Concentrations of sum-DDT and sum-PCB in marine surface sediments (from grab samples or from top slices of cores) on a circumpolar basis, and the ranked distribution of values

Concentrations of sum-DDT and sum-PCB in marine surface sediments (from grab samples or from top slices of cores) on a circumpolar basis, and the ranked distribution of values
Concentrations of sum-DDT and sum-PCB in marine surface sediments (from grab samples or from top slices of cores) on a circumpolar basis, and the ranked distribution of values

Concentration (pg/g dw) profiles for octachlorodioxin (OCDD) and total PCDD/Fs in marine sediments from southern and western Norwegian waters and from the Barents Sea

Concentration (pg/g dw) profiles for octachlorodioxin (OCDD) and total PCDD/Fs in marine sediments from southern and western Norwegian waters and from the Barents Sea
Concentration (pg/g dw) profiles for octachlorodioxin (OCDD) and total PCDD/Fs in marine sediments from southern and western Norwegian waters and from the Barents Sea

Concentrations of sum-HCH and HCB in marine surface sediments (from grab samples or from top slices of cores) on a circumpolar basis, and the ranked distribution of values

Concentrations of sum-HCH and HCB in marine surface sediments (from grab samples or from top slices of cores) on a circumpolar basis, and the ranked distribution of values
Concentrations of sum-HCH and HCB in marine surface sediments (from grab samples or from top slices of cores) on a circumpolar basis, and the ranked distribution of values

a) The annual (1973-1990) and mean annual hydrographs for the Mackenzie River above the Arctic Red River, NWT, Canada, indicating the dominance of the spring freshet in May

a) The annual (1973-1990) and mean annual hydrographs for the Mackenzie River above the Arctic Red River, NWT, Canada, indicating the dominance of the spring freshet in May
a) The annual (1973-1990) and mean annual hydrographs for the Mackenzie River above the Arctic Red River, NWT, Canada, indicating the dominance of the spring freshet in May

Average annual maximum and minimum sea ice extent The numbered lines show the expected time in years for the ice at that location to exit the Arctic Ocean through the Fram Strait, based on drifting buoy data during 1979-1990

Average annual maximum and minimum sea ice extent The numbered lines show the expected time in years for the ice at that location to exit the Arctic Ocean through the Fram Strait, based on drifting [..]
Average annual maximum and minimum sea ice extent The numbered lines show the expected time in years for the ice at that location to exit the Arctic Ocean through the Fram Strait, based on drifting buoy data during 1979-1990

Concentrations of sum-PCB and sum-DDT in surface sediments (from grab samples or from top slices of cores) on a circumpolar basis, and the ranked distribution of values

Concentrations of sum-PCB and sum-DDT in surface sediments (from grab samples or from top slices of cores) on a circumpolar basis, and the ranked distribution of values
Concentrations of sum-PCB and sum-DDT in surface sediments (from grab samples or from top slices of cores) on a circumpolar basis, and the ranked distribution of values

Distribution (in percentiles) of whole blood selenium concentrations in East and North Greenland and in Greenlanders living in Denmark

Distribution (in percentiles) of whole blood selenium concentrations in East and North Greenland and in Greenlanders living in Denmark
Distribution (in percentiles) of whole blood selenium concentrations in East and North Greenland and in Greenlanders living in Denmark

Summary of ranges of Se levels (mean values) in Arctic marine organisms Solid parts of the lines indicate ranges for Greenlandic data

Summary of ranges of Se levels (mean values) in Arctic marine organisms Solid parts of the lines indicate ranges for Greenlandic data
Summary of ranges of Se levels (mean values) in Arctic marine organisms Solid parts of the lines indicate ranges for Greenlandic data

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