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The Community Tool Box is the world's largest resource for free information on essential skills for building healthy communities. It offers more than 7,000 pages of practical guidance in creating change and improvement, and is growing as a global resource for this work.
To choose your pathway into the CTB, just click on one of the purple tabs at the top of the page or to the right under "What do you want to do today?"
Please click on the options at the bottom of this page to learn more About the CTB, sign up for the eNewsletter or to Contact Us.
Welcome to the Community Tool Box
What do you want to do today?
Learn More about Using the CTB
Read a brief description about how to use the CTB and find a related framework for guiding your community work.
See Table of Contents
Practical step-by-step guidance in specific community-building skills is available in over 300 sections.
Do the Work
Toolkits outline key tasks, examples, and support for 16 core competencies or skill areas.
Solve a Problem
Troubleshooting guides identify common challenges in doing this work, reflection questions, and links to supports.
Use Promising Approaches
Support for implementing key processes to promote change and improvement, and links to databases for best practices.
Connect with Others
Learn from others by asking a question of an advisor and linking to other online resources.
Search the CTB
Look for a specific topic within the CTB by typing a keyword or phrase into the orange box at the top right-hand side of the page and clicking "Go."
Thank you for making a difference!
We offer tailored resources based on the CTB and related capabilities.
People around the world are volunteering to translate and culturally adapt the CTB into Spanish and other priority languages such as Arabic, French, and Portuguese. We are working to make capacity-buildling tools more globally accessible to users.
Please email toolbox@ku.edu or call US (785) 864-0533 if you are interested in collaborating.
What Users Are Saying
“I am a Public Educator at the Union County Rape Crisis Center. We are launching a Sexual Violence Prevention Initiative. I am in the process of gathering stakeholders to form a coalition. The CTB can help me manage this process as well as the resulting project that will hopefully be generated by the Coalition.” |
Work Group for Community Health and Development
at the University of Kansas.Copyright © by the University of Kansas for all materials provided via the World Wide Web in the ctb.ku.edu domain.