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Editorial Team

- Catherine Cocco
Chief of the Office of Director
- Katia Diaz
Editor in chief, Developer & Manager.
[Webmaster & Information Systems Adviser]
Newsletter's designer, developer and administrator. Main person for content research, production, contribution, edition; graphic and image design and editor. Newsletter's manager, administration, edition and publishing.

Main contact person for the Newsletter and for collecting contributions.

- Agustin Castro
[Communication, Press & Media Adviser]
Main person for media communication articles, research, content production, edition and publication.
- Patricia Schroeder
[Program Officer] EXM Secretariat backgrounds content contributor; English accuracy and editor.
English translations final check for accuracy.
- Connie Pearlstein
English accuracy and editor; Assistant collecting contributions and background information.

Consuelo Tonato / Oscar Chávez
Collecting contributions and background information.


PAHO, Catalyst for Health in the Americas.
Health: Our Most Basic Asset.

"The capacity to diffuse and share knowledge has become a decisive factor in the success of organizations, communication is the instrument that allows us to inform, motivate, promote, differentiate, award or group the members of an organization."

"We are convinced that access to health information is an integral aspect of human rights, requiring us to network with partners that will enable us to expand our local and regional capacities and thus multiply the available social capital in our countries. In this regard, we are working on the use of emerging information technologies for information, knowledge management and sharing to improve and position the PAHO's work in a significant level as a public health knowledge base organization to improve the health of the people of the Americas"

Dr. Mirta Roses Periago, Director, PAHO/WHO

To share and disseminate strategic public health information from the Director's official activities within PAHO and between PAHO health policy decision makers, managers, professionals and general staff; between PAHO's Member States and their Ministeries of Health; between the United Nations' Regional Directors for Americas; between WHO Director-General and Assistants of the Director-General (ADGs); and with key partners in the Region; to promote and work for PAHO leadership as a public health authority in the Americas.

To report on a timely basis about the Director relevant and official's activities; delivering to our managers, professionals and decision-makers, the lines of strategic action, guidelines, processes and background douments from the main events in public health in the region with the participation of high level health authorities in what is involved PAHO as part of the World Health Organization and the United Nations System.

The Newsletter includes Director's Statements as well as News and Releases from the Director's official activities related to the Director's official calendar and agenda; which include speeches, presentations, regional and global events, articles, signning of agreements between PAHO and other partner institutions or agencies, Blog's articles, media publication, video, press conference, interviews, country's official visits as well as health issues in focus in the region and information about the celebration of health anniversary days through the year.

The Director's Newsletter was launched in March 2006 to contribute and strengthening the institutional strategy of supporting the production of relevant knowledge for public health, which includes: promotion of equitable access of knowledge and information for decision-making.

Director Office Newsletters' ARCHIVES

  • ISSUE 08. March 26, 2010: NEWS: PAHO’s Director talks with the International Food Policy and Research Institute (IFPRI) Forum, Major challenges facing regional health organizations and the people they serve; PAHO Leaders in International Health Program Edmundo Granda Ugalde 2010; Directora de la OPS, reconocimiento especial durante la entrega de la Medalla al Mérito de la Mujer 2010. HIGHLIGTHS: WHO Global Policy Group (GPG)Retreat; OAS Secretary General reelected; World Tuberculosis Day 2010; World Water Day 2010.
  • ISSUE 07. March 16, 2010: NEWS: International Women's Day Celebration 2010 at PAHO, speeches at events ceremony. HIGHLIGTHS: Meeting of the Commission for Polio Containment Certification; PAHO Subcommittee on Program, Budget and Administration (SPBA)
  • ISSUE 06. March 09, 2010: NEWS: 14th International Congress on Infectious Diseases, Dr. Roses co-chairs Symposium on Neglected Tropical Diseases; DESIGUALDAD y CÁNCER INFANTIL, Artículo de la Directora de la OPS por el Día Internacional de la Lucha contra el Cáncer Infantil; SRMM-Reunión Subregional de Gerentes del CONO SUR Y ÁREA ANDINA; CHILE Earthqueaje, Directora de la Organización Panamericana de la Salud en visita oficial a Chile; Nuevo informe sobre el terremoto en Haití. HIGHLIGTHS: INTERNATIONAL WOMEN's DAY 2010; Equal rights and opportunities for women are key for better health (WHO).
  • ISSUE 05. February 26, 2010: NEWS: OPS y Ministerio de Salud de España integran logística, gestión e información sobre la asistencia a Haití; SRMM-Reunión Subregional de Gerentes de Centroamérica, México y Oficina Frontera EUA/MEX; Uruguay Official Visit & President Swearing in ceremony. HIGHLIGTHS: III Foro de Pensamiento Social Estratégico / Strategic Social Thinking Forum; Presentation to GRULAC Ambassadors; Regional Coordination Mtg (RCM) for LAC in ECLAC (UNDG).
  • ISSUE 04. February 08, 2010: NEWS/APPEAL: PAHO Award for Administration 2010.
    NOTICIA/CONVOCATORIA: Premio OPS en Administración 2010.
  • ISSUE 03. January 26, 2010: NEWS: HAITI - SPECIAL EDITION - DIRECTOR OFFICIAL VISIT - Video. WHO/PAHO part of an extraordinary humanitarian response to help the people of Haiti; PAHO/WHO Recognizes and Supports Work of Dominican Republic in Aid to Haiti; PAHO describes Cuban cooperation in Haiti as excellent; Post-Emergency Needs Call for New Health Focus in Haiti; Thousands of amputees need post-operative care and rehabilitation; PAHO latest Press Briefing on Haiti Earthquake Response. NOTICIAS: CNN entrevista a Directora de la OPS sobre las necesidades inmediatas de los haitianos después del terremoto; La OPS/OMS reconoce y apoya el trabajo de República Dominicana en la ayuda a Haití; La OPS califica de excelente colaboración cubana en Haití; Las necesidades tras la emergencia requieren un nuevo enfoque de la salud en Haití; Miles de amputados necesitan atención y rehabilitación posoperatorias.
  • ISSUE 02. January 20, 2010: NEWS: HAITI - SPECIAL EDITION - Inmediate implementation of Public Health measures to deliver a more effective health care; Special Report on the PAHO response to the Earthquake in HAITI; PAHO Director strengthening coordination between UN Agencies to assist Haiti as a joint coordinated team; PAHO Press Briefing on Haiti Earthquake Response. HIGHLIGTHS: PAHO Emergency Operations Center, Situation Reports, Health Cluster; WHO - Public health risk assessment and interventions: Earthquake - Haiti; 126th WHO Executive Board session.
  • ISSUE 01. January 15, 2010: NEWS: HAITI - SPECIAL EDITION. Countries of Latin America and the Caribbean offer an outpouring of support. PAHO/WHO Coordinating Regional Efforts to Assist Haiti after Earthquake; HAITI Earthqueake Map. PAHO HSD/HA; HAITI Health Profile. PAHO Health in the Americas - Edition 2007. HIGHLIGTHS: PAHO Disasters & Humanitarian Assistance; Guidelines for Response to Earthquakes; PAHO/WHO Regional Emergency Response Team - Field Manual; Information Management and Communication in Emergencies and Disasters; Be a Better Donor: Practical Recommendations for Humanitarian Aid; PAHO Emergency Operations Center; HAITI Situation Reports.

  • ISSUE 16. October 02, 2009: NEWS: Reporte Anual de la Directora/Director's Annual Report: Hacia la "Salud para Todos": Avances en torno a la Atención Primaria de Salud en las Américas - Advancing toward "Health for All": Progress in Primary Health Care in the Americas; THE GLOBAL ECONOMIC RECESSION and the MILLENNIUM DEVELOPMENT GOALS - La Recesión Mundial y los ODM; Alianza Panamericana por la Nutrición y el Desarrollo para el Logro de los Objetivos de Desarrollo del Milenio - PAN AMERICAN ALLIANCE FOR NUTRITION AND DEVELOPMENT. HIGHLIGTHS: 49th PAHO Directing Council, 61st Session of the Regional Committee of WHO for the Americas - director's remarks; CARICOM HEALTH MINISTERS LAUNCH REGIONAL INITIATIVE FOR HIV AND SYPHILIS FREE GENERATIONS; ACUERDOS DE COOPERACIÓN TÉCNICA ENTRE LA OPS y Ministerios de Salud de la Región (ARG, NIC, ECU).
  • ISSUE 13. July 02, 2009: NEWS: Passionate for Primary Health Care" Dr. Mirta Roses Periago, PAHO. Interview with Safe Observer; PAHO, PAHEF AND GLOBAL BUSINESS FORUM luncheon discussion meeting; Memorandum of Understanding between the Alliance for Rabies Control and the Pan American Health Organization; UN RDT/RDG: UN Regional Directors Group (RDG) Meeting; Directora de OPS en la inauguración presidencial en Panamá; Ministro de salud, Dr. Francisco Vergara, se reunió con la Directora de la OPS. HIGHLIGTHS:Influenza A(H1N1), Global Summit over Lessons Learned and Preparedness; WHO Director-General speech at a high-level meeting on influenza A(H1N1); Chile's President Urges a Collective Response to A (H1N1) Pandemic at the PAHO Executive Committee; La Presidenta de Chile insta a una respuesta colectiva a la pandemia de gripe por A (H1N1) ante el comité ejecutivo de la OPS.
  • ISSUE 11. June 11, 2009: NEWS: SEGURIDAD HUMANA: Una mirada desde la Salud Pública / HUMAN SECURITY: A Public Health Perspective; Cooperación técnica en la preparación para una pandemia. Panel sobre el virus de Influenza A H1N1 / Technical cooperation on pandemic preparedness. A H1N1 Influenza Panel; CDelegación de OPS a la 39a. Asamblea General de la OEA / PAHO Delegation at the 39th OAS General Assembly; Directora de OPS en la inauguración presidencial en El Salvador; HIGHLIGTHS: WHO - INFLUENZA PANDEMIC ALERT PHASE SIX / OMS ALERTA PANDEMIA DE INFLUENZA FASE SEIS; World Health Organization wins Spain's Prince of Asturias prize for International Cooperation 2009 / La Organización Mundial de la Salud ganó el Premio Príncipe de Asturias a la Cooperación Internacional 2009; Influenza A (H1N1) - Web democratiza información y evidencias científicas / Influenza A (H1N1) - Web democratizes information and scientific evidence.
  • ISSUE 10. May 20, 2009: NEWS: A H1N1 Influenza Virus - An Outbreak Timeline; Interactive Map of A/H1N1 Situation in the Americas; World Map of A/H1N1 Situation; Joint FAO/WHO/OIE Statement on influenza A(H1N1) and the safety of pork; PAHO Urges Southern Hemisphere to Remain Alert for Influenza A(H1N1); Collaboration in response to the A(H1N1) virus highlighted; PAHO Urges Equitable Access to Influenza Vaccines; PAHO Director Urges Close Monitoring of New H1N1 Influenza Virus; HIGHLIGTHS: 62nd World Health Assembly (WHO-WHA); WHO Press Conferences; PAHO Press Conferences.
  • ISSUE 8. April 29, 2009: NEWS: Seventh Vaccination Week in the Americas; SÉPTIMA SEMANA DE VACUNACIÓN EN LAS AMÉRICAS; PAHO Subregional Managers' Meeting for the Caribbean; Entrevista exclusiva a Mirta Roses, Directora de la Organización Panamericana de la Salud en el boletín informativo del Fondo España PNUD 'Hacia un Desarrollo Integrado e Inclusivo' Abril 2009. "Se deben evitar los errores cometidos en los programas de ajuste estructural"; HIGHLIGTHS: World Health Organization CURRENT LEVEL OF INFLUENZA PANDEMIC ALERT RAISED FROM PHASE 4 TO 5; PAHO Director at the 5th Summit of the Americas.
  • ISSUE 7. April 27, 2009: NEWS: Swine influenza - SPECIAL EDITION; PAHO Swine Influenza Webpage; WHO Swine Influenza Webpage; PAHO Press Releases; WHO Teleconference; Influenza-Like Illness in Mexico and the United States; Brotes de gripe en México y en los Estados Unidos; HIGHLIGTHS: Statement by WHO Director-General Dr Margaret Chan; WHO Director-General has raised the level of influenza pandemic alert from the current phase 3 to phase 4; Swine influenza - Press Conference undertaken with Dr Keiji Fukuda, Assistant Director-General ad. Interim for Health Security and Environment.
  • ISSUE 6. April 3, 2009: NEWS: DENGUE: CALL TO ACTION. PAHO Director Urges Intensified Efforts against Dengue; Acción contra el Dengue Enfoque Integrado y Multidisciplinario, Artículo BLOG de la Directora; Actualización sobre la situación Regional del dengue; La lucha contra el Dengue, CNN entrevista a asesor regional de la OPS; HIGHLIGTHS: Global Economic Crisis and the Health of the Americas Region, Dr. Roses in Otawa, Canada; High-Level Canada Visit Highlights Cooperation, Indigenous Health; Impact of financial crisis on health: a truly global solution is needed, Statement by WHO Director-General, Dr Margaret Chan.
  • ISSUE 5. March 19, 2009: NEWS: 'Invertir en salud para proteger los logros', INVEST IN HEALTH TO PROTECT THE ACHIEVEMENTS, Director's article; 'Salud, género y cultura', HEALTH, GENDER, and CULTURE, Director's article; EN AMÉRICA LATINA LA SALUD ESTÁ SIGNADA POR LA DESIGUALDAD, 'In America Health is marked by Inequity', Dr. Roses en el II Foro de Pensamiento Social Estratégico; HIGHLIGTHS: Reunión Subregional de Representantes y Directores de Centro de Centroamérica, Cuba, México, República Dominicana y Oficina de la frontera EUA/MEX; INTERNATIONAL WOMEN’S DAY CELEBRATION AT PAHO; LA EQUIDAD DE GÉNERO Y CULTURA ES UN DERECHO UNIVERSAL IMPOSTERGABLE, Discurso de la Directora; Subcommittee on Program, Budget, and Administration, SPBA.
  • ISSUE 4. February 20, 2009: NEWS: SRMM-Reunión Subregional de Gerentes del CONO SUR Y ÁREA ANDINA, Fortalecer la salud pública a través del abordaje global de los DETERMINANTES SOCIALES DE LA SALUD HUMANA; Levantando la bandera de la ATENCIÓN PRIMARIA es como se encuentran muchas e importantes soluciones a los problemas de salud; Frente al DENGUE, la OPS busca "cambio de comportamiento" en la población; Informe Estado de la Región 2008 para Centroamérica y República Dominicana; AGENDA DE SALUD 2009-2018 para Centroamérica y República Dominicana; HIGHLIGTHS: AMRO takes the lead: Implementation of new WHO policy on Collaborating Centers; Primary Health Care: The Best Cure for Failed Systems.
  • ISSUE 2. January 28, 2009: NEWS: PAHO Director met Laura Albornoz, President of the OAS Inter-American Commission of Women (CIM); WHO Global Policy Group Meeting WHO/GPG, Reunión del Grupo de Política Global de la OMS - WHO/GPG; WHO-EB appoints Regional Directors for Western Pacific Region (WHO/WPRO) and South-East Asia Region (WHO/SEARO); HIGHLIGTHS: RESSCAD XXIV. Reunión del Sector Salud de Centro América y República Dominicana; Líderes en salud potencian unidad de acción para abordar retos comunes; WHO Executive Board; 124th WHO EXECUTIVE BOARD SESSION.
  • ISSUE 1. January 8, 2009: NEWS: Director BLOG's articles: Alcohol and Domestic Violence; Alcohol y Violencia Doméstica; “Unhappy Hours: Alcohol and Partner Aggression in the Americas” [PAHO's Publication]; Working to Control and Eliminate Neglected Diseases; Trabajando para controlar y eliminar las enfermedades desatendidas; HIGHLIGTHS: WHO statement on health situation in Gaza; 124th WHO Executive Board session.

  • ISSUE 21. October 23, 2008: NEWS: Director's article: Health Care Must NOT Replicate Social Inequalities; Que la salud NO replique la desigualdad social; Que a saúde NÃO reproduza a desigualdade social; Salud Pública y Crisis Financiera: La equidad sanitaria en la agenda internacional, marcando un hito en las políticas de sanidad; Directora de la OPS advierte sobre la inequidad mundial en la salud, entrevista radio UN. HIGHLIGTHS: Almaty, Kazakhstan. 30th Anniversary of Alma-Ata Declaration on Primary Health Care; Second High-level Symposium on Global Health Diplomacy, Geneva.
  • ISSUE 20. October 15, 2008: NEWS: Dr. Roses co-chair the Global Task Force for PHC Revitalization at Almaty, 30th anniversary of Alma-Ata, Kazakhstan; Multipartners Dialogue for Health in the Americas - Diálogo Multipartito por la Salud en las Américas, discurso de la Directora; Cuba Coopera: Programas de Cooperación en Salud "Cuba en el Mundo"; Cambio Climático y Salud Humana, CNN entrevista a la Directora de la OPS; 48th Directing Council, latest news. HIGHLIGTHS: 30th Anniversary of Alma-Ata Declaration on Primary Health Care; World Health Report 2008; World Mental Health Day 2008 Celebration at PAHO; International Day for Disaster Reduction.
  • ISSUE 19. September 30, 2008: NEWS: Annual Report from PAHO Director, 2007-2008; Planning Public Health Action; A Collective Vision and Commitment to Better Health; BLOG: The Home for Health in the Americas strengthening actions in public health and improving the social protection in health for our populations; EPI 2008. Epidemiologia na Construção da Saúde para Todos: Métodos para um Mundo em Transformação; Article: Action Now: For the lives of mothers, newborns, and children; Actuemos YA: Por las vidas de las madres, recién nacidos y niños; Atuemos JÁ: Pelas vidas das mães, recém-nascidos e crianças; MIGRACIÓN Y SALUD. Discurso de la Dra. Roses en la apertura de la 8va. Conferencia Sudamericana de Migraciones; CRICS8: Las funciones de la información, conocimiento y evidencias científicas en el desarrollo de la salud; Inauguração CTGES, Panaftosa–OPAS/OMS. HIGHLIGTHS: 48th DIRECTING COUNCIL; Dr Margaret Chan, Director-General of the World Health Organization address the 60th session of the Regional Committee for the Americas; PAHO Joins Clinton Global Initiative to Save Mothers' and Children's Lives; Article: Burden Of Neglected Tropical Diseases In Latin America And Caribbean May Exceed That Of HIV/AIDS, TB And Malaria.
  • ISSUE 18. September 18, 2008: NEWS: OPS realiza el lanzamiento del libro "Esquemas de protección social en salud para la población materna, neonatal e infantil": lecciones aprendidas de la Región de America Latina; International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSAS) to replace United Nations System Accounting Standards (UNSAS) as approved by the General Assembly of the United Nations; PAHO address the critical issue of how to support women in the health sciences in Latin America; OPS - BTI firman importante acuerdo para fortalecer los sistemas nacionales de sangre y facilitar la donación voluntaria en los países de las Américas; AIDS 2008: Towards Elimination of Vertical Transmission of HIV and Syphilis as a public health problem in the Caribbean; PAHO Director co-chair an special session on HIV/AIDS for the Latin America region at AIDS 2008; Article: It's time to break the silence; Es hora de romper el silencio; BLOG: Better responses to the needs of people living with disability; Mejores respuestas a las necesidades de las personas que viven con discapacidad; Global Health TV Interview with Dr Mirta Roses Periago, Director, Pan American Health Organization. HIGHLIGTHS: CRICS8: 8º Congresso Regional de Informação em Ciências da Saúde; Caribbean Wellness Day; World Rabies Day 2008; EPI 2008.
  • ISSUE 17. August 01, 2008: NEWS: Alianza Panamericana por la Nutrición y el Desarrollo; Director's article: Common Challenges, Joint Solutions; Retos Comunes, Soluciones Conjuntas; 5th Meeting of the United Nations Regional Directors Group for Latin America took place at PAHO HQ; PAHO became the new chair of the UNAIDS Regional Directors Group (RDG); BLOG: FIRST THINGS FIRST; Lo primero es lo primero; Cuba, Visita Oficial: El Desafío de la Equidad en Salud: los Objetivos de Desarrollo del Milenio y las Alianzas para la Salud. HIGHLIGTHS: AIDS 2008 - XVII International AIDS Conference; THE LANCET: HIV/AIDS in Latin America and the Caribbean.
  • ISSUE 15. June 25, 2008: NEWS: "Safe Surgery Saves Lives Initiative" 2nd WHO Global Patient Safety Challenge launched at PAHO; 142nd Session of the Executive Committee Opens with Important Goals for the Health of the Peoples of the Americas; Director's Presentation to the OAS Permanent Council; 2008 PAHO Staff Awards Ceremony; Director of PAHO received the Helen Rodriquez-Trias Award for Excellence in Community-Based Women’s Health Leadership. HIGHLIGTHS: WHO Director-General's quest to revitalise ALMA-ATA gets unqualified and unprecedent support from WHO Regional Directors; THE LANCET. Unequivocal Regional Support for Margaret Chan's Commitment to Primary Health Care.
  • ISSUE 14. June 12, 2008: NEWS: RIMSA 15. Salud y Agricultura por la Equidad y el Desarrollo Rural; ARTICULO: Solidaridad ante la crisis alimentaria; Solidarity in combating the global food crisis; BLOG: Por una juventud libre de tabaquismo; For a Tobacco-Free Youth; Por uma juventude livre do tabagismo. HIGHLIGTHS: RIMSA 15. Agriculture and Health: Alliance for Equity and Rural Development in the Americas; DÍA MUNDIAL DEL DONANTE DE SANGRE.
  • ISSUE 13. June 02, 2008: NEWS: Primary Health Care: A New Vision for the Fourth Decade; Director's speech at the special session on Primary Health Care at the Global Health Council Annual Conference 2008; La ATENCIÓN PRIMARIA DE SALUD en el NUEVO SIGLO. HIGHLIGTHS: WORLD NO TOBACCO DAY 2008; 61st WORLD HEALTH ASSEMBLY; EXECUTIVE BOARD 123rd Session.
  • ISSUE 12. May 23, 2008: NEWS: Commonwealth Health Ministers Meeting at the 61st World Health Assembly; Virtual Conferencing at PAHO, BLOG; Respuestas solidarias para la crisis alimentaria, artículo de la Directora; Dr. Mirta Roses, Director of PAHO, attended a United Nations Secretary-General meeting which main topic on Global Health and the United Nations. HIGHLIGTHS: 61st WORLD HEALTH ASSEMBLY; World Health Statistics 2008: full report.
  • ISSUE 11. May 8, 2008: NEWS: APHA. PAHO's Director brings leadership and knowledge to the Americas; 2008 World Day for Safety and Health at Work (D closing remarks); OPS reconoce labor de Venezuela en favor de la Salud (Venezuela visita oficial); CNN Mirador Mundial Entrevista a la Directora de la OPS; Directora de la OPS designada Médica del Año 2007 a Nivel Internacional. HIGHLIGTHS: PAHO hosts The Lancet Global Mental Health Series America's Launch; WORLD DAY FOR SAFETY AND HEALTH AT WORK CELEBRATION AT PAHO.
  • ISSUE 10. April 28, 2008: NEWS: Article: Vacunación: gesto de amor que trasciende fronteras; Vaccination: An Act of Love that Transcends Borders; PAHO and UNICEF Working Together to support LAC Countries; Global Forum for Health Research: Director of the Pan American Health Organization opens the first Latin American Conference in Research and Innovation for Health; PAHO working to improve public health, equity, and health systems at the 42nd Session of the Advisory Committee on Health Research (ACHR/CAIS); XXIX REMSAA: Atención Primaria de Salud a 30 Años de Alma Ata; Google Nees: TIME TO ACT: Protecting Health from Climate Change. HIGHLIGTHS: VACCINATION WEEK IN THE AMERICAS 2008.
  • ISSUE 09. April 07, 2008: NEWS: WHD 2008: OUR Planet, OUR Health, OUR Future. They are in OUR Hands; World Health Day at WHO; PAHO Walk for Health 2008; Interview with Mirta Roses: Climate Change a Challenge to Human Species; Entrevista: El ser humano tiene que volver a respetar a la Pachamama. HIGHLIGTHS: WORLD HEALTH DAY 2008. Protecting Health from Climate Change; DIA MUNDIAL DE LA SALUD 2008. Proteger la salud frente al cambio climático; USA National Public Health Week.
  • ISSUE 08. March 28, 2008: NEWS: SEGURIDAD 2008. 9na. Conferencia Mundial de lesiones y promoción de la seguridad y Reunion Interministerial de las Americas; Presenta la Directora Informe Quinquenal ante la OEA; Report of the Panamerican Health Organization to the permanent council of the OAS; Cascos Blancos de Argentina y OPS se comprometen a fortalecer la capacidad regional de respuesta ante desastres. HIGHLIGTHS: WHO GLOBAL POLICY GROUP. Beijing, China. WHO Senior policy-makers meeting; WORLD TB DAY 2008. Mensaje de la Directora: Yo puedo frenar la TB: tú también puedes; WHO Global Tuberculosis Control Report 2008.
  • ISSUE 07. March 10, 2008: NEWS: Protegiendo la Salud frente al Cambio Climático; SRMM Quito, Ecuador. La paz, la defensa de la vida y la salud son prioritarias para el desarrollo de los pueblos de las Américas; Entrevista: La democratización de la salud. HIGHLIGTHS: International Women's Day 2008. Gender Equality: Let's Get Real / Igualdad de Género: Del dicho al hecho; Directora de la OPS declara la inequidad de género en las Américas y el mundo como un hecho completamente inadmisible.
  • ISSUE 06. March 03, 2008: NEWS: SRMM Área Andina y Cono Sur; Puerto Rico - Official Visit; Directora de OPS en visita oficial a Puerto Rico fortaleciendo relaciones de cooperación en salud entre el Organismo internacional y las autoridades nacionales; Inaugura la Dra. Roses dos Centros Colaboradores de la OMS en Puerto Rico; SRMM Centroamérica, México, Cuba, Haití, República Dominicana y Oficina de la Frontera Estados Unidos/México; OPS: la malaria se puede erradicar. HIGHLIGTHS: Director Article: An ACHIEVABLE DREAM: Eliminating some Diseases from the Region; WHO welcomes new funding for neglected tropical diseases.
  • ISSUE 05. February 21, 2008: NEWS: Caribbean SRMM. OMS/OPS : " nous sommes engagés à soutenir Haïti "; SRMM Centroamérica, México, Cuba, Haití, República Dominicana y Oficina de la Frontera Estados Unidos/México; Directora de OPS propone fortalecimiento de Atención Primaria en Salud; 22,000 muertes maternas evitables se registran en América Latina; OPS pide "acelerar" medidas para evitar propagación gripe aviar; En visita a la OPS, Primera Dama de Honduras urge combatir la vulnerabilidad de la mujer frente al VIH/Sida. HIGHLIGTHS: OPS llama a los países a incrementar la vigilancia frente a fiebre amarilla; WHO Report on the Global Tobacco Epidemic, 2008 - The MPOWER package.
  • ISSUE 04. February 11, 2008: NEWS: Construyendo la Comunidad Iberoamericana en Salud: Organización Panamericana de la Salud (OPS) y Secretaría General Iberoamericana (SEGIB) firman Convenio Marco de Cooperación; WHO Health Research Strategy: PAHO Director, Dr. Mirta Roses: "In the Americas there is an increased awareness of the importance of research". HIGHLIGTHS: World Cancer Day 2008. Children deserve to breathe smoke-free; PAHO and the Reformulation of Mental Health in the Americas; VHL. New Collaborative Virtual Space To Enhance Scientific Papers and Proposals.
  • ISSUE 03. February 01, 2008: NEWS: Dr. Mirta Roses sworn in for 2nd term at PAHO; Dra. Mirta Roses Periago inicia segundo mandato al frente de la OPS; Dr. Mirta Roses Inaugural Address as Director of the Pan American Health Organization; Discurso de toma de posesión de la Dra. Mirta Roses Periago como Directora de la Organización Panamericana de la Salud. HIGHLIGTHS: 27th Pan American Sanitary Conference. Director Sworn Ceremony; Dr. Cristina Beato said today during a keynote speech to the National Latino/Hispanic AIDS Leadership Summit gathered in Washington, D.C.
  • ISSUE 02. January 24, 2008: NEWS: WHO Executive Board reappoints Dr Mirta Roses as Regional Director for the Americas; Consejo Ejecutivo de la OMS confirma a la Dra. Mirta Roses Periago para segundo mandato al frente de la Oficina Regional para las Américas; Acceptance Speech ;Discurso de Aceptación. HIGHLIGTHS: 122nd WHO Executive Board session.
  • ISSUE 01. January 18, 2008: NEWS: Appointment of the Regional Director for the Americas; La OPS y el Gobierno argentino acuerdan asistir a países de América Latina, Caribe y África; La OPS y Ministra de Salud de Argentina acuerdan trabajar juntos para disminuir las Inequidades que existen en el Sistema Sanitario; New International Health Regulations Now in Force; OPS anuncia nueva edición al español del libro 'Cómo escribir y publicar trabajos científicos'. HIGHLIGTHS: 122nd WHO Executive Board session: climate change and health; pandemic influenza; polio eradication; International Health Regulations; noncommunicable diseases; global immunization strategy; and international migration of health personnel.