999 |
high number of Mnemiopsis, no single Beroe found in any sample (net, trawl); |
1999, 2000 |
increase observed in number of Mnemiopsis |
August 1999 |
number of Mnemiopsis; appearance of Beroe |
half of August-
September 1999 – September 2000 |
reduction of Mnemiopsis number (rarely met are isolated individuals), Beroe is numerous |
October-March |
data |
2000 |
low number of Mnemiopsis; no Beroe found in samples |
The statements set forth enable to make
the following assumptions:
during the period of intensive
development of Mnemiopsis and increase in number of its population Beroe is either few or
its natural habitat does not coincide with Mnemiopsis, or temperature and other conditions
of environment do not contribute to increase of Beroe in number or all these factors take
place in various combinations and proportions;
intensive development and increase of
Mnemiopsis in number could be controlled by comparing artificially the period of
development of Mnemiopsis and Beroe populations. To implement the latter female culture
(of puberal individuals) and planting material of Beroe (ovum, larvae, whitebait) should
be always available.
And this in its turn predetermines the
basic demand towards scientific and industrial work with regards to Beroe in connection
with the problem of biological control over development of Mnemiopsis population in the
Azov and the Black Sea basin, i.e. the demand is to keep a size-limited population of
Beroe in artificial conditions and be capable of getting enough quantity of certain
planting material, i.e. to create biotechnology of industrial cultivation of Beroe.
There exist all prerequisites for
creation of industrial biotechnology to cultivate Beroe in the Russian part of the
Azov-Black Sea zone, and those are as follows:
Azerbaijan Scientific Research
Institute for Fishery possesses a unique method on development and introduction of
biotechnology for industrial cultivation of various objects (fish, mollusk, crustaceans)
aimed at stocking of naturally impounded bodies with fish and maintaining fish stock as
well as aimed at producing commercial goods under conditions of specialized economy;
Azerbaijan Scientific Research
Institute employs qualified staff of hydrobiologists, ichthyologists, fish farmers as well
as other specialists having been involved in creation of biotechnology for intensive
commercial growing of fish (Acipenseridae, pipe perch, Cyprinidae, sheatfish), hydrobionts
(mollusks, mussels, crawfish) and their forage objects;
On Bolshoy Utrish Cape (50 km to
north-west of Novorossiysk Port) there operates a Scientific and Experimental Marine
Biotechnological Center “Bolshoy Utrish” which is a State-run unitary institution
including a Section with incubatory and fish farming facilities (reservoirs), laboratories
and other structures. However, the whole complex is out of service and requires
reconstruction with the latter being of urgent need for water supply systems. In
compliance with the data held by Azerbaijan Scientific Research Institute for Fishery the
least polluted part in the area of Bolshoy Utrish at the moment is a less man-damaged part
of water area of the Black ea. Location of “Bolshoy Utrish” base is a possibility,
when necessary, to produce forage objects for Beroe on a round-the-year basis, and i.e. at
least comb-jelly Pleurobrachia.
Thus, objectives put forward (creation of
water complex and biotechnology for cultivation of Beroe) could be achieved within a short
period of time (approx. 2-3 years) which is a really short term for such objectives.
To be resolved apart from development of
biotechnology on cultivation of Beroe directly shall be a secured supply of artificial
population of Beroe with feed with this further requiring additional funds to study the
possibilities of preservation of comb-jellies Mnemiopsis, Pleurobrachia and their feed
organisms in artificial conditions. In principle biotechnology of similar activities is
known and required at the moment is a new challenging but manageable task – its
adaptation for other live objects.
As it was earlier mentioned in 1999
Mnemiopsis was discovered in the Caspian Sea. The comb-jelly has become a mass organism by
2000, acclimatizing almost 80% of the water area of the sea by late August. It is natural
that the issue of introduction of Beroe Ovata into this basin should be studied as well.
However, the following circumstances are to be taken into account:
saline composition of the Caspian water
significantly differs from “regular” sea water as well as waters of the Black Sea and
the Azov Sea (Zenkevich, 1963). This will require implementation of special studies on
tolerance of Beroe to Caspian water;
in case if Beroe could inhabit Caspian
water, the problem of artificial elimination of divergence between the development peaks
of populations of Mnemiopsis and Beroe should be solved as well;
an experiment was carried out on
keeping Beroe in water with Caspian salinity of 12%: Beroe lived for two days and the
experiment was then stopped. This inspires the hope the activities in this direction are
Unlike the Black Sea, there exist no
native organisms in the Caspian Sea, which in case of the lack of Mnemiopsis in isolated
regions of the Caspian, could be a feed for Beroe, thus contributing to stability of the
population of the invasive specie in this basin. Under such circumstances a regular
renewal of the “Caspian” Beroe population from outside will be needed (renewal rates
and frequency are to be specified);
It’s necessary to study specifically
which stages of the development of Beroe are the most appropriate ones for the comb-jelly
to be transported in order to get maximum effective results with minimum expenses
Thus, the project suggested is aimed at
control of exotic specie Mnemiopsis in the Azov Sea, Black Sea and Caspian Sea,
restoration of productive capabilities of their pelagic zone and its traditional food
chain, significant increase (no less than by 3-5 times on the Azov sea and by 2-3 times on
the Black Sea) of catch of mass fish-planktoprotobes as well as at preservation of unique
ecosystems and their biota in the mentioned seas.
When touching upon the issue of control
of exotic organisms in the Azov-Black Sea and the Caspian basins it’s most unlikely to
miss an opportunity on evaluation of the utilization of earlier mentioned fish-pampan for
this purpose. According to Dr. G. R. Harbison (Woods Hole University, USA-personal
communication) he has studied adaptation of whitebait of these species during vegetation
season. The studies proved that these fish inhabit water with up to 35% of salinity and
feed on gelatinous plankton. Due to high growth rates and special meat these objects are
considered not only as predators of the comb-jellies under conditions of the mentioned
marine basins, but also as objects of marine culture. However, through the lack of
scientific information these issues have not been duly studied.
This report should be deemed also as an
appeal to the scientists of the Caspian region for participation in a fund-raising
procedure with regards to the activities described above.
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Meeting Report Photos from the
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