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Serbia's Argus Captain Jovica Golubovic on the radio
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Argus Captain fills in his daily ship log
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Ilija Barut, second Captian of the Argus
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Széchényi's Hungarian crew members
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First meeting of the captains of Argus and Széchényi in Vienna
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Meeting of the Argus and Széchényi in Vienna
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The Széchényi in Stein/Donau, Austria
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Széchényi leaves the lock for Melk, Austria
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Argus passes under famous monastary in Melk, Austria
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Argus on its night passage
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Argus at work
The Piscius, donated by the European Commission

The ships and crewThe ships and crew

The following photographs represent some of the best photos taken so far on the expedition, about the ships and crew.For a full-size photo, first click onto the image and then on the link 'get full-size image'.

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  • The following photographs represent some of the best photos taken so far on the expedition, about the scientists at work.

  • The following photos are available for use by the media regarding the JDS2 press conference and event in Regensburg, Germany on August 14.
  • The following photos are available for use by the media regarding the JDS2 press conference and event in Vienna, Austria on August 20. For full-size photos, click onto the image.
  • On September 11, 2008, the final results of the JDS2 expedition were publicly presented during a press conference at the `World Water Congress and Exhibition´ in Vienna, Austria.

  • It was a late start from Vienna this morning, but well worth it.