Invasive species are
one of the greatest threats to biodiversity in island ecosystems.
When a species is accidentally or intentionally introduced into
a new landscape or seascape, the consequences can be devastating,
posing a large threat to agriculture, public health, tourism, and
other economic activities. Invasive plants and animals can spread
unchecked, disrupting natural cycles, and costing billions.
are a priority for Pacific Island nations because islands are highly
vulnerable to invasions that can result in catastrophic loss of
biodiversity and other impacts. However, the relatively small size
and isolation of most islands offer important opportunities for
preventing new invasions and eradicating existing pest species.
some parts of the Pacific, experienced conservation professionals
have developed model programs to prevent, eradicate, or control
certain high-priority invaders, such as rodents, feral animals,
and invasive weeds. However, conservation practitioners in the Pacific
represent a host of different agencies and countries, and most are
geographically and professionally isolated. As a result, few Pacific
conservationists currently have the information, expertise, and
support they need to manage invasive species effectively.
Learning Networks
learning networks are a proven strategy for improving conservation
skills and building cooperation between trained professionals. By
bringing peers together with conservation experts, learning networks
foster new ideas and practical, site specific solutions. Multi-disciplinary
project teams can work together on strategies with critical input
from other teams and experts, resulting in a common vision and a
plan for effective conservation action.
PILN mission is:
empower effective invasive species management through a participant-driven
network that meets priority needs, rapidly shares skills and resources,
provides links to technical expertise, increases information exchange,
and accelerates on-the-ground action.
PILN serves teams
of Pacific Island agencies responsible for invasives management,
including agencies responsible for agriculture and natural resource
management, international trade and border control, as well as environment
and conservation.
Network activities
Periodic network meetings
are held, where the participants determine the specific invasive
species issues that they will address using the network, PILN's
activities and agenda being determined by the individual and shared
needs of the participants. PILN works closely with the Pacific Islands
Initiative (PII), to help spread the lessons learned from PII demonstration
projects in the region. Examples of projects include:
- Developing a national invasives strategy;
- Designing a public awareness programme;
- Eradicating various invasive weeds;
- Restoring offshore islands by the removal of rats, ants and
other invasive species.
The PILN secretariat has
been established at SPREP in Samoa. The network coordinator recruits
the teams, organizes meetings and activities, and provides ongoing
support to network participants. PILN
Soundbites, an outline of regional activities and achievements,
is periodically distributed to the network to celebrate success.
The Pilot programme
A 2-year
pilot programme of PILN was launched in Palau in May 2006 and
completed at the end of May 2008. Activities and achievements over
the pilot have been summarised
and the experience analysed for the lessons
learned in the design and establishment of peer-learning networks.
An external
review of the network was carried out in May 2008 and concluded
- PILN was regarded, both by partner organisations and in-country
participants, as having been a great success.
- There is demand for the expansion of PILN to all countries and
territories of the SPREP region.
- A full-time coordinator is essential for maintaining the network.
- PILN’s greatest weaknesses were identified as insecurity
of funding and a poor institutional framework.
- PILN is an excellent model for capacity building using learning
networks. It has wide applicability in many areas other than invasive
We believe that PILN will be a highly effective,
far-reaching, and sustainably financed strategy to address invasive
species, and that the network will have a lasting impact on conservation
in Pacific Island nations. |

Jill Key
The invasive species strategic
action plan is drafted in Kosrae State, FSM.

Jill Key
Sharing skills
and expertise in island rat eradication in Pohnpei State, FSM.
Jill Key
A breakout group discusses invasive species issues in the
Marshall Islands.

NPS Tavita Togia
Tagai and
Tualagi uprooting strawberry guava (Psidium cattleianum),
an invasive weed on Tutuila Island, American Samoa.

Jill Key
Cane toads (Bufo marinus)
have been introduced to a number of Pacific Islands. |