Annex 8. Atamuradov Kh.I., Berkeliyev T.K.
Status and problems of biodiversity protection in Turkmen sector of Caspian Sea and coastal areas.

Status of biological diversity of Turkmen part of Caspian region.

The main source of information regarding to this issue is National Report of Turkmenistan on Caspian Environment Programme (1998). In the report, there is a list of species inhabiting in Caspian Sea and its coasts, including endemic and species demanding protection. Additional source of information was data collected for new edition of Red Book of Turkmenistan Republic (1999).

Analysis of available information indicates on unequal degree of study of the territory as well as subjects of study. Migratory birds and partly fishes are studied best of all; the level of investigation of invertebrates, fauna and plankton organisms is low.

Khazar national park, established in 1969, belongs to the specially protected areas of Turkmen coast of Caspian Sea. This protected area consists of two parts. Turkmenbashi plot (its area is 192 thousands hectares) involves water area of Turkmenbashi, Northern Cheleken, Balkhan, and Mikhaylov gulfs edged by 1 kilometer stripe of desert and saline soil. Gasan Kuliy plot is of oasis type in the lowland of river Atrek and sea shallow water (70 thousands hectares).

Wetland area of the protected territory included in the list of Ramsar Convention, because they are of “international importance, mainly as ecotope of waterfowls”. More than 280 bird species (about half of them is waterfowls and swamp birds), approximately 40 species of mammals, 31 species of lizard and snakes inhabit, more than 20 species of fishes, more than 400 types of high level fauna. Central house, laboratory and museum are situated in the city of Turkmenbashi.

By its legal status the reserved area is considered as scientific-research institution. Main objective of this protected area is protection and integrated study of natural complexes of marine environment and eastern coast of Caspian Sea, nestling, resting in course of migration and wintering place for waterfowls and other rare and valuable birds, ecosystems of eastern coast of Caspian Sea.

Ogurchin protected territory, with total square 7 thousands hectares, is located at the eastern coast of Caspian Sea, 30 km. to the south of Cheleken city, on the Ogurchin island of Caspian Sea. This reserve is ancillary to Khazar State Protected Area of the Ministry of Nature Protection.

Major risks to the biodiversity in Turkmenistan are:

  • Caspian Sea level rise causes change of ecotopes and also submersion of contaminated areas.
  • Oil production in water and coastal area.
  • Transport (especially oil transportation). It is necessary to take into account projected oil and gas pipelinesto be layed on the bed of Caspian Sea, and also likely increase of tankers transportation via Iranian port Anzali.
  • Pollution from coastal industries and settlements. At the Turkmen coast, the main contaminating industries are located in Turkmenbashi, Cheleken and Bekdash cities. The same cities are also responsible for discharge of municipal wastes in the sea. In transboundary plan, the special perceived concern is fate of Nuclear Power Station (NPS) in Aktau city (Kazakhstan).
  • Parasitology situation. Increase of morbidity of many animals is observed, what, at present, is not correlated with some certain type of environment pollution

Legal basis and framework in Turkmenistan are parts of activity of CRTC on Biodiversity. Main responsibility for the status of biodiversity is handed over to the Ministry of Nature Protection and its divisions. Coastal areas are responsibility of Balkan division for nature protection; there exists also special institution “Caspian Ecological Control” responsible for the environmental conditions of the sea. Khazar protected area plays significant role as protection and scientific-research establishment. Relatively recently, there has been established special state commission for ensuring fulfillment of liabilities of Turkmenistan derived from international nature protection conventions. Commission comprises representatives of main ministries in the rank of deputy ministers or leading specialists and is a good tool for coordination of resolutions of emerging problems.

Some NGOs also render assistance in the activity aimed at biodiversity preservation.

Main problems and priorities for interaction within the Caspian Environment Programme. At the present time, the most important issues are establishment of transboundary interaction of Khazar Protected Area with protected areas of neighboring countries, particularly with Kazakhstan and Iran, sturgeons protection, solution of problem of Adgar spawn (mouth of Atrek river, whose most of the water is used for irrigation purposes by Iran), joining of Turkmenistan to Ramsar convention.

Meeting Report
Annex 1
Annex 2
Annex 3
Annex 4
Annex 5
Annex 6
Annex 7
Annex 8
Annex 9
Annex 10
Annex 11
Annex 12
Annex 13
Annex 14


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