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Approximate net sea ice exchange (see legend for key to arrow sizes), extent of shorefast ice and winter sea ice, and coastal polynyas and main polynya concentrations

Approximate net sea ice exchange (see legend for key to arrow sizes), extent of shorefast ice and winter sea ice, and coastal polynyas and main polynya concentrations
Approximate net sea ice exchange (see legend for key to arrow sizes), extent of shorefast ice and winter sea ice, and coastal polynyas and main polynya concentrations

An example of a positive feedback loop Warming leads to a decrease in sea ice cover which in turn leads to a decrease in albedo over the ocean, the result of which is further warming and further decreases in the sea ice cover

An example of a positive feedback loop Warming leads to a decrease in sea ice cover which in turn leads to a decrease in albedo over the ocean, the result of which is further warming and further [..]
An example of a positive feedback loop Warming leads to a decrease in sea ice cover which in turn leads to a decrease in albedo over the ocean, the result of which is further warming and further decreases in the sea ice cover

Basic circulation and salinity distribution in salt wedge, partially-mixed, well-mixed and fjord-type estuaries as defined by Wollast and Duinker (1982) Numbers and shading show salinity values

Basic circulation and salinity distribution in salt wedge, partially-mixed, well-mixed and fjord-type estuaries as defined by Wollast and Duinker (1982) Numbers and shading show salinity values
Basic circulation and salinity distribution in salt wedge, partially-mixed, well-mixed and fjord-type estuaries as defined by Wollast and Duinker (1982) Numbers and shading show salinity values

Schematic representation of shelf processes involving transport of contaminants and sea ice

Schematic representation of shelf processes involving transport of contaminants and sea ice
Schematic representation of shelf processes involving transport of contaminants and sea ice

Average annual maximum and minimum sea ice extent The numbered lines show the expected time in years for the ice at that location to exit the Arctic Ocean through the Fram Strait, based on drifting buoy data during 1979-1990

Average annual maximum and minimum sea ice extent The numbered lines show the expected time in years for the ice at that location to exit the Arctic Ocean through the Fram Strait, based on drifting [..]
Average annual maximum and minimum sea ice extent The numbered lines show the expected time in years for the ice at that location to exit the Arctic Ocean through the Fram Strait, based on drifting buoy data during 1979-1990

Temperature and salinity of the Labrador Sea The cold freshwater from the Arctic Ocean and Baffin Bay is seen above the continental shelf

Temperature and salinity of the Labrador Sea The cold freshwater from the Arctic Ocean and Baffin Bay is seen above the continental shelf
Temperature and salinity of the Labrador Sea The cold freshwater from the Arctic Ocean and Baffin Bay is seen above the continental shelf

Distribution of potential temperature, salinity, and density across the Arctic Ocean and the Greenland and Norwegian Seas

Distribution of potential temperature, salinity, and density across the Arctic Ocean and the Greenland and Norwegian Seas
Distribution of potential temperature, salinity, and density across the Arctic Ocean and the Greenland and Norwegian Seas

Recent observations of summer sea-ice extent

Recent observations of summer sea-ice extent
Recent observations of summer sea-ice extent

Relationship between frequency and volume of releases to the marine environment from different sources (worldwide)

Relationship between frequency and volume of releases to the marine environment from different sources (worldwide)
Relationship between frequency and volume of releases to the marine environment from different sources (worldwide)

Winter and summer surface water salinity in the Arctic Ocean and adjacent seas

Winter and summer surface water salinity in the Arctic Ocean and adjacent seas
Winter and summer surface water salinity in the Arctic Ocean and adjacent seas

Schematic representation of the temperature and salinity structure of the upper Arctic Ocean and how the halocline layer is maintained by brine-rich water produced on the shelves

Schematic representation of the temperature and salinity structure of the upper Arctic Ocean and how the halocline layer is maintained by brine-rich water produced on the shelves
Schematic representation of the temperature and salinity structure of the upper Arctic Ocean and how the halocline layer is maintained by brine-rich water produced on the shelves

Distribution of radioactivity (PCi/L) in the surface layer of the ocean after ten years of simulation of Preller's model Source locations are the Ob, Yenisey and Pechora Rivers, as well as Sellafield

Distribution of radioactivity (PCi/L) in the surface layer of the ocean after ten years of simulation of Preller's model Source locations are the Ob, Yenisey and Pechora Rivers, as well as Sellafield
Distribution of radioactivity (PCi/L) in the surface layer of the ocean after ten years of simulation of Prellers model Source locations are the Ob, Yenisey and Pechora Rivers, as well as Sellafield

Yearly and depth-averaged concentrations (Bq/m3) of 137Cs after 6 years from Harms' model The sources are instantaneous releases of 1 PBq from the dump sites in Abrosimov Bay, Stepovogo Bay, Tsivolky Bay, and Novaya Zemlya Trough

Yearly and depth-averaged concentrations (Bq/m3) of 137Cs after 6 years from Harms' model The sources are instantaneous releases of 1 PBq from the dump sites in Abrosimov Bay, Stepovogo Bay, Tsivolky [..]
Yearly and depth-averaged concentrations (Bq/m3) of 137Cs after 6 years from Harms model The sources are instantaneous releases of 1 PBq from the dump sites in Abrosimov Bay, Stepovogo Bay, Tsivolky Bay, and Novaya Zemlya Trough

Vertically integrated tracer burden shown after 15 years Units are burden per unit surface area, normalized by cumulative release Bottom topography is in meters; a) no neptune, centered difference, and b) neptune, flux-corrected transport

Vertically integrated tracer burden shown after 15 years Units are burden per unit surface area, normalized by cumulative release Bottom topography is in meters; a) no neptune, centered difference, [..]
Vertically integrated tracer burden shown after 15 years Units are burden per unit surface area, normalized by cumulative release Bottom topography is in meters; a) no neptune, centered difference, and b) neptune, flux-corrected transport

The hydrologic balance in the Arctic is highly dynamic on the seasonal time scale with large and rapid ice melts in the spring On land, this ice and snow melting results in large rapid floods and surges in rivers

The hydrologic balance in the Arctic is highly dynamic on the seasonal time scale with large and rapid ice melts in the spring On land, this ice and snow melting results in large rapid floods and [..]
The hydrologic balance in the Arctic is highly dynamic on the seasonal time scale with large and rapid ice melts in the spring On land, this ice and snow melting results in large rapid floods and surges in rivers
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