Terms of Reference
CEP Regional Mnemiopsis Advisory Group
Baku, Azerbaijan
At the Second Biodiversity Meeting,
organized by the CEP in July 2000 in Almaty, Kazakhstan, the participants from the Caspian
Countries discussed the issue of invasion and influence of exotic species in the Caspian
Sea The participants stressed the importance of further investigation of problems caused
by introduced species, particularly in light of recent discovery of ctenophore Mnemiopsis
in the Caspian Sea. National Experts recommended to the CEP to establish a special Working
Group of world-recognized experts in this field to thorough investigate the problem. In
line with this recommendation, a meeting was organized on 24/25/26 April 2001 to review
the problem of opportunistic settlers (with specific attention to Mnemiopsis) in
the Caspian Sea and advise on possible course of actions.
The participants of the meeting agreed that
the situation with Mnemiopsis in the Caspian Sea in 2000 was serious. They agreed
that there is a strong need for more data on the distribution of Mnemiopsis in the Caspian
Sea, especially its impact on the biology and ecosystem. They stressed an acute need for
additional data of permanent monitoring of ML in the Caspian Sea, a laboratory study of Mnemiopsis’
predatory impact on the zooplankton stock in the Caspian Sea and an estimation of the
capacity of the ctenophore Beroe ovata as a predator of Mnemiopsis if it
were to be introduced into the Caspian. They also recommended that the Caspian Environment
Programme establish a Special Regional Advisory Group composed of Mnemiopsis
experts from the Caspian states nominated by the CEP National Focal Points. The main goal
of the Group is to develop an Action plan that should be implemented by the Caspian
countries with assistance from the Caspian Environment Programme at the initial stage.
Regional Mnemiopsis Advisory Group
consists of five members nominated by each Caspian Sea country.
Tasks of the Group members are:
- Develop relevant regional recommendations, guidance and
strategy, and plans for the region-wide monitoring
- Develop the Mnemiopsis Action Plan and update it on the
regular basis in accordance with the situation
- Meet at least twice per year and convene extraordinary
meetings if and when the needs arises
- Network with national and international institutions and
specialists in respective area
- Supervise development and maintenance of the Mnemiopsis
Regional Database
- Formulate the proposals for national and regional actions
- Communicate the proposals of the advisory group to the
competent National authorities and where necessary seek the appropriate authorization to
implement national & regional actions.