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Digital model

The overall design of the model must meet two seemly contradictory requirements that are actually complementary: a) Abide by the overall guidelines used in the main studie [CI-Kiklah, CT-Upper Cretaceous] in order to optimise expertise from the system accumulated over the last thirty years. This means ensuring the regional coherency and adaption of the main decisions concerning the general distribution of transmissivity [CI, CI-Kiklah] and storage; the overall shape and the distribution of runoff at the regional level, the nature and position of boundary conditions especially in the recharge and outlet areas and the respect for rough figures on various elements in the assessment. b) Replace the IC vs TC concept used up to now by a multilayer representation that the Conceptual Model shows is the only approach that can combine the three hydrogeological systems, more specifically the Algerian and Tunisian systems with the Libyan system.

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