The First CoSiMo Mission, Bangkok, Vung Tau and Guangzhou, 12-20
February 2009

The RFO is developing the Cost of
Compliance Simulation Model (CoSiMo) as a policy formulation decision
support tools (DST) for participating countries. CoSiMo is a decision
support tool that focuses on the farmer cost of compliance and
determines expected consequences of alternative policy options. It
focuses on policies that induce farmers to adopt environmental friendly
practices, to remove farms to another location, or eventually to close
farms. The cost effectiveness of these policies has to be evaluated in
relation to the autonomous industry development towards less and larger

The first CoSiMo mission led by Dr. Ge Backus (Wageningen
University, The Netherlands) on CoSiMo development was held in
Thailand, Vietnam and China during 12-20 February 2009. The team met
with policy researchers and policy officers from each country to
present and discuss on the concept and planned activities of CoSiMo.
The mission aims at getting the industry picture shape, by evaluating
and discussing on the data collection for the pig industry module and
the cost of compliance module. It also discuss on policy options,
countries' typical farm types and time frame of the study.
Please click
here for more details of the CoSiMo.