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UNDP/GEF Wetland Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Use in China Project

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UNDP/GEF Wetland Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Use in China Project

About the partner:

1.      Organisation/Project Name

UNDP/GEF Wetland Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Use in China Project

2.      Brief Introduction of the Partner

The objective of the UNDP/GEF Wetland Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Use Project in China (Wetland Project): To establish wetland biodiversity conservation as a routine consideration in national, provincial and local government decision making and action.

To achieve this objective, four outcomes have been designed:

A         Wetland biodiversity conservation is a routine consideration in government decision making and action at national level;

B          Government agencies in Heilongjiang province routinely consider wetland biodiversity conservation in decision making and action;

C         Government agencies at local levels take into account wetland biodiversity conservation in decision making and action at four wetland sites; and

D         Improved processes of monitoring and evaluation, and collection, analysis, use and sharing of information, knowledge and experience in wetland biodiversity conservation.

The project is one of the interventions of UNDP China in the field of energy and environment. It is implemented by State Forestry Administration of China in collaboration with other partners including UNOPS, Heilongjiang Province, Jiangsu Province, Hunan Province, Sichuan Province and Gansu Province.

3.      Roles and Activities as a Member of the Yellow Sea Partnership

Wetland Project will contribute to Yellow Sea Partnership through its demonstration site in Yancheng coastal marshes of Juangsu Province located on the west coast of the Yellow Sea.  The project in Yancheng will emphasize improved public knowledge of wetland functions and value.

The focus of the current education messages at two nature reserves in Yancheng will be adjusted outwards to the wider ecosystem, including coastal ecology and its links with livelihoods, through demonstration of new approaches to communicating environmental messages, with the involvement of the public.

New displays will be designed that better interpret the local coastal ecosystems, clearly showing the ecological processes and linkages in these ecosystems – and especially the functions and values of coastal wetlands for local people, the high hunting pressure on wild bird populations, and the conflicts between mud flat enclosure and aquaculture with conservation. Wildlife ‘comminities’ found within the coastal marshes and mudflats will be explored (not just rare species), and species of global conservation importance such as the Red-crowned Crane and Saunders’ Gull will also be highlighted. Factors such as the influence of the introduction of alien species, the damming of rivers upstream and the enclosure of mudflats with sea walls will also be clearly interpreted. An overall view of the dynamics of the Yellow Sea inter-tidal mudflat ecosystem and its modification by man’s activities will be covered. The role of human livelihoods in providing components of wildlife habitat will also be demonstrated: salt farms, some types of aquaculture ponds and some arable land all provide feeding areas for shore birds and water birds.

Managers of large commercial enterprises and infrastructure projects as well as local farmers, fishermen and land workers will be included in outreach and collaborative activities. Local government will play an important role in coordinating involvement of these sectors and implementation of resulting outreach awareness programmes.  The State Ocean Administration’s programmes concerning coastal zone survey and assessment and integrated management will be included in the planning of this output.

On the job training in environmental education and interpretation techniques will be carried out in part by the United Nations Volunteers, and also through a subcontract for design and implementation of the new programmes. There will be opportunities for formal training too, including possibly a study tour to examine interpretation facilities elsewhere in the region.

4.      Contact Information

Guo Yinfeng

Programme Manager

Energy and Environment Team

United Nations Development Programme

2 Liangmahe Nanlu

Beijing 100600, P.R. China

Tel: (86-10) 6532 3731 ext. 5231

Fax: (86-10) 6532 2567



Yuan Jun

National Project Coordinator

GEF Wetland Project Office

State Forestry Administration

12 Hepingli Dongjie, Beijing 100013, China

Room 127, Zhonglin Business Building

Tel: (86-10)64298189

Fax: (86-10) 64298057



Xu Huiqiang

Jiangsu Provincial Project Coordinator

Jiangsu Provincial Forestry Bureau

Jiangsu Agriculture & Forestry Building

Caochangmenwai Street, Longjiang District, Nanjing 210013, China

Tel: (86-25)86221300

Fax: (86-10)86227805


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