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Заедничка Акција за Одржлива Иднина
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Zajednička akcija za održivu budućnost
Συντονισμένη Δράση για ένα Βιώσιμο Μέλλον
Coordinated Action for a Sustainable Future

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Prespa Lakes

Prespa comprises two Lakes separated by a natural narrow strip of land: Micro (Small) Prespa and Macro (Big) Prespa. Micro Prespa sits 8 m higher than Macro Prespa. A natural canal with sluice gates (reconstructed in 2004) connects the two lakes. Micro Prespa is shared by Albania and Greece, while Macro Prespa is shared by Albania, Greece and the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia.

Hydrology and hydrogeology

The Prespa Lakes Basin, situated at a mean elevation of 850 m a.s.l., has no surface outflow; its waters drain into Lake Ohrid, which sits at 150 m lower, through the Mali Thate-Galicica karst massive. Lakes Prespa and Ohrid are part of the same hydrogeological basin, and the Prespa and Ohrid Lakes Aquifer is the connecting agent.

Read about the Prespa Park wetlands.

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