Low and high-center polygons

Low and high-center polygons
Low and high-center polygons

Peat mound bog

Cross-section of a peat mound bog
Peat mound bog

Average concentration (ng/g dw) of PCBs in Arctic lichen and mosses

Average concentration (ng/g dw) of PCBs in Arctic lichen and mosses
Average concentration (ng/g dw) of PCBs in Arctic lichen and mosses

Relative tissue concentrations of organochlorine compounds detected in lichen, and in adipose tissue of caribou and wolf at three locations in the Northwest Territories, Canada

Relative tissue concentrations of organochlorine compounds detected in lichen, and in adipose tissue of caribou and wolf at three locations in the Northwest Territories, Canada
Relative tissue concentrations of organochlorine compounds detected in lichen, and in adipose tissue of caribou and wolf at three locations in the Northwest Territories, Canada

Observed and predicted organochlorine concentrations (ng/g ww) in caribou and reindeer (Rangifer tarandus) liver All data are presented in, or were derived from data in Annex Table 6A4

Observed and predicted organochlorine concentrations (ng/g ww) in caribou and reindeer (Rangifer tarandus) liver All data are presented in, or were derived from data in Annex Table 6A4
Observed and predicted organochlorine concentrations (ng/g ww) in caribou and reindeer (Rangifer tarandus) liver All data are presented in, or were derived from data in Annex Table 6A4

Concentrations of PCB congeners relative to PCB congener 153 for lichen, caribou, and wolf in the Bathurst herd, Canada The light bars denote that the congener was not detected

Concentrations of PCB congeners relative to PCB congener 153 for lichen, caribou, and wolf in the Bathurst herd, Canada The light bars denote that the congener was not detected
Concentrations of PCB congeners relative to PCB congener 153 for lichen, caribou, and wolf in the Bathurst herd, Canada The light bars denote that the congener was not detected

Conceptual model of the terrestrial/freshwater compartment showing the main subcompartments and contaminant transfers, and exchanges with the atmosphere and oceans

Conceptual model of the terrestrial/freshwater compartment showing the main subcompartments and contaminant transfers, and exchanges with the atmosphere and oceans
Conceptual model of the terrestrial/freshwater compartment showing the main subcompartments and contaminant transfers, and exchanges with the atmosphere and oceans

Biogeographical zones within the AMAP assessment area, a) High Arctic, b) Low Arctic, c) subarctic, and d) boreal forest

Biogeographical zones within the AMAP assessment area, a) High Arctic, b) Low Arctic, c) subarctic, and d) boreal forest
Biogeographical zones within the AMAP assessment area, a) High Arctic, b) Low Arctic, c) subarctic, and d) boreal forest

Lead concentrations in soil in Norway in 1975

Lead concentrations in soil in Norway in 1975
Lead concentrations in soil in Norway in 1975

Critical loads of acidity for soils

Critical loads of acidity for terrestrial ecosystems in northern Europe and Canada north of 60 degrees N.
Critical loads of acidity for soils

Sulphur dioxide concentrations in air and emissions from the smelter at Nikel

Annual SO2 concentrations in air at ground level at the Svanvik monitoring station, and SO2 emissions from the non-ferrous metal smelters at Nikel
Sulphur dioxide concentrations in air and emissions from the smelter at Nikel

SO2 concentration at the Svanvik monitoring station

Annual SO2 concentration in air at ground level at the Svanvik monitoring station and SO2 emissions from the non-ferrous metal smelters at Nikel
SO2 concentration at the Svanvik monitoring station

A comparison of the two west–east transects across the survey area in 1995

A comparison of the two west–east transects across the survey area in 1995, showing changes from east to west in (a) total Al (nitric acid) and exchangeable Al concentrations in the O-horizon; (b) [..]
A comparison of the two west–east transects across the survey area in 1995

Atmospheric sulphur cycle

Atmospheric sulphur cycle
Atmospheric sulphur cycle

Vegetation damage zones around Norilsk

Vegetation damage zones around Norilsk
Vegetation damage zones around Norilsk

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