The terms of reference were agreed at the RSC meeting in August 1998 to be:
- To provide overall direction and guarantee the full involvement of the national institutions.
- To review progress and direct on the national implementation of the project ensuring an integrated approach across key institutions.
- To advise the Regional Steering Committee on policy of a regional character and monitor the participation of counterpart institutions.
- Approve project plans at a national level and make recommendations to Regional Steering Committee as to changes in project implementation as may be necessary.
- Provide guidance and support to the National Working Group and the Project Co-ordinator.
The current NSC meeting is the first meeting of this committee to be convened in any of the four countries.
Technical Advisory and Strategice Action Programme Planning Group - Comprised of senior scientists, and National Coordinators it has responsibility for developing the Strategic Action Programme and formulation of Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis.
National Co-ordinators and National Working Groups - Led by the National Co-ordinators drawn from the lead agency in each country (see Table 1, page 4). Their principal role is to bring together the key institutional stakeholders at senior level, and other interested parties who might not necessarily be directly involved, in order to exchange information and views, and ensure a collaborative approach to project implementation.