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Information and Publications

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This section has NWSAS project documents, presentations, Databases and maps on various studies done during the project implementation.

Project Documents
This section has all NWSAS project documents, like the Aquifer system, SASS programme, SASS micro model, Digital model. Exploratory simulations, Forecast Simulations, Concertation and Project conclusions.
These are datasets that have been created during the project implementation. They include; demonstration of the micro-module, geology of Tunisia, Algeria and Libya and the Ruissellements en zone aride.
Newsletters produced by the project
Meeting/Committee Reports
Meeting reports, reports from various committees etc.
Press Releases
Press releases of the project
There are several presentations done on different studies carried out during the project implementation. They include CI Artesianism 1950-2050 scenario zero, CI Rabattements 1950-2050 scenario zero, CT Artesianism to the Chotts 1950-2050 scenario zero, CT Piezometric level on Gofe or Syrte and the Sahara Sahel Observatory(OSS).

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