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Kunene Regional Council


The Kunene Regional Council aims to promote integrated planning and development at the Regional level, including addressing poverty alleviation and job creation, social issues such as HIV/AIDS and sustainable resource management.

The Kunene Integrated Coastal Zone Management Committee
is a subcommittee of the Kunene Regional Development Coordinating Committee (RDCC), to foster ICZM of the Kunene coastal areas on a sustainable economic basis, in collaboration with the local community structures.

Relevant Activities: 

Public awareness/advocacy, Research and education, Local capacity building, Policy development, Poverty reduction, Technical assistance, Integrated development planning

Target Area:

Republic of Namibia

Contact Details:

Private Bag 502 - O'PUWO Mbumbijazo Muharukua Avenue - -
O'Puwo, Kunene Region, Republic of Namibia -

Tel: 09264 65 273446/9
Fax: 09264 65 273077