Birds Korea
Birds Korea
1. Organisation Name
Birds Korea (English Name)/ 새와 생명의 터 (Korean Name)
2. Brief Introduction of the (Potential) Partner
Birds Korea was founded in late 2004, with our office in Busan. We are dedicated to the conservation of birds and their habitats in Korea and the wider Yellow Sea Eco-region. Our main focus remains on working for the conservation of internationally important wetlands and globally threatened species, as defined by e.g. the Ramsar Convention, the IUCN and Birdlife International. To date (September 2007), we have approximately 300 domestic (fee-paying) and 450 international (free) members, and regularly-updated websites in both Korean ( and English ( Our domestic and international membership structure and our websites reflect our decision-making structure and work ethic – as we are committed to working simultaneously and openly at the local, national and international levels.
Our work, typically conducted in partnership with other independent specialists and groups, includes research (especially on shorebirds and other Yellow Sea-dependent bird taxa), information provision, education and awareness-raising activities, as well as advocacy (most especially for internationally important wetlands in South Korea and to a lesser extent for wetlands in other parts of the Yellow Sea), both within Korea and internationally. Work in 2007, for example, has included:
a) Conducting intensive shorebird counts for Year Two of the three-year Saemangeum Shorebird Monitoring Program (April-May), conducted in partnership with the Australasian Wader Studies Group (a specialist interest group of Birds Australia, the Australian partner to Birdlife International);
b) Creating/assisting shorebird photograph exhibitions in Iksan (Wonkwang University) in May, and Mokpo Natural History Museum (September 12th-October 16th), and as intended, in Seoul in November;
c) Leading two English-language Environment Education Camps on behalf of the Ministry of Environment Nakdong River Office UNDP-GEF wetlands project (at Upo Ramsar site in February, and Joonam Reservoir in July);
d) Feeding data and images from South Korea to a number of publications and ongoing initiatives, and responding to specific inquiries from international conservation organsations (including e.g. assisting books under development on shorebirds of the Yellow Sea; answering inquiries about data in the Asian Waterbird Census, as requested by Wetlands International; contributing significantly to the Special Single Species Action Plan for the Spoon-billed Sandpiper, and providing information on osculans Oystercatcher to the International Wader Studies Group meeting in late September, 2007; regularly forwarding data on leg-flag sightings from Korea to the international sorting agency, the Australasian Wader Studies Group);
e) Supporting and conducting advocacy work for several especially threatened South Korean Yellow Sea coastal wetlands e.g. Song Do (Incheon), Geum Estuary-Saemangeum-Gomso Bay, Mokpo, Jeju (Seongsan Po area) and the Nakdong Estuary (Busan).
Media coverage of our work, and more importantly, media coverage of the urgent need for better conservation of Yellow Sea wetlands and birds (most especially migratory shorebirds) has been reasonably extensive, with coverage in 2007 by several domestic media (including local newspapers and TV, and national TV, radio and newspapers) and international media (including e.g. several newspapers in the UK in May, and a leading popular magazine in Australia in August).
3. Roles and Activities as a Member of the Yellow Sea Partnership
Where opportunities for meaningful and genuine cooperation exist, Birds Korea would aim to:
a) promote the activities of other trusted partners and the partnership in general through our websites and published materials;
b) join with other specialist groups or individuals in conducting surveys and disseminating information (through seminars and other meetings);
c) assist, wherever possible, in mutual capacity-building .
4. Contact Information
Birds Korea
1009 Ho, 3 Dong
Samick Tower Apartment,
148-22, Namcheon Dong, Su Young Gu
Busan, 618-762
Republic of Korea
Fax: 82-51 627 3164
Off. Tel: 82-51 627 3163