Diary entryDiary entry
11 aug23.jpg
Carpet of Lemna and Salvinia in the Mosony Dunaj
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Approaching the lock at Gabcikovo
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Argus and Széchényi in the Gabcikovo lock
6 aug23.jpg
Biologists take a closer look at Danube plants
7 aug23.jpg
Preparation of a sediment core
Location map

Lots of LemnaLots of Lemna

Sampling Site: 
Location: Moson Danube Arm, Hungary

The JDS2 first sampled Station 17 upstream from the enormous lock of the hydroelectric dam at Gabcikovo, Slovakia. After passing through the lock, Station 18 was sampled and the ships passed onto Station 19 at the Mosony Duna, a side-arm of the Danube, where the JDS2 discovered a thick carpet of Lemna, a small, floating flowery plant and a delicacy for geese.

"We were surprised to see so much," said Austrian biologist Brigitte Schmidt. "And it continued on for 30 kilometers after the sampling site. Probably the recent dry weather has something to do with it."

"There was also a high chlorophyll concentration recorded at Mosony Duna," said Christina Kaiblinger, another Austrian biologist. "Most likely, it is the result of elevated nutrient levels because the Mosony Duna collects sewage from many municipalities."

During the evening, bad weather made the unloading of samples, later delivered by car to JDS2 labs, difficult at a wall ladder leading from the river to dry land near Komarom. The eventual thunderstorm and tricky ladder, however, didn't stop a friendly trio of Hungarian Rotary Club members from appearing suddenly on deck with a hearty volume of special nutrients for the team and crew - wine!

Visit the website of The Rotary Clubs along the Danube, to see how they express their solidarity with the JDS2.

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