Activities related to the CCPC technical work were as follows:
CCPC received completed industrial questionnaires from
Astrakhan and the CCPC team leader visited an oil reception facility and a wastewater
treatment plant in Astrakhan
the CCPC database has been updated and a first draft of
the CCPC home page has been designed in cooperation with the PCU;
A draft report with proposals for a system of Caspian
reference laboratories has been prepared;
Introduction of modern environmental practices through
seminars has been started by holding a seminar in Sumgait and a local expert contracted
from Sumgait Committee of Ecology to be trained in this issue;
The First CCPC workshop was held at CCPC 5-6 December
2000 with participation of representatives from all five countries.
Discussion were held and agreements reached on the
coordination of work programmes of ERACL and PC CRTCs (especially tasks concerning oil and
gas industry).
ERACL and PC CRTCs undertook a fact finding mission
(financed by UNDP) to major pollution control and pollution monitoring laboratories in the
Caspian Sea Region
Meetings were held with oil companies (Statoil and BP)
to inform them about Phase 1 findings on oil pollution of the Caspian Sea, to create
interest in Phase 2 activities and discuss cooperation, e.g. oil companies’ support to
further development of ecological modelling, environmental management practices,
harmonisation of standards.
September - November 2000