- Water, Hydro-meteorological Department (government level or below): These stakeholders are those responsible for water quality and quantity management, including enforcement of water policies and regulations at regional/local level. In most of countries they are within the Ministry of Environment. and/or Natural Resources

- Natural Resources, Ecology, Water or Environmental Ministry : In all six Black Sea Countries this Stakeholders Group belonging to the central/federal governmental are responsible for the development and implementation of the national policy in the environmental sector, including the ones for water resources management. International Cooperation and cooperation on transboundary water courses is also under their responsibility. In Bulgaria and Romania it is also under their responsibility to transpose and implement EU legislation.
For the Stakeholders groups 3,4,5 the central/federal government structures differ, so the industry, economic and energy sectors are combined in:
- Bulgaria - Ministry of Economy and Energy;
- Georgia - Ministry of Economy, Industry and Trade;
- Romania - Ministry of Economy and Commerce
- Russian Federation - Ministry of Industry and Energy, Ministry of Economy
- Turkey - Ministry of Industry and Trade, Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources
- Ukraine - Ministry Industry and Trade, Ministry of Fuel and Energy
- Industry Ministry : This represents the Stakeholder group responsible for policy-making and regulatory functions in the fields of civil and defence industries and energy sector, technical standardization and metrology, and mineral exploration under production-sharing agreements. In all six countries most of the industrial sectors were privatised or this process is ongoing. The industrial activities often impacted the Black Sea Waters, though they may not be aware of it.
- Energy Ministry : This Stakeholders are responsible for policy - making and regulatory functions in the energy sector and to promote its development and competitive capacity. Their activities often impact the waters of the Black Sea, though they may not be aware of it.
- Economic Ministry : These Stakeholders are responsible for policy making and regulatory functions in the economic policy as well as for the implementation of the integration policy and effecting foreign economic cooperation.
- Foreign Affairs Ministry : In general, this stakeholders group, is responsible with carrying out the foreign policy in compliance with the legal frameworks, as well as approving and negotiating all regional and international treaties and agreement pertaining to the Black Sea.
- Defence Ministry : These ministries oversee the protection of the territorial boundaries and political interests of the countries of the Black Sea region. Their presence as naval and land forces can have an impact on the Black Sea.
- Internal Affairs Ministries : This stakeholder group represents the ministries or agencies who over see national level issues, which can include internal security, natural resource development over sight and demographic statistical oversight.
- Agriculture Ministries : This Ministry provides key governmental coordination of the agricultural sectors, often at the national and district levels. They may also oversee fisheries in some countries. They are an important sector to the Black Sea, as their work involves supporting regulations, data collection and other key aspects of oversight.
- Fisheries national companies/Administration/Executive Agencies : This stakeholder group is responsible for development of fisheries, either as a state owned company, an administrative unit within other ministries, or as an independent government agency. They are a key stakeholder in the region.
- Social Welfare/Public Health Ministries : This key governmental sector oversees the conditions of the human population of the Black Sea region. Their responsibilities can include human development, over sight of human health and epidemiological trends. They are a key stakeholder in the region, as the health of the environment impacts the health of the human population.
- Labour Ministry : This stakeholder group is involved in employment issues and is strongly involved in monitoring socio-economic trends of environmental issues within the Black Sea pertaining to employment levels, job rates and associated sectors.
- Public Administrators/planning agencies : These organizations are those responsible for planning and implementation of public policies. They often are nested within other ministries, and are important to the Black Sea as the group responsible for the decisions as to where specific urban developments occur in various sectors.
- Regulatory agent officials/Enforcement agents : This stakeholder group represents those individuals within government institutions tasked with oversight of enforcement and regulation of activities and policies related to the Black Sea, both directly and indirectly.
- Shipping National Companies/Administration/Executive Agencies : This group represents the government organization that oversees the shipping industry, either as a state owned entity, or as privately owned firms which are then monitored by such a national administration or executive agency.
- Parliamentary committees for environmental protection : This group, which is not active in each Black Sea country, is charged with addressing environmental or natural resource management at the parliamentary level. In some cases these bodies can influence the development and implementation of legislation pertaining to coordinated Black Sea management.
- Inter-ministerial committees/Basin committees : These organizations are either those which are brought together to address water management issues at the basin level, or either at the civil and governmental level, or at the intersectoral ministerial level. Their decisions at the basin level can impact the conditions of waters flowing into the Black Sea.
- Non-governmental organizations (NGO) : These stakeholders self identify themselves as belonging to organized, and often nationally or internationally registered and affiliated organizations dealing with development, environmental, social and education aspects of the Black Sea region.
- Scientists : The stakeholder group includes trained technical and academic specialists who address the broad array of physical and social science impacts of issues in and upon the Black Sea.
- Manufacturing industries : The manufacturing industry includes both large and small scale, light and heavy industry, and the supporting sectors. They impact the Black Sea through their waste disposal activities.
- Agro-industry : This stakeholder group provides support to the agricultural sector by providing commercial fertilizers, chemicals, technical equipment and know how, transport and sales of crops and processing of agricultural goods. They impact the Black Sea through their waste disposal activities.
- Livestock industry : The livestock industry is the stakeholder group involved in raising, managing, transporting and processing livestock in the Black Sea region.
- Shipping industry : These stakeholders are involved in all aspects of shipping and marine transport. They deal with movement of goods and people upon the Black Sea. They also are responsible for transportation of energy resources.
- Fishing industry : The fishing industry stakeholder group includes those involved with large scale fishing vessels, fishing byproduct manufacturing, the associated shipping industry specifically focused on fishing, fishery sales and distributors and other affiliated groups.
- Harbour/port administrations : Members of this group are responsible for the management of harbours and ports in the Black Sea. They include harbour masters, and firms operating within the ports to support the shipping and fisheries industries.
- Regional government officials : This stakeholder group consist of those individuals who are responsible for implementing government policies at the regional/district level, either as part of the national government, or as a member of the regional/district governance structure. Their input to the Black Sea can be based on their activities at the local level.
- District water management officials : This group represents those who serve as a water management official at the district level. Their work may involve monitoring, regulation and/or enforcement of water related issues, which will impact the Black Sea conditions, either directly or indirectly.
- Environmental protection agency officials : Members of this group are tasked with the protection of the environment on behalf of the government. Their work involves enforcement of policies, and may include monitoring, evaluation and enforcement. They are often working within other ministries, and their work is key to the protection of the Black Sea ecosystem.
- Municipal government officials : The municipal government stakeholder group oversees municipal functions in urban cities and rural towns. Among other things, they generally supervise and fund the activities of the municipal waste manager.
- Municipal waste managers : These stakeholders are those responsible for municipal waste management including processing and disposal. Their activities often impact the waters of the Black Sea, though they may not be aware of it.
- Nature reserve staff : The staff at nature preserves oversees the preserve or park on behalf of the regional or national government, depending on the country. They often are responsible for protection of highly sensitive areas and habitats.
- Community based organizations : This stakeholder group includes organizations established within communities to deal with common concern around specific community related issues, including issues pertaining to the Black Sea ecosystem.
- Workers on state owned farms : These stakeholders are those who work on farms owned by the government. Their activities often impact the waters of the Black Sea, though they may not be aware of it.
- Workers on privately owned farms : These stakeholders are those who work on farms owned individually or by private firms. Their activities often impact the waters of the Black Sea, though they may not be aware of it.
- Fisherman (small scale) : Those who fish mainly for local markets or for themselves. They tend to fish closer to shore and be more directly impacted by shifts in environmental conditions. They are also often acutely aware of shifts in fish populations.
- Educators/teachers : Educators and teachers as a stakeholder group assist students to understand cause and effect relationships, develop critical thinking skills, and communication, as well as specific subjects pertaining to the health of the Black Sea ecosystem.
- Students : This category includes students at all levels from primary through university level. They are a critical group to assess, because their current perceptions will be those in the future of the region.
- Public health care providers : The public health care providers are those professionals who watch over the health of the population around the Black Sea. They also are able to monitor trends in epidemiology impacting and due to local environmental conditions in the Black Sea.
- Members of coastal communities : This category includes all stakeholders who live in the coastal zone within both urban and rural communities. These stakeholders are generally most impacted by conditions, but tend to be less active in direct management, though their behaviours often impacts the conditions of the Black Sea.
- Tourism/recreation industry : This industry includes those working with tour groups, restaurants and hotels, cruise ships, entertainment industry, specific sports, and others that directly or indirectly rely on the environmental conditions within the region.
- Press and media : The press and media organizations include local, national and international press that provide information to the project and about the project to their audiences about the activities of the project.
- International funding institutions : These institutions include multilateral and bilateral funding organizations that support efforts related to the Black Sea, and to issues that impact the Black Sea ecosystem.