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FAO-TCP project covers the project activity Development of a Joint Legal and Institutional IAS Cooperative Framework.

About the partner:
The Technical Cooperation Programme (TCP) supports the FAO Member Nations through small projects which address specific problems in the agriculture, fisheries and forestry sectors. The aim of a TCP project is to produce tangible and immediate results in the battle against hunger and to catalyse long-term changes

Since its creation in 1976, the TCP has funded almost 8 800 projects for a total value of more than US$1.1 billion.

The TCP mobilizes the technical expertise of the entire Organization. It is managed by FAO's Technical Cooperation Department and is coordinated by the Technical Cooperation Programme Service (TCOT). TCOT works in close cooperation with FAO's technical and operational units at its headquarters in Rome, and in the decentralized offices, to identify the most appropriate solutions to the problems faced by governments, national institutions and the beneficiary rural communities.

Furthermore, TCOT manages the Edouard Saouma Award which honours national or regional institutions for particularly effective implementation of a TCP-funded project.

The Technical Cooperation Programme is one of FAO's tools for contributing to the achievement of theUN Millennium Development Goals and particularly the goal of eradicating extreme poverty and hunger.

Role in the project

Mali, Niger and Nigeria requested FAO assistance to formulate the FAO-TCP regional project on the “Establishment of a Legal and Institutional Management Framework for the Iullemeden aquifer system “.  The independently executed FAO-TCP regional project is based on the objectives and fully integrated under the GEF Medium Size Project, “Managing Hydrogeological risk in the Iullemeden Aquifer System”.

The proposed FAO-TCP project covers the project activity Development of a Joint Legal and Institutional IAS Cooperative Framework.

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