"Unfolding Perspectives and
Options for Sustainable Water Resources
Development in the Mekong River Basin"
15-16 October, 2009, Chiang Rai, Thailand
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of presentations (pdf)
Day 1: 15 October, 2009
Time | Programme | Presenter |
08:00-08:30 | Registration | Administration |
Opening Session: Welcome, Objectives of the 2nd Regional Stakeholder Forum | ||
08:30-08:50 | Welcome
Remarks (0.0.2) |
Dr. Saksith Trideth, Permanent Secretary, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, MRC Joint Committee Member for Thailand and Mr. Jeremy Bird, CEO MRCS |
08:50-09:00 | Basin
Development Planning From the 1st Stakeholder Consultation to the 2nd Stakeholder Forum (0.0.3) |
Mrs. Pham Thanh Hang, MRC BDP Coordinator |
09:00-09:05 | Forum structure | Dr. Vitoon Viriyasakutorn, Forum Facilitator |
09:05-09:35 | Zero Hour Without trying to constraint the discussions,
the Forum provides 30 minutes time at the beginning
of the Forum to let stakeholders freely vent their
ideas, concerns, expectations and even frustrations
on what needs to be addressed in the Forum and should
be taken into account by the Countries’ decisions
and the MRC in the basin development planning process. |
1: The Mekong River Basin: Emergence of
Knowledge on Objective: This session serves to share the emerging knowledge generated by different stakeholders and the MRC regarding critical water-related themes in the MRB. This promotes a better understanding of the water related issues and well-informed discussions of the development challenges and opportunities in the LMB.
Facilitator: Mr. John Dore |
09:35-09:40 | Remarks by facilitator | Facilitator |
09:40-09:50 | Mekong
water resources development: emerging trends and plans
Mr. Ton Lennearts, Chief Technical Advisor, MRC BDP |
Theme 1:
Mekong hydropower development in the context of regional
electricity demand and fisheries productivity Facilitator:
Mr. John Dore |
09:50-10:05 | Hydropower
development for poverty reduction in Laos - opportunities
and challenges (1.1.1) |
Mr. Chansaveng Boungong Director of Power Development Division, Department of Electricity, Ministry of Energy and Mines, Lao PDR |
10:05-10:20 | Importance
of integrated electricity planning for the Mekong region (1.1.2) |
Dr. Tira Foran, Researcher, M-POWER |
10:20-10:35 | Mekong
fisheries and basin development planning (1.1.3) |
Mr. Xaypladeth Choulamany MRC Fisheries Programme Coordinator |
10:35-10:50 | Coffee break
Special session at the exhibition hall |
Administration |
10:50-11:20 | Plenary discussion on Theme 1: • Questions and Answers • Perspectives from stakeholders • How can the BDP process take the multiple issues into account? |
Facilitator |
Theme 2:
Irrigated agriculture development in LMB - opportunities
and risks in the context of changing land use and new
investments Facilitator: Mr.
Suon Seng |
11:20-11:35 | Global
food crisis, future prospects of food supply and demand
and the role of irrigated agriculture in LMB (1.2.1) |
Dr. Andrew Noble, Regional Director IWMI Southeast and Central Asia, Lao PDR |
11:35-11:50 | Changing
land use in Cambodia, implications for poverty reduction
and challenges with the current agricultural land concession
– the case study of 3S (1.2.2) |
Mr. Sok Saing Im, Water Resources Planning Specialist, Department of Water Resources, MONRE, Cambodia |
11:50-12:10 | Thailand water transfer
and diversion scheme for irrigation development and poverty
reduction - opportunities and risks and lessons learned (1.2.3) |
Royal Irrigation Department, Thailand |
Followed by another perspective
on irrigation in the North East in regional development
context (1.2.4) |
Dr. Buapan Prompakping Faculty of Humanity Khon Kaen University, Thailand |
12:10-12:40 | Plenary discussion on Theme 2: • Questions and Answers • Perspectives from stakeholders • How can BDP process take into account the issues? |
Facilitator |
12:40-14:00 | Lunch | Administration |
Theme 3:
Understanding climate variability and climate change
in the planning process
Facilitator: Dr. Geoffrey Blate |
14:00-14:05 | Remarks from the facilitator | Facilitator |
14:05-14:20 | Climate
variability and change and impacts on the Mekong Basin (1.3.1) |
Dr. Jorma Koponen, Senior Specialist, Helsinki University of Technology |
14:20-14:35 | Living
with uncertainties: Tonle Sap and social vulnerability
to potential changes in the Mekong's flow regime (1.3.2) |
Dr. Hossein Jalilian, Cambodia Development Research Institute (CDRI) |
14:35-14:50 | Climate
change: understanding of likely impacts, vulnerabilities
and adaptation options in the Vietnam Mekong Delta (1.3.3) |
Dr. Nguyen Van Sanh, Can Tho University, Viet Nam |
14:50-15:20 | Plenary discussion on Theme 3: • How should climate change be integrated into
the Basin panning process? |
Facilitator |
2 Objective: To present and seek suggestions from stakeholders on the planned approach to carry out the cumulative assessment of the economic, environment and social impacts of different levels of water resources development in the MRB, and how the assessment results and stakeholder opinions can be used to influence decision-making on water resources development in the Mekong Basin. This session will also introduce the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) of mainstream hydropower dams that supports the BDP scenario assessment.
15:20-15:35 | Basin-wide
development scenarios: objectives, definition, approach
to assessment and the use of results for basin-wide discussions
and decision making (2.0.1) |
Dr. Phoumin Han, Economist, MRC BDP Programme |
15:35-15:50 | SEA
of mainstream hydropower dams – objectives and scope
as derived from stakeholder consultations (2.0.2) |
Mr. Voradeth Phonekeo, Coordinator MRC Sustainable Hydropower Initiative |
15:50-16:15 | Questions and Answers
Introduction to the parallel sessions |
Facilitator |
16:15-16:30 | Coffee break
Special session t the exhibition hall |
Administration |
Session 2.1: Improving modelling for a sound understanding
of Objective: To present and discuss the approach and tools for the modeling and the assessment of the hydrological changes of the basin-wide development scenarios, some interim results, and areas for improvement of the BDP assessment.
Facilitator: Dr. Chaiyuth Suksri, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand |
16:30-16:45 | Hydrological
assessment of basin-wide development scenarios –
tools, results and next steps (2.1.1) |
Dr. Thanapon Piman, Modeller, MRC BDP Programme |
16:45-17:00 | Uncertainties
to be addressed in the hydrological assessment of development
scenarios (2.1.2) |
Dr. Jeffrey Richey, Washington University, Washington USA. |
17:00-18:00 | Plenary discussion: • Use of models, tools and the results • Other hydrological issues to be considered |
Facilitator |
Parallel Session 2.2: Assessment of economic implications
Objective: to present and discuss the approach and tools for assessing the economic impacts of the basin-wide development scenarios, some interim results, and areas for improvement of the BDP assessment.
16:30-16:45 | Economic
impact assessment of basin wide development scenarios (2.2.1) |
Dr. Phoumin Han, Economist, MRC BDP Programme |
16:45-17:00 | Fishery
valuation and assessment methodology (2.2.2) |
Dr. Ashley Hall, Senior Fishery Expert |
17:00-17.15 | Other
approaches to economic assessment by the local in upstream
of Mekong in Cambodia: a case study of Sambor hydropower
dam site and its riches biodiversity area (2.2.3) |
Mr. Keo Tai, Programme coordinator, Community Development (CED), Cambodia |
17:15-18:00 | Plenary discussion: • Economic impact assessment approach • Issues to be considered and use of results |
Facilitator |
Session 2.3: Assessment of environment implications
Objective: to present and discuss
the approach, tools, and available data and information
at the MRC to assess the impacts of water resources
development on the Mekong’s wetlands and aquatic
resources. Facilitator: Dr. Robert Mather
16:30-16:45 | Environmental
impact assessment of basin wide development scenarios
(2.3.1) |
Mr. Phetsamone Southalack, Environment Specialist, MRC BDP Programme |
16:45-17:00 | Strategic
approaches to assessment of development impacts on the
people and environment (2.3.2) |
Dr. John Soussan, Stockholm Environment Institute |
17:00-17:15 | The
impacts of upstream development to wetland and biodiversity resource in Tonle Sap (2.3.3) |
Ms. Thorn Riguen, Mekong Project Officer, Fisheries Actions Coalition Team (FACT) |
17:15-18:00 | Plenary discussion: • Environmental impact assessment approach • Issues to be considered and use of results |
Facilitator |
Parallel Session 2.4: Assessment of social implications Objective: to present and discuss approach, tools, and available data and information at the MRC to assess the social impacts of water resources development on different population groups in the LMB.
Facilitator: Mr. Suan Seng, |
16:30-16:45 | Social
impact assessment of basin wide development scenarios
(2.4.1) |
Mr. Suparerk Janprasart, Sociologist/Socio-economist, MRC BDP Programme |
16:45-17:00 | Social implications of water resources
development (2.4.2) |
Mr. Mark Dubois, Research Fellow, WorldFish Center |
17:15-18:00 | Large scale hydropower projects and
their impacts on local communities in the Mekong River
Basin (2.4.3) |
Ms. Ikuku Matsumoto Country Director, Laos International Rivers South East Asia |
17:00-18:00 | Plenary discussion: • Social impact assessment approach • Issues to be considered and use of results |
Facilitator |
Reception Dinner | ||
19:00-19:30 | A 30 minutes speech "What is IWRM?" From Rio to MRC Basin Development Planning - repeating the same mistake or the way for a sustainable transboundary basin management | Dr. Apichart Anukulampai, the pioneer supporter of IWRM in Thailand |
20:00-20:30 | Reception dinner and cultural show | Administration |
Day 2: 16 October, 2009
Time | Programme | Presenter |
08:30-08:45 | Key
messages from Day 1 (3.0.0) |
Mrs. Pham Thanh Hang, MRC BDP Coordinator |
08:45-08:50 | Structure of Day 2 and remarks from the facilitator | Facilitator |
Facilitator: Dr. Andrew Nobel, |
08:50-09:05 | Contribution
of the Lancang hydropower cascade to economic development
and the downstream water regime - the perspective of the
Chinese Government (3.1.1) |
Mr. Zhou Shichun, Senior Engineer, General Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Planning and Design, China |
09:05-09:20 | Capture
fisheries, dams, mitigations measures and alternative
sources of fish production (3.1.1A) |
Dr. Alan Brooks, World Fish Centre |
(3.1.2) |
Mr. Nguyen Hong Toan on behalf of the Advisory Group for the preparation of the Basin Development Strategy |
09:40-09:55 | Articulating
the promises and impossibilities – Vision of the
MRC Basin Development Planning and its draft IWRM Strategy
(3.1.3) |
Professor Dr. Surichai Wunkeaw, Director, Department of Sociology & Anthropology, Chulalongkorn University, TBC |
09:55-10:45 | Round
table dialogue: outcomes will be brought forward for the
Panel discussion
Facilitator in each of the tables |
10:45–11:00 | Coffee break
Special session at the exhibition hall |
Administration |
11:00 | Introduction of the panel discussion and panel members | Facilitator |
11:05-12:30 | Panel Discussion
Panel members: Representative from Socio-economic and Planning Division from Cambodia, Lao PDR, Thailand and Vietnam, civil society organization and development partner |
12:30-14:00 | Lunch | Administration |
14:00-14:15 | BDP
Stakeholder Participation and Communication Plan - the
ambitions and lessons learned with the implementation
to date (4.1.1) |
Mr. Suparerk Janprasart, Sociologist/Socio-economist, MRC BDP Programme |
14:15-14:30 | BDP
process at the sub-basin level, the role of RBOs, and
the coherence between sub-basin, national and basin planning (4.1.2) |
Mr. Thanoosak Thanasarn, a member of RBC of Kok and Northern Kong basins |
14:30-14:45 | Preparation
of the MRC Strategic Plan 2011-2015 –Process and
expected involvement of stakeholders (4.1.3) |
Mr. Khy Lim, Communication Officer, MRC International Coordination and Communication Section |
14:45-15:00 | Multi-stakeholder
platform - would it be able to inform and influence decision
making? (4.1.4) |
Mr. John Dore, Water Advisor, AusAID Mekong Region Water and Infrastructure Unit |
15:00-15:30 | Plenary discussion
Facilitator |
15:30-15:45 | Coffee break Special session at the exhibition hall |
Administration |
15:45-16:30 | Feedback from the MRC/BDP on the recommendations received
and the way forward (5.1.1.) |
BDP Programme |
16:30-17:00 | Remarks by CSOs and other stakeholders on opportunities for synergies and partnership | Representatives from CSOs, NGOs, academia, media, etc. |
17:00:17:15 | Remarks by MRCS (5.1.3) |
Mr. Jeremy Bird, CEO MRCS |
17:15-17:30 | Closing remarks | MRC Joint Committee from Lao PDR. Cambodia, Viet Nam and Thailand |
Day 3: 17 October, 2009
Field Visit
Time | Ativities |
08:00 | Depart Rimkok Hotel to Golden Triangle – the famous border line where the demarcations of the three countries Laos, Myanmar and Thailand meet on the Mekong River. |
09:10 | Arrive the Golden Triangle
Travel to Wat Phrathat Pu Khao, a historical temple located on the top of the hill
10:30 | Travel to Don Sao Island by boat, at the Laos side from the Golden Triangle port. Visiting local villagers and souvenir market at Don Sao. |
11:40 | Travel back to the Golden Triangle port |
11:40 | Lunch at Imperial Golden: enjoy the panoramic view of the Golden Triangle with a range of Thai buffet |
13:00 | Travel to Chiang Saen Port #1 |
13:20 | Discuss with the Chiang Saen Port Officer on navigation issues, trade commercial and tourism potential |
14:30 | Travel to Nong Bong Kai (Chiang Sean Lake), International RAMSAR Site and non-hunting area. A well-known site for bird watching |
16:00 | Depart from Chiang Senn Lake |
17:00 | Arrive Rim Kok Hotel |
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