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You are here: Home Information and Publications Meeting/Workshops Reports The fifth regional coordination group (RCG) meeting Livestock Waste Management in East Asia Project (GCP/RAS/215/WBG)(3 September 2009, Guangzhou, China)
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The fifth regional coordination group (RCG) meeting Livestock Waste Management in East Asia Project (GCP/RAS/215/WBG)(3 September 2009, Guangzhou, China)

by Nawarat Chalermpao last modified 2009-09-26 01:08



  1. Note of welcome by the Chair
  2. Review and adoption of the agenda
  3. Issues arising from the last RCG meeting
  4. Brief progress reports of the three countries and the RFO
  5. Brief on Decision Support Tool development
  6. Procedural matters in delivery of RFO function (annual work plan for 2010)
  7. Next RCG meeting suggested May 2010 in Thailand
  8. Other business

List of participants

Click here to download list of participants



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