Model evaluation comparing a five-day model simulation with results of an oil release experiment in the marginal ice zone near Svalbard in April 1993

Model evaluation comparing a five-day model simulation with results of an oil release experiment in the marginal ice zone near Svalbard in April 1993
Model evaluation comparing a five-day model simulation with results of an oil release experiment in the marginal ice zone near Svalbard in April 1993

Snow cover over northern hemisphere lands between 1972 and 1996 for different seasons Values are determined from analyses of NOAA snow charts created using visible satellite imagery

Snow cover over northern hemisphere lands between 1972 and 1996 for different seasons Values are determined from analyses of NOAA snow charts created using visible satellite imagery
Snow cover over northern hemisphere lands between 1972 and 1996 for different seasons Values are determined from analyses of NOAA snow charts created using visible satellite imagery

History of temperature changes in central Greenland over the last 40 000 years, from the GISP2 core, showing very large and probably abrupt changes

History of temperature changes in central Greenland over the last 40 000 years, from the GISP2 core, showing very large and probably abrupt changes
History of temperature changes in central Greenland over the last 40 000 years, from the GISP2 core, showing very large and probably abrupt changes

Schematic illustration of ecosystem carbon fluxes and nutrient circulation in the tundra Carbon and nutrient pathways are shown by dashed and continuous lines, respectively

Schematic illustration of ecosystem carbon fluxes and nutrient circulation in the tundra Carbon and nutrient pathways are shown by dashed and continuous lines, respectively
Schematic illustration of ecosystem carbon fluxes and nutrient circulation in the tundra Carbon and nutrient pathways are shown by dashed and continuous lines, respectively

History of snow accumulation in central Greenland during the most recent glaciation, as measured in the GISP2 core The 25-year running mean, represented in all panels, shows very large and rapid climate changes

History of snow accumulation in central Greenland during the most recent glaciation, as measured in the GISP2 core The 25-year running mean, represented in all panels, shows very large and rapid [..]
History of snow accumulation in central Greenland during the most recent glaciation, as measured in the GISP2 core The 25-year running mean, represented in all panels, shows very large and rapid climate changes

Ultraviolet albedo and transmittance values for (A) thin (03 m) bare sea; (B) cold 16 m thick ice with a 01 m deep snow cover in April; (C) bare 17 m thick ice in May; and, (D) ponded ice with 01 m of water over 15 m thick ice

Ultraviolet albedo and transmittance values for (A) thin (03 m) bare sea; (B) cold 16 m thick ice with a 01 m deep snow cover in April; (C) bare 17 m thick ice in May; and, (D) ponded ice with 01 m of [..]
Ultraviolet albedo and transmittance values for (A) thin (03 m) bare sea; (B) cold 16 m thick ice with a 01 m deep snow cover in April; (C) bare 17 m thick ice in May; and, (D) ponded ice with 01 m of water over 15 m thick ice

Tracer concentration on a vertical section (along Y=0 on Figure 346) after 15 years; a) no neptune, centered difference; b) neptune, flux-corrected transport; c,d) velocity normal to the section with positive "into" the page, negative "out" of the page;

Tracer concentration on a vertical section (along Y=0 on Figure 346) after 15 years; a) no neptune, centered difference; b) neptune, flux-corrected transport; c,d) velocity normal to the section with [..]
Tracer concentration on a vertical section (along Y=0 on Figure 346) after 15 years; a) no neptune, centered difference; b) neptune, flux-corrected transport; c,d) velocity normal to the section with positive "into" the page, negative "out" of the page;

Averaged upper (3000 m) air concentrations of Pb in winter (December-February) and summer (June-August) as modeled by the updated (1996) hemispheric EMEP transport model in a simulation for the reference year 1988

Averaged upper (3000 m) air concentrations of Pb in winter (December-February) and summer (June-August) as modeled by the updated (1996) hemispheric EMEP transport model in a simulation for the [..]
Averaged upper (3000 m) air concentrations of Pb in winter (December-February) and summer (June-August) as modeled by the updated (1996) hemispheric EMEP transport model in a simulation for the reference year 1988

Lead deposition as modeled by the updated (1996) hemispheric EMEP transport model in a simulation for the reference year 1988

Lead deposition as modeled by the updated (1996) hemispheric EMEP transport model in a simulation for the reference year 1988
Lead deposition as modeled by the updated (1996) hemispheric EMEP transport model in a simulation for the reference year 1988

Estimated ground deposition of nuclear weapons fallout of 137Cs based on precipitation data, decay corrected to 1995

Estimated ground deposition of nuclear weapons fallout of 137Cs based on precipitation data, decay corrected to 1995
Estimated ground deposition of nuclear weapons fallout of 137Cs based on precipitation data, decay corrected to 1995

Compartment model used to assess doses from releases of radioactive materials to the atmosphere from nuclear testing

Compartment model used to assess doses from releases of radioactive materials to the atmosphere from nuclear testing
Compartment model used to assess doses from releases of radioactive materials to the atmosphere from nuclear testing

A schematic of the three-level thermodynamic snow ice system model

A schematic of the three-level thermodynamic snow ice system model
A schematic of the three-level thermodynamic snow ice system model

Model calculations of total (wet and dry) deposition estimates of sulfur for 1988

Model calculations of total (wet and dry) deposition estimates of sulfur for 1988
Model calculations of total (wet and dry) deposition estimates of sulfur for 1988

Vertical distribution of Arctic haze in summer, winter, and the whole year Sulfur air concentrations and relative source-contribution (%) for different heights above the ground are shown The concentrations are averages over the Arctic area north of 70°N

Vertical distribution of Arctic haze in summer, winter, and the whole year Sulfur air concentrations and relative source-contribution (%) for different heights above the ground are shown The [..]
Vertical distribution of Arctic haze in summer, winter, and the whole year Sulfur air concentrations and relative source-contribution (%) for different heights above the ground are shown The concentrations are averages over the Arctic area north of 70°N

SMART model results for selected soil and lake output variables at Christmas lakes for the past 90 years and for three future scenarios assuming a 0%, 70% and 95% reduction of the present sulfur deposition levels

SMART model results for selected soil and lake output variables at Christmas lakes for the past 90 years and for three future scenarios assuming a 0%, 70% and 95% reduction of the present sulfur [..]
SMART model results for selected soil and lake output variables at Christmas lakes for the past 90 years and for three future scenarios assuming a 0%, 70% and 95% reduction of the present sulfur deposition levels

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