Env. Engineering
Stakeholder PP
Cleaner Production
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Additional Course Details
This section covers course outline, additional reading, assignments as well as information on the course presenters.

Course Outline

The course will run over one semester (15 weeks) and cover a number of topics within four core modules and four elective modules:

Module Topic Lecture
Core Modules
1. Our Coastal Areas
1. General Environment
2. Activities
2. Tools and Governance
3. Good Governance
4. Management Tools
3. Water
5. Water Quality
6. Water Resource Management
4. Energy
7. Energy Resources
8. Energy Management Systems
Elective Modules
5. Air quality
9. Air Quality Management
10. Case Study
6. Waste
11. Effluents
12. Solid Wastes
7. Conservation Areas
13. Introduction with case studies
8. Tourism Development
14. Introduction with case studies

more details in the linked files below

 Download Introductory Brief for Students
File Title:Introductory Brief for Students (Details)
File Type:pdf
File Size:31.86Kb

An overview of the course content, material and some of the support learning tools that you can use during the course: the Distance Learning Info...