The RFO in collaboration with the World Bank, GEF, Methane to Markets,
and the ADB organized the International Conference on Water Pollution
Reduction and Climate Change Mitigation, Experiences from Livestock
Waste Management in East Asia Project during 1-3 September 2009 in
Guangzhou, China.

The conference offered a unique platform to share experience,
disseminate technologies and identify development needs in addressing
water pollution reduction and climate change mitigation challenges in
the livestock sector. It demonstrated the state of the art of livestock
waste management technologies, shared view on effective policy
instruments, identified synergies and tradeoffs in addressing water
pollution and climate change issues in the livestock sector, introduced
the clean development mechanism (CDM), and discussed collaboration,
constraints, initiatives and perspectives in livestock waste

The experiences from the implementation of the LWMEA project in
China, Thailand, and Vietnam were presented. The RFO activities and
experiences from implementing and facilitating the LWMEA project were
also demonstrated.

A field visit was arranged to the three demonstration farms in Bolou
Please click here
for more information and presentations from the conference.