During a recent DLIST workshop in Walvis Bay, it became very clear that most organisations along the coast have a concern in common - the need to secure funding. With the help of DLIST members, the admin team have collected information about funding sources targeted at environment/sustainable development work in the region. Each funding programme has very specific criteria under which they are allowed to disburse funds - we have tried to capture these as straight forward as possible. To find out more, contact the funding programme directly. Contact details are on each page.
If you are involved in, or know of a funding programme that should be listed here, please contact admin@dlist-benguela.org
Funding sources in South Africa
GEF’s Small Grants Programme (SGP) SGP is the Small Grants Programme of the Global Environment Facility (GEF). In South Africa, the SGP is implemented through the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). The SGP provides funding to community-based projects that conserve the environment, while improving the livelihoods of rural communities and alleviating poverty through sustainable activities, including income generating projects.
SKEPPIES – Small Grants Facility For Conservation And Development In The Succulent Karoo The SKEPPIES Small Grants Facility for Conservation and Development in the Succulent Karoo, shortly known as SKEPPIES, sponsor projects that have both a conservation and development aspect in the Succulent Karoo. SKEPPIES is a partnership arrangement between the Development Bank of Southern Africa (DBSA), the Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund (CEPF), Conservation International in Southern Africa Hotspots Program (SAHP), and the SKEP Coordination Unit.
CEPF – Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund CEPF is a joint initiative of Conservation International, the Global Environment Facility, the Government of Japan, the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation and the World Bank. CEPF’s grants target hotspots in developing countries and transitional countries. In South Africa, CEPF has grants available for the Cape Floristic Region and the Succulent Karoo hotspots.
Table Mountain Fund The Table Mountain Fund is an independent Trust, associated with WWF as the founder and operator of the Trust. The Fund is guided by its own funding directions and strategy, and is closely aligned to the work of the C.A.P.E. (Cape Action for People and the Environment) partnership.
Greater Cederberg Biodiversity Corridor Small Grants Fund The GCBC Small Grants Fund is a joint partnership between C.A.P.E. (Cape Action for People and the Environment), SKEP (Succulent Karoo Ecosystem Programme), CEPF (Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund), CapeNature (the provincial conservation authority), and the GCBC Management Unit. The ultimate aim of this fund is to ensure civil society’s engagement in biodiversity conservation.
Funding sources in Namibia
Go Green Fund Go Green is a non-profit fund that was launched to support projects in line of protection, sustainable use and management of natural resources in Namibia
National Forest Facility Programme The National Forest Facility Programme is a funding mechanism and information unit that aims to promote sustainable forest management and utilization for civil society. It aims to contribute some support to the processes that will lead to the launch, co-ordination, and monitoring of the implementation of the the forestry strategic plan.
Succulent Karoo Ecosystem Programme (SKEP) Namibia The Succulent Karoo Ecosystem Programme (SKEP) is project that was specifically established in Namibia to ensure that biodiversity in the Succulent Karoo Ecosystem is effectively conserved and managed by the state and civil society through an integrated programme of conservation action and co-management of conservation areas for sustainable development of the region and for improvement of people’s livelihoods.
Walvis Bay Environmental Fund The Walvis Bay Environment Fund is a grant programme that was established by the Municipality of Walvis Bay to finance activities and initiatives that facilitate the proper management of the environment and natural resources.