Site News
The Second STRAW Mission, Bangkok, Hanoi, and Guangzhou, 7-13 May 2009
Regional Training on Mitigating Green House Gas (GHG) Emissions from Landless Livestock Production in East Asia, 1-4 December 2008, Suwon, The Republic of Korea

Vietnam LWMEA team attended the study tour to China, July 30 – Aug 5, 2007
UNEP IW:LEARN launches website toolkit to help GEF IW projects create a standard based, content rich and easily managable websites.
The Fourth Regional Coordination Group (RCG) Meeting, 15 to 16 February 2009, Vung Tau, Vietnam
The First CoSiMo Mission, Bangkok, Vung Tau and Guangzhou, 12-20 February 2009
The training on the mitigation of green house gas emissions from intensive livestock production in Thailand, 27-29 July 2009
LWMEA Posters presented at the World Water Day 2010, UNESCAP, Bangkok, Thailand
IUCN-GEF IW-Learn workshop on Designing Payment Schemes for Ecosystem Services, 3-5 April 2008

LWMEA Team attended International Water Conference in South Africa, July 31-Aug 3, 2007
Thailand-replication strategy development workshops and meetings, 8, 13, and 15 May 2008
Mission on Manure Management Technologies Selection and Policy Development DST, 18-27 June 2008