NOWPAP has initiated a project called Marine Litter Activity (MALITA) since November 2005, after approval by the Tenth NOWPAP Intergovernmental Meeting. NOWPAP MALITA was a part of the UNEP Global Initiative on marine litter, together with about 10 other individual Regional Seas Programmes.
The main outcomes of the MALITA implementation are as follows.
First, a NOWPAP marine litter database was established in 2006 (and updated in 2007), based on marine litter-related data and information available in the region. In addition, Regional Overview on Marine Litter in the NOWPAP Region (the 2nd edition) was released in May 2008 (following the publication of its 1st edition in October 2007).
Fifth, a variety of brochures, leaflets and posters were published and distributed widely in order to increase public awareness on the marine litter problem. Some of them were translated into the national languages of the NOWPAP member states to facilitate further use by the general public including school children and youth.
Sixth, a series of marine litter workshops have been held during the MALITA implementation which were of great use to exchange national data and information, including policies and good practices, and to build common understanding on marine litter issues in and beyond the region.
Seventh, four NOWPAP international coastal cleanup campaigns were organized (one in each NOWPAP member state) with side events such as workshops, NGO meetings and exhibitions related to marine litter problem. Through a series of events held during 2006-2007, the member states demonstrated their strong ownership and financial support to MALITA while NOWPAP strengthened its cooperation with other regional organizations/programmes/projects (e.g., IMO, UNEP, COBSEA, YSLME, PEMSEA). NGOs also actively participated in all NOWPAP marine litter related events.
Finally, NOWPAP Regional Action Plan on Marine Litter (RAP MALI) was developed and adopted, in principle, at the Twelfth NOWPAP Intergovernmental Meeting (October 2007). The detailed workplan of RAP MALI was finalized at the NOWPAP RAP MALI Meeting (November 2007). RAP MALI is the second phase of the NOWPAP activities related to marine litter which was initiated in 2008 (after formal approval by member states).