General Information. Introduction

This Theme will focus on the establishment of a regionally coordinated network of national status and trend monitoring programs and the subsequent development of Environmental Quality Objectives for the Caspian Sea. Specially, ERACL theme provides the following services: (1) Assess and synthesize major sources of contamination. (2) Develop Quality Assurance/Quality Control specifications for environmental chemical analysis. (3) Coordination of pilot monitoring activities. (4) Coordination of regional training exercises in monitoring. (5) Coordination of regional multi-disciplinary expert consultations to develop common environmental objectives and standards for different water use in the Caspian region. The theme will closely collaborate with the Center for Contaminant Abatement and Control Policies and Procedures, the Data and Information Management theme, and the Biodiversity Center for the development of region wide program for monitoring the biological effects of pollution to be incorporated in the region monitoring strategy. The theme will collaborate with National Monitoring Networks and research institutions in all Caspian countries, international research programs and project and bodies such as IAEA Marine Environment Laboratory (MEL), IOC Expert Groups, UNEP, WHO, WMO, NGOs or similar agencies.

Major Responsibilities

  • Develop a work plan and implement activities in the respective thematic areas,

  • Responsible regional coordination within areas of competency,

  • Organize and conduct working groups and training within the areas of competency

  • Develop relevant regional recommendations, guidance and strategy within the areas of competency,

  • Assist in the development of TDA and PIP,

  • Assist in the development and implementation of the National Action Plans ( NAPs) and Strategic Action Program(SAP),

  • Contribute in scientific and technical advice to the formulation of proposal for national and regional actions and donor funding,

  • Make a Network with national and international institutions and specialists in the respective focal areas,

  • Prepare and implement regional pilot projects,

  • Make liaison closely with National Intersectoral Coordinating Committee and PCU,

  • Contribute scientific and technical expertise to CEP information system development and public awareness activities,

  • Cooperate with other Caspian Regional Thematic Centers,

  • Develop and maintain a Database Management System within areas of competency.

  • Identify possible mechanisms of financial support for closely related and essential activities that currently not covered by the GEF budget,

  • Assess and synthesize major sources of contamination,

  • Develop Quality Assurance/Quality Control specifications for the environmental chemical analysis,

  • Coordinate pilot monitoring activities,

  • Coordinate regional exercises in monitoring ,

  • Coordinate regional multi-disciplinary expert consultations to develop common environment objectives and standards for different water uses in the Caspian region.


Theme for Effective Regional Assessment of Contaminant Levels
Department of Environment
Marine Environment Research Bureau
187, Nejatollahi St, PO Box 15875-5181
Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran
Regional Consultant: Mr. Mohammad Reza Sheikholeslami
Tel.: +9821 8808776; 8901096
Fax: +9821 8907223; 8901269




Tasks and Activities

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Theme for Effective Regional Assessment of Contaminant Levels
Department of the Environment (DOE), Marine Environment Bureau
187, Nejatollahi St, PO Box 15875-5181, Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran
Tel.: +9821 8901096
Fax: +9821 8907223
© 2001-2003, CEP