Presence of the acidsensitive cladoceran Daphnia longiremis in Lake Dalvatn

Presence of the acidsensitive cladoceran Daphnia longiremis in Lake Dalvatn (Varanger Peninsula, Norway)
Presence of the acidsensitive cladoceran Daphnia longiremis in Lake Dalvatn

Trends in non-marine sulfate, non-marine base cations, alkalinity, acid neutralizing capacity, and pH

Trends in non-marine sulfate, non-marine base cations (Ca+Mg), alkalinity, acid neutralizing capacity, and pH across the Euro-Arctic Barents region for 1990 to 2004. Large circles denote the three [..]
Trends in non-marine sulfate, non-marine base cations, alkalinity, acid neutralizing capacity, and pH

Trends in non-marine sulfate, alkalinity, non-marine base cations, and pH

Trends in non-marine sulfate, alkalinity, non-marine base cations, and pH for lakes on the Kola Peninsula
Trends in non-marine sulfate, alkalinity, non-marine base cations, and pH

Length distributions of minnows caught by electrofishing in the Joulujärvi area

Length distributions of minnows caught by electrofishing in the Joulujärvi area (sites 6 and 7), and in the Äälisjärvi area (sites 16 and 20) in 1993 and 2000
Length distributions of minnows caught by electrofishing in the Joulujärvi area

Data for Lake Otervatn in eastern Finnmark, showing alkalinity and brown trout catch per unit effort

Data for Lake Otervatn in eastern Finnmark, showing (a) alkalinity (μeq/L) and (b) brown trout catch per unit effort (CPUE, expressed in number of fish caught per 100 m2 of gill net area) since 1986, [..]
Data for Lake Otervatn in eastern Finnmark, showing alkalinity and brown trout catch per unit effort

Average (15-month) and 24-h average maximum air concentrations of Ni, Cu and As measured at several stations in northern Norway near to major point sources on the Kola Peninsula

Average (15-month) and 24-h average maximum air concentrations of Ni, Cu and As measured at several stations in northern Norway near to major point sources on the Kola Peninsula
Average (15-month) and 24-h average maximum air concentrations of Ni, Cu and As measured at several stations in northern Norway near to major point sources on the Kola Peninsula

Diatom-inferred Holocene pH histories of lakes in arctic Fennoscandia and the Kola Peninsula

Diatom-inferred Holocene pH histories of lakes in arctic Fennoscandia and the Kola Peninsula. Toskaljavri (a) is redrawn from Seppä et al. (2002), Tsuolbmajavri (b) from Seppä and Weckström (1999), [..]
Diatom-inferred Holocene pH histories of lakes in arctic Fennoscandia and the Kola Peninsula

Diatom-inferred recent pH-histories of 14 lakes and ponds in northern Fennoscandia

Diatom-inferred recent pH-histories of 14 lakes and ponds in northern Fennoscandia. Note the different scales for age and pH. Figures A-C are from Korhola et al. (1999), D-E from Erola (1999), F-G [..]
Diatom-inferred recent pH-histories of 14 lakes and ponds in northern Fennoscandia

Impact of soot deposited onto snow and ice surfaces in the Arctic

Impact of soot deposited onto snow and ice surfaces in the Arctic. Polar ice reflects light from the sun back to space (a). As the ice begins to melt, less light is reflected and more is absorbed by [..]
Impact of soot deposited onto snow and ice surfaces in the Arctic

Sulfur dioxide emissions from metallurgical industry sources

Sulfur dioxide emissions from metallurgical industry sources and major coal-fired power plants in Russia (there are no significant point sources north of 60º N in other Arctic countries; pale coloured [..]
Sulfur dioxide emissions from metallurgical industry sources

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